Today my last round of Trobalt was only 100mg ... i`m keeping it low because i`m running out of it and need to get new prescription and I don`t want to run out at high does ... anyway, my point was that although I had higher mg`s this last week, the last one of 100 mg today gave my a great boost. Uplifted my spirit and I was quit happy. i have to say i did not eat much today, only like a few pieces of bread. So my stomach was very absorbent i think. Than I tested the t volume by putting my fingers in my ears ... i pushed really hard cause i could n`t believe it ... it was silent a real 0/10 ... I heard nothing except the force of my muscles in my ears giving a low hum .... bloody Kv channels!! now 3 hours later came home and it`s back again. though maybe slightly lower. now a 5/10 ... I wonder why it only works for a little time?
I think at higher doses you'll start to see a permanent effect. I take 400mg once and it lasts me a whole day, so high doses of 400x3 for a few months and then lower the dose to see if it has worked. Wish you the best of luck mate.
Hey, Father Ted!
I still use trobalt... as you know... but i use stronger dosage .(at least it gives me a sleep) i wonder what fake sugars (like aspartame but i got info he spikes tinnitus) i can use that don't make spike because trobalt makes my appetite very bad

, please any advice
"World expert on Aspartame,
H. J. Roberts, M.D. has written in his medical text,
Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic: "Each of the components of aspartame--phenylalanine, aspartic acid, the methyl ester which promptly becomes free methyl alcohol or methanol--and their multiple breakdown products after exposure to heat or during prolonged storage--is potentially toxic to the brain and inner ear. These organs are highly vulnerable to metabolic disturbances and neurotoxins because of their unique metabolic requirements. To make matters worse, aspartame is addictive. The free methyl alcohol is classified as a narcotic. It causes chronic methanol poisoning, which affects the dopamine system of the brain and causes the addiction. Many victims find it difficult to give up the habit."
"Aspartame and MSG are excitatory neurotransmitters. They excite brain neurons and increase levels of electrical activity in the brain and the auditory cortex, the area where tinnitus is perceived. We know that people with tinnitus have an elevated level of electrical activity, and reducing this activity is helpful for tinnitus. Increasing electrical activity increases tinnitus." Further, he states, "Tinnitus and hearing loss were compounded in several aspartame reactors by the use of considerable aspirin to relieve associated headaches or severe joint pain." Bob had been using aspirin for three years.
Dr. Roberts also discusses some case histories on tinnitus and hearing loss. In one, "Her most dramatic symp-toms were sudden deafness in one ear and tinnitus". Multiple physicians were consulted, to no avail. She was told the problem was stress-related, and that "I would have to live with tinnitus and partial hearing loss for the rest of my life." Roberts said, "The patient noticed 'fluctuations in my hearing and the humming in my ear seemed related to my consumption of diet soda. There was 'immense' improvement of all symptoms within one week of abstinence… almost like a miracle.'"
NOTE: So many aspartame victims of tinnitus complain that the noise drives them crazy. There are many products marketed but many victims complain that not all work. The first step is to identify the culprit; if the victim and the physician don't know what's causing the tinnitus, it makes it doubly hard to treat. The first thing, obviously, is to abstain from aspartame."
self control will help you ... eat healthy foods.
If you are still using maybe it is a good idea to put in reports at the `experience` section ... very few people doing it lately.
When you're on high doses of trobalt, it will make you crave foods haha