All I can say is that with a drug such as Trobalt you need to taper down slowly. Real slow. What "real slow is" is something that might best be discussed with a neurologist. In my case, I will be doing it at my own discretion. However, I have last week as a side-note discussed it informally with one of the researchers I normally correspond with (my primary contact). The topic come up for other reasons. And so the above is not just invented information.
In addition, I don't understand why you are tapering down. You need to give it time (unless you have intolerable side-effects). In my case, I am beginning to perhaps see the first signs of an improvement: but don't start opening the champagne bottles yet, please.
Lastly, I am amazed at how many folks on this board who are criticizing Trobalt and mentioning side-effects ad nauseam. I have paid attention to the fact that a number of members here are not taking Trobalt "cleanly" (i.e. using other medication not to mention illegal substances) and hence I cannot help but wonder if those same folks are having side-effects not attributable to Trobalt. I am not so sure that a cocktail of weed, SSRI, alcohol, and Trobalt is such a good idea. Personally, I have had surprisingly few side-effects and I am at maximum dosage since 3 weeks.
This thread is seriously beginning to annoy me along with the amateurism displayed in some cases.