Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19) and Tinnitus

I think getting people to work from home and to avoid public places and stopping all nonessential travel might still go a long way to reduce the number of people who get it
I'm pretty sure as we speak most nations are trying to make a compromise between safety measures and not collapsing their economy which could bring on a lot of collateral damage.
I'm pretty sure as we speak most nations are trying to make a compromise between safety measures and not collapsing their economy which could bring on a lot of collateral damage.
But the economic decisions being made seem very short term imo.
There's a chance my wife and daughter may have it. My wife has been ill since Thursday and on Saturday it became so bad that she was struggling to breathe and had to seek medical attention for both herself and our baby's health.

The heart trace for our baby over 10 minutes wasn't quite right so they immediately scheduled her for a 60-minute trace. That was also abnormal. After a consultant reviewed it they said it appeared to be more of a background noise problem possibly from my wife coughing, etc. After this they let her go.

Today our daughter has a fever and our local paper has reported the first confirmed case of covid 19 in our city. My wife was in the same hospital as the person who was found to have it, and it more than likely would have been on the same day.

We won't know if it is or not, but my wife wasn't tested for it. She is a school teacher which is a job that has possibly the greatest potential for infection, especially as it's a very affluent private school and the families who attend are always going abroad for both business and pleasure. My wife was recently at a parents evening as well, and this included a member of staff who had recently gone skiing in Italy.

I have no concern whatsoever about me or my daughter, but there is no data about how it affects unborn children. My wife seems to be over the worst of it now, but it quite literally could be any bug or virus that's out there.

I still have no idea why people are emptying supermarket shelves and running around like headless chickens. People have lost their minds.
There's a chance my wife and daughter may have it. My wife has been ill since Thursday and on Saturday it became so bad that she was struggling to breathe and had to seek medical attention for both herself and our baby's health.

The heart trace for our baby over 10 minutes wasn't quite right so they immediately scheduled her for a 60-minute trace. That was also abnormal. After a consultant reviewed it they said it appeared to be more of a background noise problem possibly from my wife coughing, etc. After this they let her go.

Today our daughter has a fever and our local paper has reported the first confirmed case of covid 19 in our city. My wife was in the same hospital as the person who was found to have it, and it more than likely would have been on the same day.

We won't know if it is or not, but my wife wasn't tested for it. She is a school teacher which is a job that has possibly the greatest potential for infection, especially as it's a very affluent private school and the families who attend are always going abroad for both business and pleasure. My wife was recently at a parents evening as well, and this included a member of staff who had recently gone skiing in Italy.

I have no concern whatsoever about me or my daughter, but there is no data about how it affects unborn children. My wife seems to be over the worst of it now, but it quite literally could be any bug or virus that's out there.

I still have no idea why people are emptying supermarket shelves and running around like headless chickens. People have lost their minds.
I am sorry to hear this Ed, and I hope both the baby and your wife make a speedy recovery!
Though I haven't researched it extensively myself, I think a plausible reason for many of the unknown factors surrounding the coronavirus could be attributed to the possible variable of 5G radiation. I recently ran across an interesting article which elucidates on this potential connection. Link and abbreviated introduction in snippet below:

5G Wireless Coronavirus Connection Exposed

Is there a connection between the reported outbreak of COVID-19 Coronavirus in Wuhan and the fact that Wuhan was a model city for demonstrating 5G wireless technology in China?

Is it just a coincidence that the crippling health effects known about 5G wireless technology were in effect in a full scale deployment in Wuhan starting October 31, 2019?

In getting to the meat of this hypothesis it's important to start with what we know that 5G wireless can do to your immune system...
Just to mention, I've read there's scientific proof EMFs cause Lyme bacteria to proliferate (up to hundreds of times faster than normal). So it wouldn't surprise me that various kinds of EMFs/radiation could do the same with the coronavirus.
Just saw this on Facebook and I thought I've gotta post it here :LOL:

my wife wasn't tested for it
This, despite her having a classic symptom of this new virus:
My wife ... was struggling to breathe
It really looks like the authorities are actively trying to keep the number of reported cases low by refusing to test people.

