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Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

Does anyone know why it might cure T if it doesn't cure epilepsy?
It's only prescribed in cases of epilepsy that cannot be controlled by other drugs, so some pretty serious cases. Epilepsy and tinnitus are similar in that they involve aberrant neuron firing, but epilepsy is usually transient - people have an attack, then function normally for some time - while tinnitus is a mild but persistent condition.

In other words, something triggers the epileptic attack, but something perpetuates tinnitus. Retigabine can calm and re-train neurons. It doesn't stop epileptic attacks, just as it doesn't stop transient tinnitus. It may, we hope, cure persistent tinnitus.
The US drug is very prohibitive in cost. It's like $1000 for a
300mg 90 pill box.
I went to Rite Aid two days ago and was quoted $400 for 90 pills at any strength. Not sure how accurate that was, but the pharmacist did look it up. I have tiered pricing on my health insurance drug benefit, so he advised calling the company and asking which tier it falls under.
I went to Rite Aid two days ago and was quoted $400 for 90 pills at any strength. Not sure how accurate that was, but the pharmacist did look it up. I have tiered pricing on my health insurance drug benefit, so he advised calling the company and asking which tier it falls under.
Address please ?
@SoulStation , a difference ? One better than the other for T ?

My Doctor is very helpful but it has proven hard for him to get me this drug.
Apparently it has now gone through and all I have to do is pick it up.
Not sure about the dosage that I can expect to get or if there will be a shortage so I plan to accumulate enough for a two month trial before I start . Would you think that getting the European version will not work or work as "well" as the US version ? I have tried to follow this whole thing but I am still unsure if I wil do this....
I went to Rite Aid two days ago and was quoted $400 for 90 pills at any strength. Not sure how accurate that was, but the pharmacist did look it up. I have tiered pricing on my health insurance drug benefit, so he advised calling the company and asking which tier it falls under.
C'mon bro, drop me this pharmacies coordinates, please.
I don't understand why Trobalt and Potiga should be different at any point as both are manufactered by GSK and Valeant, its the same manufaturer - same product. Articles about Trobalt say Retigabine, articles about Potiga say Ezogabine but theorically is the same product. Prospects say the same. Maybe that idea is just a paranoid
http://www.gsk.com/en-gb/search/?q=trobalt potiga

from GSK.com website:
Retigabine, referred to as ezogabine in the US, is being jointly developed by GSK and Valeant.

I have found this. It's could be important to take the pill at the good time for having the best absorption. It also could reduce side effects?

Retigabine when orally administered is rapidly absorbed and has a bioavailability of 60%. Food delays its absorption by 2 hours. It has a Tmax of 1.5 hours and elimination half life of 8 hours..."


Did you know?

@Christian78: do you take pills with an empty stomach or with a full stomach?
Have you notice differences?

Thank you very much

There was a difference before but now it is same, sometimes like empty sometimes on full, sometimes i take 300mg and dont feel a thing, and i took 200mg and it hit me with side effects strongly 30 minutes. depends i beleave from concentration in blood. food is non important.

So if you have slept over, forgot, you are something that metabolized drug faster so you concentration falls faster with new dosage you rise too significantly up then it can be strong, if you are with high concentration in blood (shorter time between) then you get grogginess 3h +-2h.
Well, all Rite Aids should be the same, I think, but I'll tell you in private if you're serious. Mind you I didn't buy anything so it may be the pharmacist was reading something wrong.
By the way, this weekend I'm traveling to Brussels, by chance anyone knows if its posible to Trobalt there?

Just ask there at the drugstore.
A miscellaneous response here...

@Danny Boy ...Could you please indicate source of this: ...but data indicate that the drug may be a GABA enhancer.1,2 in your post above. This has been an area of some research on my part and I have at best come up with "Inconclusive" as a summary word for any GABA relationship with Retigabine. This based on post marketing, real life results c/o epilepsy patients v. the theory, assumed from earlier in vitro testing (the lab).

@jazz ...Ummmmmm, yeah. If there were differences in UK v. USA Trobalt/Potiga that would be a big deal indeed, and change a number of "assumptions" and "user experiences". This is a very important thing to keep trying to get more details on. Pity the USA stuff is so expensive. Maybe the best route here is "Patient Assist" for free supply...but need the scrip (no problem for me), but also no drug insurance (which I have - but a royal pain in the arse I'm finding), and low income (no problem there either).
However, I am currently not in the running for a repeat trial, though glad to see more starting! Very good.

