
Very insightful point.
Also, in Illinois if a patient expresses a dire suicidal intent to a psychiatrist, he or she can order the Police to confine that patient to the Mental Health Ward of a Hospital for three days for observation.
When I saw a psychiatrist in November of 2016, I had to very guardedly phrase my remarks about my distress (and not in fact even mention the S word) so that he would not become alarmed enough to consider this.
This caveat motivates many patients to not articulate the full depth of their distress.
You are still pretty acute. There is a good chance it will get better. Hang in there.
My cheeks/forehead area feel like they're on fire right now, and I can't stop shaking in my office despite a warm sweatshirt, jacket and scarf.

I'm terrified.
I went to my audiology appt this morning but my appt was actually yesterday.
Noises in my office aren't hurting my ears. I'm so confused why everything is burning so much. I woke up and it was fine but as soon as I started to move around a bit my ears started to get the menthol sensation again, it's very concentrated in my cheeks and in the area right above my eyebrows.
Noises in my office aren't hurting my ears. I'm so confused why everything is burning so much. I woke up and it was fine but as soon as I started to move around a bit my ears started to get the menthol sensation again, it's very concentrated in my cheeks and in the area right above my eyebrows.
Have you ever seen a neurologist about this? I'm not positive about this but above the eyebrows seems like a highly unusual location for either hyperacusis or TMJ.
I think I'd feel better knowing that the medical community would be supportive of this condition and I could get disability if I really needed it

Being that it's not only an invisible illness but one that isn't widely recognized scares me so much and really has me fearful of the future (and I don't mean years down the line but weeks, months).

My eyesight seems to have declined in the last few months as well. Not sure if this is just from me spending all my time online, or something more devious like MS.
Noises in my office aren't hurting my ears. I'm so confused why everything is burning so much. I woke up and it was fine but as soon as I started to move around a bit my ears started to get the menthol sensation again, it's very concentrated in my cheeks and in the area right above my eyebrows.
I have the exact same thing - the menthol sensation with no obvious trigger. I felt like I was improving over the past few weeks but the menthol sensation has returned for no obvious reason. It's not there when I wake up but seems to activate once I start my day. Really hoping it's just a temporary blip in the ups and downs that accompany recovery. Keep trying to envisage things 2-3, 6 months from now witg the probability that it will get better but my mental state is so fragile. I literally just want to lie down and sleep I'm a total basket-case.
Noises in my office aren't hurting my ears. I'm so confused why everything is burning so much. I woke up and it was fine but as soon as I started to move around a bit my ears started to get the menthol sensation again, it's very concentrated in my cheeks and in the area right above my eyebrows.
Hi, I had the same symptom with high severity for about 3 months. Please wear protection in you symptomatic ear(s), it may help prevent symptoms from getting so intense. As well, I found icing where the cheekbone meets the ear can help provide some temporary relief. Taking painkillers like Advil in small dose was helpful for me too.

My facial and ear pain have gone from unbearable to completely manageable over the course of months and months. Give yourself a chance to improve.
Noises in my office aren't hurting my ears. I'm so confused why everything is burning so much. I woke up and it was fine but as soon as I started to move around a bit my ears started to get the menthol sensation again, it's very concentrated in my cheeks and in the area right above my eyebrows
It's complicated, pain hyperacusis has a delayed effect, I have like 20 LDL and heard a hammer hitting a wall, at the moment had zero pain, three hours later hell came...
Hi, I had the same symptom with high severity for about 3 months. Please wear protection in you symptomatic ear(s), it may help prevent symptoms from getting so intense. As well, I found icing where the cheekbone meets the ear can help provide some temporary relief. Taking painkillers like Advil in small dose was helpful for me too.

My facial and ear pain have gone from unbearable to completely manageable over the course of months and months. Give yourself a chance to improve.
I will try these tips, thank you.
I have the exact same thing - the menthol sensation with no obvious trigger. I felt like I was improving over the past few weeks but the menthol sensation has returned for no obvious reason. It's not there when I wake up but seems to activate once I start my day. Really hoping it's just a temporary blip in the ups and downs that accompany recovery. Keep trying to envisage things 2-3, 6 months from now witg the probability that it will get better but my mental state is so fragile. I literally just want to lie down and sleep I'm a total basket-case.
Yeah this morning I woke up and it was fine but as soon as I started moving around I noticed it immediately and as I drove it got worse. Now that I'm at work it's settled down a tiny bit and my ears just feel "hot" a bit. It's so hard to get through each day, like I know life's gonna throw curve balls at you but you never expect to go from being completely healthy in your 20's to fearing you're gonna have to live in complete isolation for the rest of your life.
It's complicated, pain hyperacusis has a delayed effect, I have like 20 LDL and heard a hammer hitting a wall, at the moment had zero pain, three hours later hell came...
Agree - I've been very cautious with my ears over the past few months so I can take comfort in the fact that I haven't exposed my ears to anything truly dangerous but it can be difficult and frustrating to track exactly what triggers the symptoms as it can be a delayed reaction.
Hi, I had the same symptom with high severity for about 3 months. Please wear protection in you symptomatic ear(s), it may help prevent symptoms from getting so intense. As well, I found icing where the cheekbone meets the ear can help provide some temporary relief. Taking painkillers like Advil in small dose was helpful for me too.

