2020 US Presidential Election

What phase is the drug in? Because I honestly don't mind. It could start a broader discussion about how ridiculous the FDA approval process is.
From their clinical trials page, it looks like they are doing a combined phase 1/2/3 (never seen this before):


I'm all for people being allowed to try drugs before release with *informed* consent. I worry about people being uninformed because a president found a drug safe for him and declares it "totally safe."

Regeneron's PR team I suspect are going to have a field day with that one.

Anyway, the drug has already had a serious adverse event per this (though placebo did as well):


The relevant quote:

"serious adverse events" occurred in two placebo patients and one on the drug. No one died."

The trial is still ongoing and blinded (though when serious adverse effects are reported those cases require unblinding). There are rumors locally (since it is being tested near me), that it works well. That's just anecdotes, however. But I do worry about accurate reporting of side effects since Trump has politicized even the FDA. If you recall experts were muzzled on correcting a hurricane path during "sharpiegate", I can imagine the same here, unfortunately (previously in my wildest dreams I couldn't picture this).

For reference, these reactions are what is considered serious to the FDA:

Who is the "we" in Trump saying "we came up with this" in this video?

Is he trying to take credit for thinking of Regeneron's treatment or is he trying to say "American pharma" here?

Screenshot 2020-10-09 at 5.42.59.png

Either way, he completely evaded the question about a negative test.
Pence came across as the gentleman in yesterday's debate; he's calm, respectful, and never smirked, etc. Kamala's mannerisms were disgraceful, she might as well physically thumbed her nose at him and stuck out her tongue while he was talking.

Pence also rarely interrupted, but he did continue talking to finish his point.

Independents, who don't really have partisan political views, care more about style than substance.

I agree she smirked a few times but if these kinds of mannerisms are a disgrace in your opinion, is it because she is a woman?

I ask because Trump does it quite a bit more than Kamala does and no one seems to call him out on it.
I agree she smirked a few times but if these kinds of mannerisms are a disgrace in your opinion, is it because she is a woman?

I ask because Trump does it quite a bit more than Kamala does and no one seems to call him out on it.
She is a disgrace not for her appearance or actions on this debate, but for other reasons. The NYT has an article that is worth reading, about this hypocritical woman.

I agree she smirked a few times but if these kinds of mannerisms are a disgrace in your opinion, is it because she is a woman?

I ask because Trump does it quite a bit more than Kamala does and no one seems to call him out on it.
No, it is not because she is a woman. Both Harris and Biden are guilty of smiling widely, smirking, and making faces during debates while the opponent is speaking/trying to make a point. I have not seen Pence do this, and I have not seen Trump smile or smirk either. Trump mostly keeps a blank face, but I admit I have seen him make faces. With Harris and Biden, it seems it is their natural state to smile widely (showing all their teeth), smirk, and make faces when they are not speaking. Hillary kept a straight/blank face and was much more effective.
I don't know what PUA means.
It means "pick up artist." This was a trend among certain super thirsty but unlucky with women guys a decade or two ago (it still could be). My friend's brother was one of these dudes and bought books on the "techniques".

Anyway, I heard him say the whore/lady quote a few times (and also "treat a slutty girl like she's smart and a smart girl like she's slutty") and it was the only other time I heard it.
I agree she smirked a few times but if these kinds of mannerisms are a disgrace in your opinion, is it because she is a woman?

I ask because Trump does it quite a bit more than Kamala does and no one seems to call him out on it.
People call Trump out all the time for his behaviour.

Don't bring sexism into this, that's absolute nonsense.
This is an excellent podcast discussion on Trump, Regeneron and antibody drugs for COVID-19:

Listen: 'They gave me Regeneron': How Trump's case of Covid-19 affects biotech, medicine, and the FDA

Stat News is a very reputable biotech news source for anyone not familiar and are not affiliated with any political party.

Some interesting points both good and bad for Trump:

-- the Regeneron and Eli Lily FDA meetings Trump is taking credit for are independent of Trump and would have happened anyway.