That includes you @NGC891 ...as you are longer term T (finally someone!) and have the same > indicating "jumps up in volume" as I have had. Can you please add personal and tinnitus details at minimum, to your user "Profile" in under the "information" tab? I for one would very much appreciate that! (Or PM me???)
Also, any chance of photographing your Trobalt box, or giving details of source, manufacturer, batch number, expiration, etc. Anything on there. Ta much. Be interesting to see how it matches up with Canada stuff coming out of the UK.
With regard to "Cmax" (peak absorption) I have seen mixed numbers for this, and in my case consider it somewhat irrelevant. Well if you always take it with food or without I guess it all washes the same. Also I was not that sensitive to "diurnal changes" of some hours over or under the "right time" to take it. (When I would forget until used alarm clock).

On Rite Aid in USA...unless in a big city, you may get a run around. (Can search my posts on all this way back - use "CVS" as search item). My initial "quotes" and the ultimate reality of getting it at that price were far from "real"!

Best, Zimichael
Pity the USA stuff is so expensive. Maybe the best route here is "Patient Assist" for free supply...but need the scrip (no problem for me), but also no drug insurance (which I have - but a royal pain in the arse I'm finding), and low income (no problem there either).
I looked up those links to GSK's assistance programs again yesterday and it struck me how crazy it is that they'll help you out only if you have no health insurance, when there's currently a law on the books that says you have to carry insurance or pay a fine! Well, I guess I can't expect them to want to just give money away. But then I look at how cheap it is in other countries...sigh...well, I'm just hoping my pharmacist knew something other pharmacists didn't.
I have officially lowered dosage to 200mgx3 and i have much less confusion, visual 60% better, no orange urine, and episodes after taking pill are lasting 50% shorter, tinnitus did not become so extremely worse, i just have to pay attention what i eat.
I have officially lowered dosage to 200mgx3 and i have much less confusion, visual 60% better, no orange urine, and episodes after taking pill are lasting 50% shorter, tinnitus did not become so extremely worse, i just have to pay attention what i eat.
Great news! everytime im being more optimistic about retigabine. I think all of you, except Zimichael agree that when taper off T comes a little back but never to the initial state so there seems to be a real permanent change.
With this you also confirm the big worry of @Danny Boy that blurry vision is a temporary side effects as the prospectus says. I hope your brain gets to complete normality to have a nice break and you can restart and definitelly kill it as MPT did
A miscellaneous response here...

@NGC891[/USER] ...as you are longer term T (finally someone!) and have the same > indicating "jumps up in volume" as I have had. Can you please add personal and tinnitus details at minimum, to your user "Profile" in under the "information" tab? I for one would very much appreciate that! (Or PM me???)
Also, any chance of photographing your Trobalt box, or giving details of source, manufacturer, batch number, expiration, etc. Anything on there. Ta much. Be interesting to see how it matches up with Canada stuff coming out of the UK.
With regard to "Cmax" (peak absorption) I have seen mixed numbers for this, and in my case consider it somewhat irrelevant. Well if you always take it with food or without I guess it all washes the same. Also I was not that sensitive to "diurnal changes" of some hours over or under the "right time" to take it. (When I would forget until used alarm clock).


Thank you Zimichael for your answer.

I have add tinnitus detail in my profile. If you want another information, you can ask me.

Below, somes pictures of Trobalt box that I have bought in a Pharmacy (France).




@Zimichael I just checked your Excel of dosage. I realize you were in 600 only 2 days, 600 is the minium dose meant to be effetive, in some persons is more. So why are you so surprised that didn't get any change on T yet?
It's true that other persons had changes in lower dosages but very mild changes. Maybe that mild changes happened to you but you can't realize because that would be masked by your louder T.
Christian said: "For me first actual change in t came after few days on 600."
Biggest concern for you i guess is the H, wich will be temporary, Did you consider take NAC at same time to see if H is reduced, im pretty sure NAC helps me to reduce my H
I made a plan wich I attach for 600 and 900mg, for increases every 4 days 150mg, check if there is something wrong and will correct it. This spanish Excel made me put formulas in spanish i hope it works for all you too


  • Retigabine plan.xls
    30.5 KB · Views: 35

i am in France.
Please tell me if you were able to buy this trobalt (retigabine) over the counter in France? Or did you have to have a presription? If you had to have a prescription, please tell me how you got one? What kind of doctor? How can I get the presciption - I am English but fully entitles to all medical heath cover in France (well some things are not covered).
Please let me know and thank you...
Hi all, I have been on this thread a couple of times but I thought it was worth any of you who wish to know that i too managed to buy some Trobalt / Retigabine recently when I was away in Spain, it was very easy to buy over the counter no questions asked and if they did not have the correct dosage if they ordered in the morning it would arrive that evening, so all incredibly easy, the amount i have is as below.