My facial and ear pain have gone from unbearable to completely manageable over the course of months and months. Give yourself a chance to improve.
Was it a fairly linear process of recovery for you or did you ever feel like your symptoms came and went? That's so encouraging to hear though and I'm so glad you've got better. I've scoured this forum and I get the impression that in most cases the H almost always improve it can just be maddeningly slow.
Hi, I had the same symptom with high severity for about 3 months. Please wear protection in you symptomatic ear(s), it may help prevent symptoms from getting so intense. As well, I found icing where the cheekbone meets the ear can help provide some temporary relief. Taking painkillers like Advil in small dose was helpful for me too.

My facial and ear pain have gone from unbearable to completely manageable over the course of months and months. Give yourself a chance to improve.
How long after getting your tinnitus did these symptoms set in? Did they all appear gradually or at once?
It's complicated, pain hyperacusis has a delayed effect, I have like 20 LDL and heard a hammer hitting a wall, at the moment had zero pain, three hours later hell came...
I think I have that. Delay time varies for me. Maybe I do have pain hyperacusis. :-( Does it ever go away?!?

How do you know what noises cause it?

My left ear pain had subsided for two days but it's hurting again! I fucking hate this. The only recent noise was a train in the background. Could that do it? It sometimes seems like the pain starts from no apparent noise though or a noise I don't think is really loud. I could see various normal noises spiking tinnitus but causing ear pain?

It's almost always my left ear. I hate this so fucking much. I am hardly ever pain free. I hate my life and no believes me.
Yeah this morning I woke up and it was fine but as soon as I started moving around I noticed it immediately and as I drove it got worse. Now that I'm at work it's settled down a tiny bit and my ears just feel "hot" a bit. It's so hard to get through each day, like I know life's gonna throw curve balls at you but you never expect to go from being completely healthy in your 20's to fearing you're gonna have to live in complete isolation for the rest of your life.
I have the same 'hot' feeling like my ears will just feel like they're heating up. Also in my 20s and really hoping this gets better. If it goes back to how it was before which was basically 'dormant' then I would be so happy. Also hoping regenerative medicine comes thru for us in the next 5 years or so.
I have the same 'hot' feeling like my ears will just feel like they're heating up. Also in my 20s and really hoping this gets better. If it goes back to how it was before which was basically 'dormant' then I would be so happy. Also hoping regenerative medicine comes thru for us in the next 5 years or so.
Yeah if I could at least tolerate a mall food court I would be fine :/ how much potential do those regenerative medicines have to help with hyperacusis? I'm not feeling too optimistic when it comes to those medicines. If it was just tinnitus that I had then yeah. But the hyperacusis for me is so much worse.
Yeah if I could at least tolerate a mall food court I would be fine :/ how much potential do those regenerative medicines have to help with hyperacusis? I'm not feeling too optimistic when it comes to those medicines. If it was just tinnitus that I had then yeah. But the hyperacusis for me is so much worse.
I'm hoping that once phase 2 results (Audion, Frequency) come out later this year we will get a clearer picture whether they will also help hyperacusis. Frequency added tinnitus to their secondary outcomes so hopefully we'll also see whether hyperacusis is helped by it. My hyperacusis is a much bigger problem than my tinnitus which I pretty much only notice in a quiet room at night. Feels like I've spent the past 2 months in a perpetual state of discomfort and pain. It sucks so bad.
I'm hoping that once phase 2 results (Audion, Frequency) come out later this year we will get a clearer picture whether they will also help hyperacusis. Frequency added tinnitus to their secondary outcomes so hopefully we'll also see whether hyperacusis is helped by it. My hyperacusis is a much bigger problem than my tinnitus which I pretty much only notice in a quiet room at night. Feels like I've spent the past 2 months in a perpetual state of discomfort and pain. It sucks so bad.
I really hope it helps. There are so many people who suffer from hyperacusis, not just us tinnitus folk. Meniere's, concussion patients, MS, autistic people. It's super common but like one of those things you don't hear about or care about until you experience it. I pray that something comes out that helps us or at least alleviates things a bit so I can enjoy being young at least a little bit. Even if that means in my 30's. I just don't want to feel like a waste of space for the rest of my life.
Guys I can't live anymore. I'm 21 with loud fucking tinnitus at 30-35 decibels!!! Anyone understand me??? It's fucking hell.
Understood... 100 percent.