-- the pivot to Regeneron is premature (and definitely political one commenter pointed out) as it they have only manufactured about 50,000 doses at this point and can't deliver it in mass as promised for a few months at minimum. It is also reserved for hospitalized patients only.

-- the drug is not a cure all because it only kills virus outside the cell but Eli Lilly released preliminary findings a few days ago on their antibody drug apparently that showed it reduces extended hospitalization by 2/3. Based on extremely limit Regeneron data from a small patient set (not part of the large ongoing trial) apparently their drug looks promising too. Everyone stressed though that it's too early to make any guarantees as no one has data on large patient sets yet.

-- public interest in these drugs from his video will ultimately speed up trial enrollment because people will be more likely volunteer for the drugs now. In this sense, his video probably sped the process up significantly and could have positive effects.

-- one commenter said it was unfair to speculate that Trump being out of breath on the balcony was due to the virus when he's also an elderly man that doesn't exercise and just went up a flight of stairs. He used this as an example that personal medical speculation without making it clear is just speculation is probably not fair even if we didn't get all the information the public wanted from the medical briefings.
Canada has been utterly destroyed by the current government but it was falling even before that. The COVID-19 hoax resulted in an even worse healthcare system. Numerous urgent care appointments were postponed because hospitals wouldn't take patients. This resulted in continuous suffering and even deaths.

Free medical coverage is limited and doctors are just as bad as in the US but at least there, you have more choice and options. Many affluent Canadians who don't want to wait, would fly to the USA or other countries to get medical care. COVID-19 travel restrictions probably made that more complicated or eliminated those options.
I have several friends that moved to Canada and never came back. It does not look like a bad place to live.
This is pure fantasy.
So, in your opinion, that a president is held accountable for what happens under his ruling is "pure fantasy".

So if this Trump guy is not responsible for anything that happens in the US, he could just as well be working at McDonald's... instead of being president.
The Left/Democrats sure love to spy. All the FAANG companies are leftist companies. Netflix recently signed a big contract with Obama; their shows all show a leftist slant. Many conservatives have canceled their Netflix memberships, especially with their recent pedo "Cuties" movie. Google and Facebook are very well known for their censorship efforts of conservative views. Amazon owns the Washington Post, which spews MSM lies. Apple, like all the other FAANG companies, is staffed with leftists.
Hi Lilah,
what does FAANG stand for?
I do agree with you that everyone has an agenda.
No kidding. I object to some of the creationism in the curriculum in the bible-belt. So we're even.
Are they all saying that Trump was right all this time? :eek:
Trump and "right" should not exist in the same sentence. His lax mindset regarding masks and distancing has resulted in Trump becoming our super-spreader-in-chief. I really don't get how anyone could still be beating this dead horse unless they are mindless drone.
Kamala Harris the woman of truth and integrity, who last night in the debate said fracking wouldn't be banned
And so she should. Only in the US where climate denial runs so high and the American way of life is "non negotiable" would the democrats need to shield their concern for the environment as if it's a bad thing.

Meanwhile, some of the deepest red states are on the front lines of climate change, like facing the brunt of more frequent and stronger hurricanes. You know, so frequent that they have to resort to using Greek letters. But no, we continue to be endlessly frozen because of an inability and unwillingness to acknowledge to the inconvenient truth of man-made climate change.

Look folks, with the incident over in Michigan we are seeing political polarization in this country make the leap beyond angry rhetoric into domestic terrorism, or more appropriately, attempted armed uprisings or revolutions.

Be careful how zealous you are in defending your position because beyond a certain point you are endorsing the country slipping into the second civil war, literally, not figuratively.

This is likely to reach a crescendo once Trump attempts to steal the election via the Supreme Court.

I am already having an extremely difficult time having a calm point-based argument with Trump nuts and once it gets to the point where they are approving or encouraging an armed revolt, I'm f*cking done with all of you. There is a democratic process available but if you don't have the votes you have to suck it up like an adult. The right got to snicker over that woman in the green coat last time. They got to mock all the pussyhat not-my-president rallies. Well, the left is poised to drink your tears. That's how it goes.