For the time being though I am not going to take anything just yet as I don't want to jeopardise what might be a very slim out side chance on getting into the Autifony trials as i live in the London area and when that might happen who knows, but just my luck once i start they may begin recruiting.

If and when I do start I have the amount of pills based on a chart that @Benru ( it won't seem to copy and paste in) gives much earlier in this thread, I am not sure if anyone else has worked to this but by the look of things there seems to be various amounts of tapering up then down, that said I guess a lot depends on the bodies reaction and I am slightly worried about the potential after effects.

So if any one has any advice They wish to give me then please do but I guess for the next few weeks I will see what happens re Autifony and then update as I go.

Trobalt 50 mg 84 /1 box
Trobalt 100 mg 84 /1 box
Trobalt 200 mg 84 /2 boxes
Hi all, I have been on this thread a couple of times but I thought it was worth any of you who wish to know that i too managed to buy some Trobalt / Retigabine recently when I was away in Spain, it was very easy to buy over the counter no questions asked and if they did not have the correct dosage if they ordered in the morning it would arrive that evening, so all incredibly easy, the amount i have is as below.

For the time being though I am not going to take anything just yet as I don't want to jeopardise what might be a very slim out side chance on getting into the Autifony trials as i live in the London area and when that might happen who knows, but just my luck once i start they may begin recruiting.

If and when I do start I have the amount of pills based on a chart that @Benru ( it won't seem to copy and paste in) gives much earlier in this thread, I am not sure if anyone else has worked to this but by the look of things there seems to be various amounts of tapering up then down, that said I guess a lot depends on the bodies reaction and I am slightly worried about the potential after effects.

So if any one has any advice They wish to give me then please do but I guess for the next few weeks I will see what happens re Autifony and then update as I go.

Trobalt 50 mg 84 /1 box
Trobalt 100 mg 84 /1 box
Trobalt 200 mg 84 /2 boxes
How much did it cost in Spain?

So they sold 200 mg x 84 boxes without prescription?
Hi Marku, it was around 260 euro which is about £225.00, still a fair amount to pay but cheaper than some items on this thread that I have seen but I was just so amazed that I could walk into a Pharmacy in a fairly small village and just buy over the counter, it was so easy.
Hi Marku, it was around 260 euro which is about £225.00
Was that the price of a single 200 mg x 84 box?

Or the total price for the following?

Trobalt 50 mg 84 /1 box
Trobalt 100 mg 84 /1 box
Trobalt 200 mg 84 /2 boxes

I was just so amazed that I could walk into a Pharmacy in a fairly small village and just buy over the counter, it was so easy.
I agree! Me too.
That was the total price for everything, does that sound good to you, is that cheaper than you may have been quoted ?
In Finland, the price of Trobalt without the social insurance institution of Finland discount (which all Finns with Finnish social security number are entitled to) is:

100 mg x 84 pills 71.32€ (approx. $94)
200 mg x 84 pills 123.52€ (approx. $163)
300 mg x 84 pills 163.15€ (approx. $215)

The price with the aforementioned discount is:

100 mg x 84 pills 47.91€ (approx. $63)
200 mg x 84 pills 81.84€ (approx. $108)
300 mg x 84 pills 107.60€ (approx. $143)

So the price you paid was definitely not outrageous in my opinion.

If I were able to get a prescription, the same amount you bought in Spain would cost me in Finland:

81.84€ x 2
47.91€ x 1
(0.5 x 47.91€) x 1
= €235.
That does not seem that bad, if anything slightly cheaper than when I got them but the exchange rate was not good at that point, anyway are you going to try to get some and if you can are you willing to give it a go ?
@Zimichael I just checked your Excel of dosage. I realize you were in 600 only 2 days, 600 is the minium dose meant to be effetive, in some persons is more. So why are you so surprised that didn't get any change on T yet?
It's true that other persons had changes in lower dosages but very mild changes. Maybe that mild changes happened to you but you can't realize because that would be masked by your louder T.
Christian said: "For me first actual change in t came after few days on 600."

