To Orions Pain:
Harley is entirely correct regarding how mysteriously this condition manifests itself.
I never exposed myself to loud music or noise, and I had an MRI (that cost $4,000.00.)
My ENT Doctor said that it revealed no indication of organ damage.
I will spend the rest of my life without any semblance of an answer about why I have this.
I am on my seventh year with this, and I feel like Lee at Appomattox.
I am surrounded with no recourse for an escape or even a holding strategy.
I recently had an examination at my Optometrist's, and to cover my tinnitus I had to ramp up the amplification of my hearing aids so much that the ceiling heating system's high pitched sound was as loud as my natural tinnitus. This became so invasive that I had to steel myself to
not literally bolt out to the street.
This Virus has virtually paralyzed travel, and reduced my 401k. I found myself actually, gladly welcoming this;
"Now" I said, "my wife will not be able to order me to go anywhere that will activate my tinnitus as a gauntlet of torture."
I now realize that with such regularly accepted thinking tinnitus has imbued me with a species of galling insanity; every consideration of activity must take into account how much tinnitus will interfere with it.
I have on several occasions played Acute's 11/16/19 download with that sound that resembles her tinnitus.
I have had that type and severity of sound in a few instances; it feels as if my tinnitus has melted down some portion of my brain to the extent that Plutonium melted down Chernobyl.
My wife keeps insisting that I see a CBT Practitioner, and is infuriated when I respond with a look of contemptuous disdain (imagine the bad faith involved in seeing a Julian Cowan Hill or a Jastreboff.)
I have a real sense of approaching horror that being limited by this could finally lead to her announcement that she wants a divorce.
You are compelled to ask yourself how much you will finally allow this condition to take from you.