Unfortunately this call for civility isn't going to be heeded and I predict blood on the streets.

After all, war is negotiation by other means.

It's just sad that America has come to this, but frankly, I don't want to tolerate the extreme right anymore and would be happier if we split the country up into red and blue states and be done with it. Then they can anoint Trump king and swirl into the backwards 3rd world banana republic the way they want.
Hi Lilah,
what does FAANG stand for?
FAANG was mentioned earlier in this thread by @Juan, on how these companies are spying on the Europeans and that these companies should be punished. It is an acronym for the five tech companies Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Alphabet (the G refers to Alphabet's core company Google). These companies are all leftist companies, as I mentioned above. If the Europeans want to bring down Zuckerberg, Bezos, these other companies, all the better.
No kidding. I object to some of the creationism in the curriculum in the bible-belt. So we're even.

Trump and "right" should not exist in the same sentence. His lax mindset regarding masks and distancing has resulted in Trump becoming our super-spreader-in-chief. I really don't get how anyone could still be beating this dead horse unless they are mindless drone.

And so she should. Only in the US where climate denial runs so high and the American way of life is "non negotiable" would the democrats need to shield their concern for the environment as if it's a bad thing.

Meanwhile, some of the deepest red states are on the front lines of climate change, like facing the brunt of more frequent and stronger hurricanes. You know, so frequent that they have to resort to using Greek letters. But no, we continue to be endlessly frozen because of an inability and unwillingness to acknowledge to the inconvenient truth of man-made climate change.

Look folks, with the incident over in Michigan we are seeing political polarization in this country make the leap beyond angry rhetoric into domestic terrorism, or more appropriately, attempted armed uprisings or revolutions.

Be careful how zealous you are in defending your position because beyond a certain point you are endorsing the country slipping into the second civil war, literally, not figuratively.

This is likely to reach a crescendo once Trump attempts to steal the election via the Supreme Court.

I am already having an extremely difficult time having a calm point-based argument with Trump nuts and once it gets to the point where they are approving or encouraging an armed revolt, I'm f*cking done with all of you. There is a democratic process available but if you don't have the votes you have to suck it up like an adult. The right got to snicker over that woman in the green coat last time. They got to mock all the pussyhat not-my-president rallies. Well, the left is poised to drink your tears. That's how it goes.

Unfortunately this call for civility isn't going to be heeded and I predict blood on the streets.

After all, war is negotiation by other means.

It's just sad that America has come to this, but frankly, I don't want to tolerate the extreme right anymore and would be happier if we split the country up into red and blue states and be done with it. Then they can anoint Trump king and swirl into the backwards 3rd world banana republic the way they want.

The extreme left is just as bad. It's laughable listening to those on the left who say it isn't. I live in a country that followed Marxist Leninist thought, and I've seen what it's done to the people and the country. No thanks.

I have said numerous times that the US should just get on and split already. You people are not going to see eye to eye. My saying that there could be a civil war wasn't figurative, I meant it. I don't need to be careful about anything, it is what I believe.

My point about fracking is in relation to Harris' insincerity, not about fracking itself. Whilst people in the West are getting all worked up about climate change, places like Russia and China couldn't give two hoots, so even if the US becomes the cleanest country in the world it probably won't make a massive dint in helping the environment.
No kidding. I object to some of the creationism in the curriculum in the bible-belt. So we're even.

Trump and "right" should not exist in the same sentence. His lax mindset regarding masks and distancing has resulted in Trump becoming our super-spreader-in-chief. I really don't get how anyone could still be beating this dead horse unless they are mindless drone.

And so she should. Only in the US where climate denial runs so high and the American way of life is "non negotiable" would the democrats need to shield their concern for the environment as if it's a bad thing.