Juan Carlos... and anyone else bothering to read this 'typically me', long post. There is some potentially useful "review material" in here that might help some of you 'remember where we have come from', so could be worth wading through for that. Otherwise it is indeed addressed to JC primarily.

JC...With all due respect, as I truly know you mean well, but your comments are not quite as simple as you imply in regard to my situation & my Trobalt trial. Perhaps you have read all the historical details, but there is so much confusing stuff on this thread now, that even though I have been 'in it from the beginning' I can't keep it together and admit to being rather lost at to what the hell is going on exactly. So apologies if I "correct" you from wobbly ground.

Let me make this clear...There is only an assumption that higher doses will be effective for tinnitus based on extensive review of "the literature". This includes the GSK submission data; the too numerous to mention research studies many of us have pored over for months; then our own multifarious conjecture and understanding of the drug from much back and forth ref. mechanisms of action, etc., etc. Indeed, this conjecture of ours on this, and the Autifony thread, I do not take lightly. I believe that some of us here have a pretty darn sophisticated insight into this drug and it's potential workings...for tinnitus. Not at all bad for non PhD neurologists! I mean that.

OK, those who have followed my point of view know that well before Locoyeti's great find on "dosage is king" study, and Autifony came out with their astounding (to us then) "one time high dose - no taper" for AUT00063, I was a proponent of: "Forget temporal aspects and taper, that is for epilepsy. We need to treat this as a tinnitus drug not as an epilepsy drug. Thus it is all about "lots of boots on the ground" at one time so they can "kick the Kv doors down", not hang around outside the membrane playing cards with some guys leaning on the KV doors slowly increasing the pressure over weeks....Which is what the official: "Do not increase overall Trobalt dose by more that 150 mg TOTAL per week!" is all about - for epilepsy. Going by the official book meant taking 5 whole weeks just to get to 900 mg/day total! Hell, my whole trial was only 4 weeks, with taper up, target dose, and taper down! Matt got to 900 mg/day in one week!

OK, so what's my point with this recap?

~ Well, one is to just refresh memories a bit in case some of the history has become fuzzy.
~ Two is that target doses for us, for tinnitus, are purely speculation as are based of an efficacy model for epilepsy. Yes, it is highly likely there is correlation, but that is one of the things our trial is all about...to find out!
~ Three if, yes if, one goes by a plasma concentration (which a number of drugs do) of mg/kg body weight, then my 600 mg/day dose for 2 days was indeed almost equivalent to Matt's effective dose of 900 mg/day. Just saying.
~ There is zero evidence to me, yet, that hanging around at dose "X" for a longer period of time makes any difference to tinnitus just because the drug is building up over weeks or whatever (like is the case with many anti-depressants and so forth...You know the: "Don't expect to notice anything for 4 to 6 weeks"...yadda, yadda, yadda).
Again, I think, and it has been vindicated IMHO, that once this Trobalt is floating around in your brain at a "trigger dose saturation level" for a particular person, it kicks the doors open enough to have some sort of tinnitus effect that is noticeable to the person taking it.
~ Ironically, if you look at all our tiralees, just about every one has had some sort of "effect" at lower than the first supposed "action level" of 900 mg/day total. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....Why is that?! Yes, 900 or 1200 mg/day total may be killer good, but I am just going off the observed results reported by us. That is what one is supposed to do with a trial, to me anyhow. In fact, if memory serves, just Hengist and myself may be the only people that truly "bombed", but he unfortunately did not get past the first pill. I at least got to my target dose per body weight. Lep gets blown out by trying to go up to 500 mg, etc., etc. Hardly anyone. Oh.... has anyone gone over 900 mg/day???.....Yet indeed, we have had numerous "effects" at much lower doses that 900 mg!
~ So, I would disagree, that for tinnitus, 900 mg is a gold standard requirement to even begin to get even a hint of action. Clearly it is possible at even as low as 300 mg/day total. This is just a reported fact here, by 'us'. NO other conclusions need to be made at this point. We observe, and note.

You say: So why are you so surprised that didn't get any change on T yet?