I hope everyone in your family gets well soon.
I still have no idea why people are emptying supermarket shelves
The idea is to have enough supplies at home to be able to stay at home for a month without needing to go out to get groceries. This self isolation allows one to reduce the chance that one gets infected or that one infects the others.
This, despite her having classic symptom of this new virus:

It really looks like the authorities are actively trying to keep the number of reported cases low by refusing to test people.
I hope everyone in your family gets well soon.

The idea is to have enough supplies at home to be able to stay at home for a month without needing to go out to get groceries. This self isolation allows one to reduce the chance that one gets infected or that one infects the others.

You'd think there's a zombie apocalypse with how people are behaving in my city. Ironically, the ones who need to buy things the most are also the least likely to get what they need, namely, the elderly. I've lost count of the posts I've seen of elderly people who have had to go from shop to shop just to get their essentials. Many people in this demographic struggle to get out and can often only go once a week on the bus, which makes shop hopping extremely difficult. A lot are coming back missing many of their essentials because everything is sold out.
You'd think there's a zombie apocalypse with how people are behaving in my city. Ironically, the ones who need to buy things the most are also the least likely to get what they need, namely, the elderly. I've lost count of the posts I've seen of elderly people who have had to go from shop to shop just to get their essentials. Many people in this demographic struggle to get out and can often only go once a week on the bus, which makes shop hopping extremely difficult. A lot are coming back missing many of their essentials because everything is sold out.

I hope you and your wife have siblings who can take care of your parents (as you probably shouldn't be in contact with them for a while).
Cite your sources, epidemiologists don't agree with you
Yes they do.
My sources are in French but just look at @GregCA's sources, they give the exact same data.
Till the age of 40, the mortality rate is 0.2%.
And peak or not means nothing, we already have enough data to calculate the death rate with very little margin of error.
Actually it might even be overkill because there are people infected that are just getting cured without going in the stats or infected.
True, and our planet is also overpopulated. It might actually be a really good thing if half the population or so was eliminated. It's very unlikely to happen, modern medicine and healthcare has just gotten too advanced.
I totally disagree with that.
We are not overpopulated, we are just over consuming.
Yes they do.
My sources are in French but just look at @GregCA's sources, they give the exact same data.
Till the age of 40, the mortality rate is 0.2%.
And peak or not means nothing, we already have enough data to calculate the death rate with very little margin of error.
Actually it might even be overkill because there are people infected that are just getting cured without going in the stats or infected.
Here is the breakdown by age:

0.2% is one in 500 people under 40. That is *very* significantly higher than the flu and for older people or ill people the covid-19 death rate falls off a cliff.

And I was responding to the absolutely numbers in your post as being premature, not the rate.
Here is the breakdown by age:

0.2% is one in 500 people under 40. That is *very* significantly higher than the flu and for older people or ill people the covid-19 death rate falls off a cliff.

And I was responding to the absolutely numbers in your post as being premature, not the rate.
Sorry, I misunderstood.

Yes you are right, the absolute number of deaths right now means not much, but I believe with the vaccination coming this will plateau fast and will not be more common than the flu.

Like every virus this kills a lot of people at first, then people take precautions, get vaccinated, and everything is fine.

I mean look at measles.
Sorry, I misunderstood.

Yes you are right, the absolute number of deaths right now means not much, but I believe with the vaccination coming this will plateau fast and will not be more common than the flu.

Like every virus this kills a lot of people at first, then people take precautions, get vaccinated, and everything is fine.

I mean look at measles.

And then the anti-vaxxers came along and allowed certain viruses to make a comeback.
Sorry, I misunderstood.

Yes you are right, the absolute number of deaths right now means not much, but I believe with the vaccination coming this will plateau fast and will not be more common than the flu.

Like every virus this kills a lot of people at first, then people take precautions, get vaccinated, and everything is fine.

