@Christian_B first it's a bit out of my area of expertise, I am quite confortable with the brain, but I did not work much on any other area of the body
So from my perspective I don't recall any article showing that TMJ can cause excitotoxicity. (Anyone found something about this ?)
It's kind of a good and bad news at the same time I guess.
The bad is that without ototoxicity I doubt the AUT00063 may work on you.
The good is that it's most likely mechanical (jaw pressure on an auditory related area), and is VERY likely curable with conventional medicine (surgery, reajustment, etc...) have you done a scan to check up the jaw ?
@Carlos1 , same comment applies for you
Let's not polute this thread with off topic discussion
, feel free to reply with PM (I might be slow to answer tho^_^)