You are in early days... a lot can change and often will if you protect your ears. You are going through the hardest part. There really is a good chance it will back off a bit over the next 9 months. Damage to the ears takes a long time to heal.

Feel your anguish... baby steps. Get support if you can, from family and friends.
Yeah this morning I woke up and it was fine but as soon as I started moving around I noticed it immediately and as I drove it got worse. Now that I'm at work it's settled down a tiny bit and my ears just feel "hot" a bit. It's so hard to get through each day, like I know life's gonna throw curve balls at you but you never expect to go from being completely healthy in your 20's to fearing you're gonna have to live in complete isolation for the rest of your life.
FFS's quit your job, stay in your room for 6 months in total silence and you will get better.
FFS's quit your job, stay in your room for 6 months in total silence and you will get better.
I live in the most expensive city in the US (rent wise). If I quit my job I can live with my parents but I also lose my insurance. I'm only a couple months post grad, I hardly have any savings.
I live in the most expensive city in the US (rent wise). If I quit my job I can live with my parents but I also lose my insurance. I'm only a couple months post grad, I hardly have any savings.
Ok so you live in NYC, it's also the loudest.

Who cares about insurance right now? It's not like our condition has any treatment, so stay that f#$k home for a while.- you need to build up your LDL.
How long after getting your tinnitus did these symptoms set in? Did they all appear gradually or at once?
Was it a fairly linear process of recovery for you or did you ever feel like your symptoms came and went? That's so encouraging to hear though and I'm so glad you've got better. I've scoured this forum and I get the impression that in most cases the H almost always improve it can just be maddeningly slow.
After my loud noise mistake, I spent the first month with my primary concern being that my hearing was distorted. As well my left ear felt very full all the time. Both ears were sore all the time and I had pretty bad loudness hyperacusis. After the left ear (which is the ear I get the pain in still) started to "open up" it was VERY tender, I felt constant pain deep in the ear.

My hearing pretty much returned to normal in the second month, but I began experiencing middle ear muscle twitching, especially when yawning or swallowing. This is also when the pain in my ear became more reactive to noise. Loud noises, or continuous noises such as fan and motors, would create sharp pain deep in the ear and hotness. The pain began to radiate from my ear at this time. At its worst, I felt it in my face, back of head, and down my neck (left side only). I started to take Advil every morning and night to cope with the pain, iced my ear/cheekbone when it was hot, and wore plugs around any machines/fans or when I was interacting with a large group of people. It was still super painful but it rarely progressed to that 10/10 full head burning sensation that I had constantly edged on.

Over the 3 months since then I have ebbed and flowed (construction outside my work, listening to music too loud, or socializing could make things more sensitive for a time, hours or days) but I'm doing better than before. I listen to my music very quietly and am careful that my recreational noise is always fully within my comfort zone, never pushing it. I have a handful of plugs in my pocket to wear when a loud fan, large crowd, or subway sounds threaten to set me back. I'm not perfect but I have largely avoided big irritations this way. I find looking back I only noticed improvement as I hit milestones (cutlery no longer hurting, voices no longer hurting, music not being painful, etc). The improvement is in trends vs a day today always better than the last progression.

Now I no longer need to use pain killers. And I don't get the hot burning pain, just a dull ache in the ear and a feeling of pressure on my face. My ear twitching has also improved, it is much more predictable. I still have to be very careful, and hope to keep improving.

I hope this is helpful to you two! I'm think of making a big post on the hyperacusis support board with all the info I have learned from dealing with and researching these symptoms. Is that something you'd be interested in?

There are cases of painful hearing taking 2-3 years to resolve so remain hopeful even as time passes. If you let your ears rest you'll have the best chance. I could almost cry typing this all out thinking of what I, and you, have been through (hence my username lol) so please know you aren't alone dealing with this and other people understand your pain!
i want to escape. i just want to end this life and don't care if there is anything after it. I just want to get the hell out for real.

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