I mean look at measles.
I hope they can churn a vaccine out quickly. It would indeed be the answer.
I'm really puzzled by the comparison to the flu. Do people think China normally shuts down entire cities for the flu? I get that they apparently "do things differently there" but c'mon. They aren't dumb nor are they the least bit prone to overreaction measures that would drastically reduce their productivity and national revenue for months unless they think it's serious.
For me, the word "AIDS" popped up in my mind... why's that? I don't know but certainly there must be a lot of things we don't know about coronavirus... and China wouldn't force millions of people to stay home, and passengers arriving in China to quarantine, for no reason.
And then the anti-vaxxers came along and allowed certain viruses to make a comeback.

There are many good reasons that many people are skeptical of the whole vaccination landscape. For one, consider the undue political and financial leverage at play in promoting the false notion that all vaccines are "safe and effective". Not the case.

As you may know, I've long dealt with the serious health condition known as "Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" (ME/CFS). Many people who believe in the "safety" of vaccinations would likely be shocked at how many with this condition had it caused by a vaccination(s).

HPV vaccinations are especially culpable for causing many (thousands to tends of thousands) of young women to end up being mostly homebound, with many being unable to get out of bed. At last count, I saw about 130 young women had died from it. -- The hepatitis C vaccine is also very culpable in causing the same. But most other vaccines can cause it as well, including the flu vaccination.

Many with ME/CFS have extreme sound sensitivity and/or tinnitus, reflecting the fact that brain damage has been involved in the onset of their disease. -- This is just a guess, but if you took a survey of those who have ME/CFS and tinnitus, and asked if they had a choice, which one would they rather be over, the vast majority of them would say ME/CFS. I know that's an anathema for those who believe tinnitus to be the worst curse ever foisted on humanity, but to have it in conjunction with ME/CFS is a whole different ballgame.

We've seen so many stories here on Tinnitus Talk that has a major theme of "if only I'd known". The same can be said for many stories on ME/CFS forums, and one of those notable "if only I'd known" themes is how many wished they would have been more careful about the vaccinations they had been given.
Why is everyone so freaked out about coronavirus?

It's just another virus...

Mortality rate before the age of 40 is 0,2% and the contagion is less than the commun flu.

Oh and the common flu kills 300k to 600k per year in the world, while this has killed... 3,5k so far?

People really need to chill. And the media needs to stop overselling it.
Hopefully you are right and the worst possible outcome won't happen. But for a better outcome to happen a sufficient number of people ought to panic and take all precautions...
This is it folks, this is it... the very best safe and natural (or unnatural) treatment currently available to treat the coronavirus, based on the current information I'm reviewing, and my years of researching and following the topic of IV Vitamin C for treating a host of viral and bacterial infections, many of which are considered lethal. -- Some of my other posts on this thread: -- Post #36 Post #83 Post #97

Shanghai Government Officially Recommends Vitamin C for COVID-19

by Andrew W. Saul, Editor-in-Chief

(OMNS Mar 3, 2020) The government of Shanghai, China has announced its official recommendation that COVID-19 should be treated with high amounts of intravenous vitamin C. (1) Dosage recommendations vary with severity of illness, from 50 to 200 milligrams per kilogram body weight per day to as much as 200 mg/kg/day.

These dosages are approximately 4,000 to 16,000 mg for an adult, administered by IV. This specific method of administration is important, says intravenous therapy expert Atsuo Yanagisawa, MD, PhD, because vitamin C's effect is at least ten times more powerful by IV than if taken orally. Dr. Yanagisawa is president of the Tokyo-based Japanese College of Intravenous Therapy. He says, "Intravenous vitamin C is a safe, effective, and broad-spectrum antiviral."

Richard Z. Cheng, MD, PhD, a Chinese-American specialist physician, has been working closely with medical and governmental authorities throughout China. He has been instrumental in facilitating at least three Chinese clinical IV vitamin C studies now underway. Dr. Cheng is presently in Shanghai continuing his efforts to encourage still more Chinese hospitals to implement vitamin C therapy incorporating high oral doses as well as C by IV.