"Xesus"... If you get what I have said above, I am not surprised I did not get any results at 600 mg/day, but given my treatise, it would have been nice, to get a hint of a change. That's all. Just a wee, tiny hint. Period. Something to validate the direction and freak out of it all. A minor "twiggle" in my T would have been like a staggering ray of hope after all I have been though for decades and decades. Others did get such a twiggle in their T, or a "significant" decline. BUT NOTE...NONE HAVE HAD T FOR 58 YEARS AND FOUR INCREASES OVER THAT TIME! = So far everyone has been what I consider "short term T", though NGC891 says 1998 > 2008 > 2014 in his very brief profile (hint, hint!), so maybe finally we can evaluate another "long termer". This multi-years of T time period could be a major "factor" in Trobalt action levels of course. Only one way to find out.

And perhaps you forget, or do not know, the frightening reality of highly Reactive Tinnitus/Hyperacusis.....My 50% increase from the > Trobalt dosing was nothing to treat lightly!!! The "bruised feeling" at very low decibel levels is and was very, very scary! That exact feeling has preceded my last two permanent increases in T & H in 2006, and 2012...which, simply speaking, ruined my life....You think I do not worry about MORE of that??? You think I did not wonder what would happen if I went up to "official dose" of 900 mg, or even 1200 mg??? Maybe the H would seat permanently at that 'ultra-sensitivity' even if I never exposed myself to a single sound during my seclusion.
As it was I was completely isolated for 6 days at "whisper quiet levels" (maybe less than 50 dB for anything, as had to back up 10 meters to use occasional speaker-phone calls at lowest volume setting, etc.).

You may also forget, that we did not have at that point (certainly for me!) conclusive evidence that the side-effects of Trobalt would dissipate fully after use. It was presumed so, but none of us had done it yet after a decent trial period to be sure. I think I was the first to accurately document that.

Finally on this point, there was the very real problem of "no supply". My Trobalt dried up! It was lucky I had enough to even change gears so quickly and climb to two days at 600 mg, and reach my preliminary target dose. And please remember my "if the drug is there in the inter-membrane fluid at a high enough dose it should kick the Kv doors open"...As hypothesized by yours truly. Obviously for me 600 mg was not enough.
And I give zero credence really to... "Well maybe it would have worked if I had stayed at 600 mg for a week or two". Sorry. Nope. Don't go for that. I would have needed to go up in dose...and plain did not have the pills due to punk out of Canada source. The intention was there (despite H fear) if you look back, but it was just not possible.

Oh...and this: Maybe that mild changes happened to you but you can't realize because that would be masked by your louder T. Ha, ha...NO WAY! I would notice a fly's fart of difference in my T. We have a long, intimate, history.

Lastly...I do not understand your Excel tables. Are they for me??? I have my own Excel tables of what I was going to do if I had the Trobalt in hand. However, I always go by "reality" of what happens as I go along, not a schedule per se. After all, look what happened to my initial verbalized plans. I pretty soon dumped my 'slow taper up' and zoomed up in dose after I realized things were not as bad as expected re potential side effects. (Urinary retention, fatigue, etc.).
And NAC...I cannot take hardly any supplements (long story you don't need. My doc remembers NAC as I believe it was what made me throw up on his floor! No thanks.

Well, there you have my regular "Encyclopedia Britannica" response...but why should I change my style now. At 64 one can be an 'old codger' and do what one likes right. However, I hope it has been helpful to review. Also I hope you do not take this AT ALL as any kind of defense, or emotional reaction, or attack, or ???, against you JC. I read what you say and you are great. No problem mate.
I spent the time here as I have a vested interest in getting our information on Trobalt as accurate as possible, and this has been a chance to do that and clear up any "looseness". I appreciate solid, well explained info, and hopefully you do too.

*(More response due to other posts to come - but later.) Take care, Zimichael
@Freddie you say that Trobalt is available over the counter in Spain, yet I believe that @Juan Carlos has mentioned that it is a prescription only drug. I believe this is a matter that needs some clarification.


On another note. An important note, I might add.
This shit WORKS. Been on 300mg TID for 2 days and there are times when my tinnitus is 70-80% lower. It is completely and utterly NOT bothersome.


The pill is a fuckin' nuclear warhead. I mean, amnesia, dizziness, weird (not unpleasant) feelings all over. For me at least. It makes me dumb.
I don't think I can do 300mg TID. I have to drive to work, work for 8 hours and then drive back. I'm risking my job and my life. The side effects last for about an hour. Then I'm good to go. But that hour, I can't even speak straight.

