Ok,I have to write this for all H and T sufferers to read.To me it is absolute confirmation that T and H are a direct result of small fibre neuropathy in our case peripharel/auditory neuropathy.
My H started in January 2014,there was no pain just a complete intolerance or sensitivity to sound.
I improved to nearly cured over the next two years when I began experiencing new symptoms,a burning stinging electric feeling in my neck and head.This symptom was intermittent at the time but it slowly and slowly progressed to where I collapsed entirely in January this year.The pain was all over my body now,my skin was sensitive to touch,my body stung and burned along with my head and face and my sensitivity had increased seven fold.
I went to my neuro and he started giving me all the nervous system malarkey but I knew in my heart he was wrong,that this was something a lot more sinister.I went to my audiologist who performed a hearing test on me and everything checked out,that was until he done a speech recognition test really loudly into my ears.I pulled the headset off and left there and then but my symptoms has now intensified 100 times worse.
I lay in a wreck at home,not knowing what the hell was happening me.Months had passed and I got somewhat better and of course I had to make some money to support myself so had no choice but to go back to work.I slowly worsened and worsened yet again to where my symptoms are all on overdrive as a result and I'm stuck in the mess where I am now.
I found a new neurologist and went to see him today,he done extensive tests on me throughout the day,my symptoms are as follows
-Full body skin stinging and burning caused by sound
-Head stings and burns along with face(Trigeminal Neuralgia)
-Sensitive to touch,prickly skin feeling
-Jaw pain
-Hot ears
And there's more.
Anyway here are the results,even the neuro was perplexed by the whole thing.
-Recent MRI was absolutely clear
-Blood tests came back normal(no diabetes)
-Cranial nerve tests,all nerves functioning normally,no lesions or damage as checked on recent MRI.
-Cognitive and brain functioning tests all normal
-Full body nerve tests,all normal
-No trapped nerves in neck or head,spine is straight.
He literally checked every single thing there is to check on me,and his diagnosis was idiopathic peripharel neuropathy.
That all my symptoms were textbook of peripharel neuropathy but that it was odd as from what he could tell all my peripharel nerves are functioning normally,there's been trauma to them,no diabetes or other nerve damaging conditions that could be causing this.
He then said"the only nerve that can be causing these symptoms that I can't objectively test is your auditory nerve,but your auditory nerve can't send out pain signals so that's impossible,that or your neuropathy is simply small and undetectable but considering the severity of your symptoms I don't believe that to be the case not to mention it's all triggered by sound"
I then showed him the recent research by Libermann and pain sensing fibres in the auditory nerve and he was amazed as he hadn't heard about it.
He just said"well that makes perfect sense now doesn't it,your next stop is an audiologist to get a BAR test done,if it's damaged I would imagine something would show up there"
Now,there's no way in hell I'm doing a BAR test,it's like firing a gun into your ears from what I heard so that will simply never happen with me not to mention how idiotic audiologists can be with H patients.
This was the first neuro who actually investigated me rather than push me out the door with TRT leaflets like they usually do,but to me at least it's only concreting my belief that this is from auditory neuropathy,not haircells or anything else other than the auditory nerve.
All my peripharel nerves and CNS system are working fine but yet I have peripharel neuropathy and the only nerve they can't objectively test is my auditory nerve.
They could see it on my scan and there are no lesions there or obvious trauma but the fact that my symptoms are consistent with that of small fibre neuropathy,it's simply undetectable from a scan and a much more accurate test is needed i.e the BAR.
He also done a few nerve blocks on my cranial nerves to ascertain whether they were causing it and none gave me any real relief,they made my head numb and yet I could still feel my body stinging regardless,according to him if let's say my trigeminal nerve was at fault a nerve block would stop all pain temporarily,but it didn't.
So make of that what you will but it's quite obvious to me now after these investigations that it could only be auditory nerve based.We've eliminated nearly everything now,everything except the auditory nerve.