What if life has become so unbearable and so unrecognisable to what it was before?
I can give you an answer to this one. The life I live right now is TOTALLY not what I expected it to be. I never thought life would be a constant sea of obstacles and challenges every day. Not being able to hear and having severe tinnitus is not a life anyone wants. I can put a label on myself as society might see it, but that will NEVER happen.
Growing up as kids we had so much laughs, joys and excitement for life. We thought it would always remain and life would be beyond amazing. Our lives as little children was to just play, do our homework and be good kids and be loyal to our families.
We got older and we start having responsibilities. Unfortunately we got afflicted with tinnitus, you and the rest of this board are in a MUCH better position than I am. I share my stories here so people can get some motivation. When we are afflicted with obstacles our lives that we may live now may not be recognizable to our old selves. We can or may constantly shake our heads and say "what is going on?" This is normal, we are humans, we are frustrated, all of us.
My ears will NEVER get better, my hearing may get worst. I am involved in sports and fitness and I will never stop. I look at it this way. Life is beyond crazy right now, it's a fact for my life. Challenges will keep coming and affliction will be there. NOTHING about all of this is easy at all, NOTHING.
Each day I/WE ask ourselves how did this happen? WHY? I ask it too. I have and still do. As I say in my posts, ONLY WE CAN HELP OURSELVES! No one else! I have myself to look after and 3 sick dogs that need their daddy 24/7. They are my obligation in my life. Life may be very hard, IT IS. STILL, come up with a plan to try to make life a little better, it's not easy to do this. I have mixed/matched so so many different routines in my 31 years because I will NOT let tinnitus stop me. I have to adjust, I have adjusted, it's the evolution of moving forward in life.
I'll share a story, I was at the airport and in a cafe. This beautiful much younger gal started to talk to me and at first iw as going to ignore her. I was going to do this because, I cannot hear that good and I have intrusive T covering my hearing. So, She started talking to me and i was talking to her. I had to ask her MANY times to repeat what she was saying due to the music in the cafe and my bad ears. I normally would have given up on the conversation, but I DECIDED to carry on and she was smiling and was ok with how I was.
Life may seem a certain way at times, but until we TOTALLY TRY something, we shall never know. Don't give up! You have a family that loves you. THAT IS A BLESSING! Love them back! Make a plan and meet them half way and dicuss your tinnitus and see how you can work together to make it a little easier on all of you guys
This was a long post, but I felt that you and others needed to hear it