Don't really know where to go from here. I'll reduce to 200mg TID or I'm going back to benzos.
Retigabine is no joke. Be aware.
Thanks for the extend reply to a short questions. I didn't mean to simplify your case
OK, those who have followed my point of view know that well before Locoyeti's great find on "dosage is king" study, and Autifony came out with their astounding (to us then) "one time high dose - no taper" for AUT00063, I was a proponent of: "Forget temporal aspects and taper, that is for epilepsy. We need to treat this as a tinnitus drug not as an epilepsy drug. Thus it is all about "lots of boots on the ground" at one time so they can "kick the Kv doors down", not hang around outside the membrane playing cards with some guys leaning on the KV doors slowly increasing the pressure over weeks....Which is what the official: "Do not increase overall Trobalt dose by more that 150 mg TOTAL per week!" is all about - for epilepsy. Going by the official book meant taking 5 whole weeks just to get to 900 mg/day total! Hell, my whole trial was only 4 weeks, with taper up, target dose, and taper down! Matt got to 900 mg/day in one week!
maybe you are right, my opinion is that we should distinguish taper on and off in this case:
-Is said that side effects are stronger on every increase of dosage, so my point is slow taper on in ordered to avoid big side effects, now depends on each case and experience if one can faster or slow tape on
-Is said in the prospectus that taper off must be in three weeks to avoid "reboud effect" on seizures. Now with T we must agree if T must be considerated a form of epilepsy or not, depending on that we could skip the slow taper off

OK, so what's my point with this recap?

~ Well, one is to just refresh memories a bit in case some of the history has become fuzzy.
~ Two is that target doses for us, for tinnitus, are purely speculation as are based of an efficacy model for epilepsy. Yes, it is highly likely there is correlation, but that is one of the things our trial is all about...to find out!
yeah, find out. I just pointed out that what christian said about the 600mg matches with the minium dose for epilepsy, coincidence or not? that the question and my opinion was not coincidence, more opinions are welcomed
~ Three if, yes if, one goes by a plasma concentration (which a number of drugs do) of mg/kg body weight, then my 600 mg/day dose for 2 days was indeed almost equivalent to Matt's effective dose of 900 mg/day. Just saying. could be good if we put our weight in the Form Submissions
~ There is zero evidence to me, yet, that hanging around at dose "X" for a longer period of time makes any difference to tinnitus just because the drug is building up over weeks or whatever (like is the case with many anti-depressants and so forth...You know the: "Don't expect to notice anything for 4 to 6 weeks"...yadda, yadda, yadda).
no evidence, just very few experiences, including mpt and christian, johno. i dont know if anyone had T back to exactly its original state except you
Again, I think, and it has been vindicated IMHO, that once this Trobalt is floating around in your brain at a "trigger dose saturation level" for a particular person, it kicks the doors open enough to have some sort of tinnitus effect that is noticeable to the person taking it.
~ Ironically, if you look at all our tiralees, just about every one has had some sort of "effect" at lower than the first supposed "action level" of 900 mg/day total. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....Why is that?! Yes, 900 or 1200 mg/day total may be killer good, but I am just going off the observed results reported by us. That is what one is supposed to do with a trial, to me anyhow. In fact, if memory serves, just Hengist and myself may be the only people that truly "bombed", but he unfortunately did not get past the first pill. I at least got to my target dose per body weight. Lep gets blown out by trying to go up to 500 mg, etc., etc. Hardly anyone. Oh.... has anyone gone over 900 mg/day???.....Yet indeed, we have had numerous "effects" at much lower doses that 900 mg!
~ So, I would disagree, that for tinnitus, 900 mg is a gold standard requirement to even begin to get even a hint of action. Clearly it is possible at even as low as 300 mg/day total. This is just a reported fact here, by 'us'. NO other conclusions need to be made at this point. We observe, and note.
true, low doses make changes on T as we saw, and target dose makes the big kick. I wonder if low doses even at longer time could also make permanent changes

You say: So why are you so surprised that didn't get any change on T yet?