Dr. Cheng and Dr. Yanagisawa both recommend oral vitamin C for prevention of COVID-19 infection.

An official statement from Xi'an Jiaotong University Second Hospital (2) reads:

"On the afternoon of February 20, 2020, another 4 patients with severe new coronaviral pneumonia recovered from the C10 West Ward of Tongji Hospital. In the past 8 patients have been discharged from hospital. . . [H]igh-dose vitamin C achieved good results in clinical applications. We believe that for patients with severe neonatal pneumonia and critically ill patients, vitamin C treatment should be initiated as soon as possible after admission. . .

[E]arly application of large doses of vitamin C can have a strong antioxidant effect, reduce inflammatory responses, and improve endothelial function. . . Numerous studies have shown that the dose of vitamin C has a lot to do with the effect of treatment. . . [H]gh-dose vitamin C can not only improve antiviral levels, but more importantly, can prevent and treat acute lung injury (ALI) and acute respiratory distress (ARDS)."
Hopefully you are right and the worst possible outcome won't happen. But for a better outcome to happen a sufficient number of people ought to panic and take all precautions...
You don't need to panic to take all precautions.

Washing hands, coughing in your elbow, these are actually enough. If everybody would do that in one month the virus would be eradicated.
I have a relative who is a PhD infectious disease specialist in their 70s who still does peer review for NIH. They were the person who convinced me not to be very concerned about Ebola and SARS.

I asked them if they thought I was paranoid to think that widespread community spread was already happening on both coasts, and they said "no, that is not paranoid, that's the general consensus among my peers". I then described the symptoms of an illness my family just had which included a much nastier cough than I've had in years, and they said "based on your symptoms I'd say it's entirely possible you had coronavirus; based on your geographic location and the timeline, it does not make sense based on what we know of the spread of the virus. I think you had influenza, and a complicating factor is that even in areas we know to be affected, influenza is also widespread, differentiating between these two things based on symptoms is nearly impossible, and also doesn't matter very much for those afflicted under the age of 55-60".

I told them I had read some "alarmist" things painting this as another 1918 scenario, and they said "it might be, we don't know yet" but their main point to me was that being more concerned about my parents than I would otherwise in a bad flu year was reasonable, if inactionable, but that being especially concerned about myself really wasn't.

They went on to point out that I have likely had other corona virus stains in my life, and had no idea, but that obviously the death rate among the elderly combined with the virulence made this a different animal. They also described it as "significantly more virulant than influenza", which I just had despite not touching my face and washing my hands like I am OCD, so yay!

We are going to have some small number of young people die of this virus, and we're going to read about it a lot because that's how mass media works these days. We're going to have a much, much larger number of young people die in much more avoidable car and drug accidents over the same timeframe, and we'll read about it less because it's not the color of the week. We're going to have a larger number of older people die, but to me it's pretty unclear if that ends up looking like "twice as bad as a normal bad flu year" or "resources overwhelmed in urban places, leading to increased mortality from other things which should be treatable but there are not hospital beds available". I think that's the spread though, I am not prepping for the end times (I mean, beyond the fact that I already live on a fortified mountaintop with my own spring water and the ability to literally live off the land here ;) )

I think science news has a pretty good info center on this: -- lots of numbers, not much unfounded speculation.

we already have enough data to calculate the death rate with very little margin of error.g.
I disagree; even places that are doing extremely extensive testing like China and SK have said they believe there may be some significant number of cases that go unreported because people are not symptomatic at all, or believe they have some lesser thing.

Gabriel said:
contagion is less than the commun flu.

That's wrong.
The measure scientists use to determine how easily a virus spreads is known as the "basic reproduction number," or R0 (pronounced R-nought). This is an estimate of the average number of people who catch the virus from a single infected person, Live science previously reported. The flu has an R0 value of about 1.3, according to The New York Times.

Researchers are still working to determine the R0 for COVID-19. Preliminary studies have estimated an R0 value for the new coronavirus to be between 2 and 3, according to the JAMA review study published Feb. 28. This means each infected person has spread the virus to an average of 2 to 3 people.

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