Meanwhile, some of the deepest red states are on the front lines of climate change, like facing the brunt of more frequent and stronger hurricanes. You know, so frequent that they have to resort to using Greek letters. But no, we continue to be endlessly frozen because of an inability and unwillingness to acknowledge to the inconvenient truth of man-made climate change.

Look folks, with the incident over in Michigan we are seeing political polarization in this country make the leap beyond angry rhetoric into domestic terrorism, or more appropriately, attempted armed uprisings or revolutions.

Be careful how zealous you are in defending your position because beyond a certain point you are endorsing the country slipping into the second civil war, literally, not figuratively.

This is likely to reach a crescendo once Trump attempts to steal the election via the Supreme Court.

I am already having an extremely difficult time having a calm point-based argument with Trump nuts and once it gets to the point where they are approving or encouraging an armed revolt, I'm f*cking done with all of you. There is a democratic process available but if you don't have the votes you have to suck it up like an adult. The right got to snicker over that woman in the green coat last time. They got to mock all the pussyhat not-my-president rallies. Well, the left is poised to drink your tears. That's how it goes.

Unfortunately this call for civility isn't going to be heeded and I predict blood on the streets.

After all, war is negotiation by other means.

It's just sad that America has come to this, but frankly, I don't want to tolerate the extreme right anymore and would be happier if we split the country up into red and blue states and be done with it. Then they can anoint Trump king and swirl into the backwards 3rd world banana republic the way they want.
If this guy is allowed to call people nuts, I should be allowed to call him a nut.
I really don't get how anyone could still be beating this dead horse unless they are
I got cutoff there. I meant to end that with "mindless drone".

Here's the thing. There is a psychology behind getting whipped up into a frenzy leading into violence/war. It happened right after 911, for instance, a sort of blood-lust. That's what's happening in this country but it's right vs.left, red vs. blue. It started before Trump but he's the one really pushing us over the edge, encouraged by the right-wing media. Meanwhile I don't think the left does itself any favors by pussyfooting around the BLM riots. Once things get this far gone it's all but impossible to step away from the precipice. Blood lust demands blood.

But what I'd like to do is some of you who are sort of running on mental auto-pilot with these knee-jerk wagon-circling around Trump to really ask yourselves what the end-game is and whether you really think it's in the best interests of anything resembling a republic to go there, because you don't want to look back at the aftermath and wonder what the hell you were thinking.
I have said numerous times that the US should just get on and split already. You people are not going to see eye to eye. My saying that there could be a civil war wasn't figurative, I meant it. I don't need to be careful about anything, it is what I believe.
So you're just validating my thesis, thanks. I'll see you on the battlefield, I guess. Wear earplugs.
My point about fracking is in relation to Harris' insincerity, not about fracking itself. Whilst people in the West are getting all worked up about climate change, places like Russia and China couldn't give two hoots, so even if the US becomes the cleanest country in the world it probably won't make a massive dint in helping the environment.
Be honest. Even if the rest of the world did the right thing they'd have to pry your truck out of your cold dead hands.
After watching pieces of the VP debate, it occurred to me that I don't understand the value in Trump, separate from the party. All he does is spark division, rub privilege in everyone's face, increase corruption, instill distrust in our institutions, etc. The few times where he is "successful," it's almost always either a coincidence (even a blind squirrel finds a nut), mostly a continuation of previous policy, or because someone smart from his party figured out a plan. His thought process is non-scientific, ignorant, and lazy. I rarely see moments where I say that something positive happened and it was only because of Trump. It's almost always in spite of Trump. I'm not a conservative, but Trump does, in fact, govern like a cookie-cutter conservative. That tells me that all of the brains behind his operation are other people, while he just incites anger like a petulant 5-year old.

I can't believe I'm saying this, as I think Mike Pence is awful for the country (particularly his anti-LGBT and other anti-science platforms). But the country would be better with him as president over Trump. The dude simply does not get off on dividing America in the same way.