"Xesus"... If you get what I have said above, I am not surprised I did not get any results at 600 mg/day, but given my treatise, it would have been nice, to get a hint of a change. That's all. Just a wee, tiny hint. Period. Something to validate the direction and freak out of it all. A minor "twiggle" in my T would have been like a staggering ray of hope after all I have been though for decades and decades. Others did get such a twiggle in their T, or a "significant" decline. BUT NOTE...NONE HAVE HAD T FOR 58 YEARS AND FOUR INCREASES OVER THAT TIME! = So far everyone has been what I consider "short term T", though NGC891 says 1998 > 2008 > 2014 in his very brief profile (hint, hint!), so maybe finally we can evaluate another "long termer". This multi-years of T time period could be a major "factor" in Trobalt action levels of course. Only one way to find out.
Im sorry you didn't get any improvement, seems like time on T is a factor, but i dont think there is a limit line that says "from this time T is not curable", clearly it has to do with your history and 3 increases in time

And perhaps you forget, or do not know, the frightening reality of highly Reactive Tinnitus/Hyperacusis.....My 50% increase from the > Trobalt dosing was nothing to treat lightly!!! The "bruised feeling" at very low decibel levels is and was very, very scary! That exact feeling has preceded my last two permanent increases in T & H in 2006, and 2012...which, simply speaking, ruined my life....You think I do not worry about MORE of that??? You think I did not wonder what would happen if I went up to "official dose" of 900 mg, or even 1200 mg??? Maybe the H would seat permanently at that 'ultra-sensitivity' even if I never exposed myself to a single sound during my seclusion.
As it was I was completely isolated for 6 days at "whisper quiet levels" (maybe less than 50 dB for anything, as had to back up 10 meters to use occasional speaker-phone calls at lowest volume setting, etc.).

You may also forget, that we did not have at that point (certainly for me!) conclusive evidence that the side-effects of Trobalt would dissipate fully after use. It was presumed so, but none of us had done it yet after a decent trial period to be sure. I think I was the first to accurately document that.

Finally on this point, there was the very real problem of "no supply". My Trobalt dried up! It was lucky I had enough to even change gears so quickly and climb to two days at 600 mg, and reach my preliminary target dose. And please remember my "if the drug is there in the inter-membrane fluid at a high enough dose it should kick the Kv doors open"...As hypothesized by yours truly. Obviously for me 600 mg was not enough.
And I give zero credence really to... "Well maybe it would have worked if I had stayed at 600 mg for a week or two". Sorry. Nope. Don't go for that. I would have needed to go up in dose...and plain did not have the pills due to punk out of Canada source. The intention was there (despite H fear) if you look back, but it was just not possible.
yeah didn't blame you for stopping, just pointed that there is still a chance to make changes on your T. If you were living closer to Spain, just let you know easy it is to buy here
Oh...and this: Maybe that mild changes happened to you but you can't realize because that would be masked by your louder T. Ha, ha...NO WAY! I would notice a fly's fart of difference in my T. We have a long, intimate, history.
My point is: maybe not every audio-pathway hyperactivity we can hear, for example you could have a T on 4k and another T on 8k, 8k is masking your 4k, an improvement on the 4k T made by RGT would't be noticeable for you even its a real improvement, just a theory i made

Lastly...I do not understand your Excel tables. Are they for me??? I have my own Excel tables of what I was going to do if I had the Trobalt in hand. However, I always go by "reality" of what happens as I go along, not a schedule per se. After all, look what happened to my initial verbalized plans. I pretty soon dumped my 'slow taper up' and zoomed up in dose after I realized things were not as bad as expected re potential side effects. (Urinary retention, fatigue, etc.).
Its for anyone find it useful to follow a plan, easy to count pills and so, anyways you are right at this point, side effects are quite unpredictable and we can change the plan according to them
And NAC...I cannot take hardly any supplements (long story you don't need. My doc remembers NAC as I believe it was what made me throw up on his floor! No thanks.
Didn't know that, sorry for that, i just belive its a good staff
Well, there you have my regular "Encyclopedia Britannica" response...but why should I change my style now. At 64 one can be an 'old codger' and do what one likes right. However, I hope it has been helpful to review. Also I hope you do not take this AT ALL as any kind of defense, or emotional reaction, or attack, or ???, against you JC. I read what you say and you are great. No problem mate.
I spent the time here as I have a vested interest in getting our information on Trobalt as accurate as possible, and this has been a chance to do that and clear up any "looseness". I appreciate solid, well explained info, and hopefully you do too.

*(More response due to other posts to come - but later.) Take care, Zimichael
No offense man, I appreciate your time. big hug

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