This way you are not going up 50 mg every 2 days but 150 mg every 2 days ... the guidelines say.. increase by 150 mg
per week ... that means you can add 50mg per every 2 days to your regime.
I`m sure others will say this is too slow but i`m just trying to give the clearest message possible here. And I already said the same thing in a few posts before so it just shows have easily things are misunderstood and misinterpreted and I also think you have n`t read the paper that comes with the box?

which should be the first thing you do when you are using medicines.
I started with 100 x 3 ... the first time I took 150 I was high, smiling and whistling with a grin on my face for over an hour. I can imagine if you up the doses this fast it`s going to be a nice merry go round for you. You really have to let the body adjust to these new compounds in the brain.
jumping from 200 3TID to 400 3tid is just not done imo. you`ll go from half the maximum dose straight to the maximum dose ... that is asking for problems I feel ...