A proper full answer rather than the whataboutisms that are usually thrown back by both the Dems and Reps and everyone else.
Like I said earlier in the thread, "We're doomed", so we agree on everywhere being up the shit creek.
Interestingly I was going into my building the other day and a young lady couldn't get in. I said I'll let her in, to which she said "thank you and do you want a flyer (political)". I said no, "I'm a foreigner and can't vote". The conversation led to the inevitable "Where are you from?" etc. When I told her she then followed me up to the top floor. She told me, "I want to move to the US" to which I replied "Why?" She said she wants a good pension. I told her that I want to leave back to the UK. I then said, "And, of course, I don't want my kids growing up under Putin". She tried to high-five me, but I said let's high elbows instead due to the virus. She said, "Democracy! The US has democracy". I answered, "Haven't you been watching the TV and seeing what's going in the US?", to which she answered "I don't watch TV". I answered, "Well, real democracy does not exist anywhere". Try to fathom what I'm saying here
We are seeing the fall of the Western world, and we are to blame for it. Somewhere earlier someone said something along the lines of "this is what you get when you have too much freedom". And I agree, for our societies to work properly we now have too much freedom (and believe me, I love freedom. Oh boy, do I love it). Everything is becoming a free for all, and the likes of China (and to a lesser degree Russia) will continue to rise (unless a virus hits or a world war starts and wipes out the populations). Anarchy, which is quickly becoming the norm, will destroy us. Fuck, and I love a bit of "Anarchy in the UK"

There is livable freedom and a free for all, and I know which I would prefer.
For your country to survive structurally
as it is, it needs Trump out, as he is too divisive, which is making civil war more and more likely, but then you are left with a man that may well fall asleep or die on the job. As i said before, splitting maybe the ultimate solution, which Trump could bring about, but then the US loses its place in the World.
You are in a no win situation. China and Russia, although concerned, are lapping it all up.