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  • I can't tell u all after suffering severe Tinnitus how I would go back to it in a minute to escape this visual/cognitive hell.
    Hi @IntotheBlue03 ! Have you tried an upper cervical chiro? It can be a slow process, but I found great success with my chronic neck pain/migraines. Until I had the second vax that is. There are a few options to have your C1 corrected, including NUCCA, Atlasprofilax, etc. Please let me know how prolotherapy goes for you as I am looking into trying that as well. Hope things get better soon! :)
    Hi I did try this a long time ago but my theory is the adjustment won't hold because I have too much upper cervical damage. I am hoping that once I have the PRP/Prolo treatments and stabilize that I'll be able to hold an adjustment.
    Hi @Guywithapug ! I would recommend you research Upper Cervical Chiros. NUCCA is very gentle, but it may take a long time to see results. My UCC uses a drop table and gently pushes the C1 into place, no cracking, no pain. Never tried Y-strap, that looks a bit scary to me!
    Hi @IntotheBlue03 ! Let me know when you've started the prolotherapy. I'm going to call some places this week and look into it. It took a year of UCC adjustments to see results and then the second vax completely took me back to square one. I simply cannot wait another year to see results again. I hate living in pain, even more than t.
    Need everyone's thoughts and prayers at this point. The visual and cognitive symptoms are unbearable everyday.
    Stay strong! I understand the frustration you're going through. Sometimes it seems like it will never get better, but there is hope. It can be really difficult living just to get through the day, especially when you see other healthy people who are busy making plans. Saying prayers <3
    Thank u so much @FlatDarkEarth every second is a struggle and I'm sorry to hear about what ur enduring mentally. May we all have peace and recover as soon as possible.
    @LilSass thank u kindly u said it it's the worst when u see healthy people going about their day and every second of yours is despair. Really praying I can find the right help that I need. It's unacceptable that we fall into these black holes with no help. Neurological conditions are such a nightmare!
    @IntotheBlue03 No indications of Venous Sinus Stenosis/IIH is noted on your MRI report. From MRI notations that you posted; brain is fine. You have an alar and other neck injuries. Correct head posture, staying calm and my other mentions are needed.
    " The left transverse and sigmoid sinuses are dominant. The right transverse sinus is diminutive with focal narrowing in the transverse/sigmoid sinus junction. Possible mild narrowing at the left transverse/sigmoid sinus junction.
    Focal filling defect in the distal right transverse sinus, likely an arachnoid granulation." @Greg Sacramento
    I absolutely feel my upper cervical injuries led to IIH without a doubt. @Greg Sacramento
    @IntotheBlue03 I have the same issues! Can't be bothered to write it all out. I'm waiting for a stent, but because of NHS, I will probably die of old age before it's done lol.
    Seems Tinnitus/Ear Fullness/Hearing Loss/Visual& Cog Fog Probs go together with Venous Sinus Stenosis/IIH! What a nightmare condition
    Hey if they can fix it it would solve alot of your issues... atleast you found a cause
    Back and struggling with Partially Empty Sella reported on Brain MRI. Anyone else/thoughts?
    @IntotheBlue03 i always read my own results and get worked up .. dont get to stressed there is lots of conditions and things that can be treated and resolve on their own .. i think prednisone did something to my brain im going to see doctor about it im sure it altered something
    I hope prednisone didn't harm u it's only helped me. Definitely recommend MDing. @Hottopic29
    @IntotheBlue03 i didn't taper wasn't given that option .. wish i did make sure you do and do it slow
    80mg of Prednisone reduced my visual symptoms 50%-75% yesterday and today I'm on to something! Brain MRI here I come!
    Doesn't Naltrexone work on inflamation maybe a higher dose
    You're absolutely right I didn't even consider that if I run out I probably should thank you.
    Began MDing today. Wish me luck, really hope I get some relief visually.
    Hey @LostinTX i did 50mg too the first day absolutely no side effects except I felt calmer which could be placebo I'll be doing 100mg tonight. Pretty confident I won't notice anything then either. Adding 1000mg lions mane+200mg Niacin on Paul protocol
    I have tried Lion's Mane twice before and spiked me both times. Gave it to my husband to finish. I also read about the Paul Stamet's stack hoping it would help :/
    @LostinTX you feel anything on it i was thinking of trying.. what does your spikes sound like
    What time you trying the 100mg im curious to was about to order some online pill form they sell in canada the calm one has psilocybin Ashwagandha and Reishi in 100mg tablet .. kinda nervous about other ingredients..
    So because I'm in the USA where greed and profit keep anything naturally good for u illegal I've had to go the underground route. I think ur safe with CA sources since it's technically legal there. I couldn't order anything because of customs.
    Hi Lovely, how do you manage to focus on reading and writing? Sounds awful. I presume your t is no longer an issue? are you still on the LDN?
    Hi Dear It's pretty terrible honestly I'm getting less resistant to it by the day. I'm constantly having to refocus every 5 seconds so u can imagine my life is in chaos again even without T. It is still constant but very low and I don't notice it as much with this new disaster I am dealing with. Still on LDN
    I also met with Dirk de Ridder, nice guy but we didn't address the T as I wanted his thoughts on what I'm currently dealing with.