It amazes me that conservatives never stood up to Trump emphatically. There's not a lot of positive value that he brings to anything.
After watching pieces of the VP debate, it occurred to me that I don't understand the value in Trump
Outsiders could say the same thing about any dictator. The people channel all their frustration into a leader who then takes it out on scapegoats. Meanwhile, the overall welfare of the public stagnates or worsens. Hate has a way of helping you forget your troubles.
It amazes me that conservatives never stood up to Trump emphatically. There's not a lot of positive value that he brings to anything.
You're forgetting how hard the GOP establishment tried to prevent him from winning the nomination. Trump was spinning conspiracy theories about the republican primaries back then just like he is now with his reelection. Those theories conveniently dissipated when he won.

The reason the right support Trump isn't so much because of Trump's merits but because of the voterbase. They are interested in maintaining their office first, and ideological integrity second. Not that Trump doesn't align on some issues (like being anti-science and anti-environment). His isolationism and weakness against Russia and NK is a thorny issue, though. There's also a clear divide on free-market vs. trade-wars.

But seriously, the GOP should have been a firewall against a Hitleresque figure like Trump coming to power. The blame primarily rests with them, and secondarily the knuckle-dragging general public who are being led purely through their brain-stem emotion.
After watching pieces of the VP debate, it occurred to me that I don't understand the value in Trump, separate from the party. All he does is spark division, rub privilege in everyone's face, increase corruption, instill distrust in our institutions, etc. The few times where he is "successful," it's almost always either a coincidence (even a blind squirrel finds a nut), mostly a continuation of previous policy, or because someone smart from his party figured out a plan. His thought process is non-scientific, ignorant, and lazy. I rarely see moments where I say that something positive happened and it was only because of Trump. It's almost always in spite of Trump. I'm not a conservative, but Trump does, in fact, govern like a cookie-cutter conservative. That tells me that all of the brains behind his operation are other people, while he just incites anger like a petulant 5-year old.

I can't believe I'm saying this, as I think Mike Pence is awful for the country (particularly his anti-LGBT and other anti-science platforms). But the country would be better with him as president over Trump. The dude simply does not get off on dividing America in the same way.

It amazes me that conservatives never stood up to Trump emphatically. There's not a lot of positive value that he brings to anything.
Trump is a big picture type of person; he doesn't always have to know the minute details of everything as he has many qualified people working under him. Pence probably knows more COVID-19 details than Trump, as I believe he was in charge of the task force. In the end, it really doesn't matter who knows more, Trump or his subordinates, as long as they are producing results.

Conservatives love Trump because Trump loves America and he pushes conservative policy. It is not that complicated. Although I find Trump quite likeable and humorous, we don't have to agree/love every aspect of his personal life or personality, or marry him.
After watching pieces of the VP debate, it occurred to me that I don't understand the value in Trump, separate from the party. All he does is spark division, rub privilege in everyone's face, increase corruption, instill distrust in our institutions, etc. The few times where he is "successful," it's almost always either a coincidence (even a blind squirrel finds a nut), mostly a continuation of previous policy, or because someone smart from his party figured out a plan. His thought process is non-scientific, ignorant, and lazy. I rarely see moments where I say that something positive happened and it was only because of Trump. It's almost always in spite of Trump. I'm not a conservative, but Trump does, in fact, govern like a cookie-cutter conservative. That tells me that all of the brains behind his operation are other people, while he just incites anger like a petulant 5-year old.

I can't believe I'm saying this, as I think Mike Pence is awful for the country (particularly his anti-LGBT and other anti-science platforms). But the country would be better with him as president over Trump. The dude simply does not get off on dividing America in the same way.

It amazes me that conservatives never stood up to Trump emphatically. There's not a lot of positive value that he brings to anything.
Yeah, I think Pence would be better, but hardly ideal.
Maybe you are right. It's probably just political.

No conservative says anything about Kayleigh McEnany and her smugness or smirking.
I've never really noticed that about her. It must be tough job doing what she does, she must be pretty thick skinned.

I just find Harris distasteful somehow. I hope Biden doesn't drop dead before the end of his term if he gets in.

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