    What kind of hell on earth is Saccadic Intrusions? You can't focus on anything in your vision. It's nightmarish. Calling the tinnitus back
    It's very low but I suspect it was caused by an underlying disease at this point like MS, etc. It was severe for 3 mo now the visual and mental symptoms I'm dealing with are severe.
    And the reactivity is gone?
    Hi @ZFire yes the reactivity is gone and has been replaced by nightmarish Visual symptoms that are constant unfortunately.
    Any1 else know vestibular conditions cause severe anxiety bc it's a physiological response of the brain not knowing where u r in space?
    Good luck on stem cells! I may research if they can in Mexico too
    Oh goodness what is cerebral small vessel disease? Sounds terrible! Yes these chronic torturous diseases are all monsters I never knew existed. I will keep u posted and in my prayers as well!
    Yes this sensation of feeling like I can't really think or see is just unbearable I hope I don't have MS but need a diagnosis soon as far as what's causing this.
    Symptoms reduced 60% w/ Prism Glasses+Trial Lens Clip. No more feeling like I'm swimming under water completely. Thankful.
    Devastating Diagnosis but the right 1 finally. Vestibular Ocular Reflex Dysfunction. Another learn to live with it nightmare. I am crushed.
    @Damocles Yes agreed I had heard of the VSS link but not this nightmare disorder. I'm having a really hard time seeing a path forward with it.
    Great news all, finally found a godsend of a FCOVD Optometrist. I now have prism glasses fitted with a trial lens clip that reduced my symptoms by 60%. I no longer feel like I'm swimming under water 24/7. I start vestibular and vision therapy next week. Thank fucking Science because I no longer believe in God.
    Had an FCOVD Exam, def Brain2Eye issue. Put on a prism that stopped all movement. Tears. Hope this nightmare is coming to a close.
    @DimLeb I'm hoping I can at least now avoid SSRIs and Benzos, rather do prism glasses and VRT (if needed) and NFB.
    Glad to hear! Things are so much different when there are actually effective treatments, unlike the damned T...
    @DimLeb I hear u and I'm attending the March Stat with Susan Shore hoping to hear the latest on what's going on there. I will post everything I hear right here. I'm hoping I don't have anything more serious going on and that these treatments work, wish me luck! All of this neurological nightmare back to back has really shaken me up.
    Received a diagnosis of PPPD. Devastated. Treatment sounds difficult and long. :(
    That sucks but at least there's treatment... I read that Vitamin D and calcium are good for that. The tinnitus is better now though? Could you share what tests led to the PPPD diagnosis? Been having some very minor balance myself.
    Hi @DimLeb honestly it seemed more like a process of elimination after I failed for epley and finally seeing my ENT after 3 other HCPs. I hope treatment works it seems like another vague condition that is difficult to treat.
    After 60 mg of Prednisone had visual stabilization 12 hours later. Tossed&turned in sleep & noticed Disorientation returning. Worse today.
    Still blown away that a qEEG can show the exact location of Tinnitus perception in your brain. Is this common knowledge on TT?
    No, I've never heard of this!
    Where exactly is the t originating from?
    The center of my brain however now that it's quieter I hear it more towards the right rear side of my head and the qEEG captured that in red. I'll have to post it just to share.
    Neuro Oph says no nystagmus & nothing is wrong. Relieved but devastated at the same time. The world rocks like a boat as I move my head/eyes
    PT for the vertigo. Although I think honestly it just went away with time. The nystagmus left also. It scared me with the dizziness sitting up closing my eyes. I was like wtf I was told this was only with movements.
    But the therapist said no, you will have dizziness and balance issues just closing your eyes standing up etc. too.
    @LostinTX @GoatSheep Ty both it's really good to know it might take multiple visits and that it can go away in time this has scared me to death have my maneuver scheduled for tomorrow afternoon, wish me luck! T is bad enough all this comorbid crap has to go lol
    Anxiety still down and I'm in a hospital across town. I'm upset but no panic attacks. Hope NF is the answer to my panic & nystagmus.
    very hopeful for you and interested to hear how it goes!
    by the way, we got tinnitus around the same time. it sounds like your anxiety has been worse than mine, but I am happy to report my loudness has subsided from the 8/10 horror that was January to an electrical hiss. A tolerable one that I will continue to try to mitigate.
    I am so happy to hear that for u @blamingeverything! My anxiety is better but what's really bothering me now is the eye symptoms/brain fog. I'm not clear on if the SGB I had caused it or if it was there prior to a certain degree but the neuro oph had nothing to tell me. I guess no news is good news but I can't help but feel something very bad is happening. Really hope NF can address the nystagmus.
    Could Be Placebo effect but anxiety down 50% as I move through my day after 1st full session of Neurofeedback. Last 2 sessions were practice
    Absolutely in Tears as I type this. Highly recommend Neurofeedback. Their QEEG is very impressive.
    T still low but don't recommend the SGB. Brain Fog/Haze more severe now. Doc says it's a rare side effect. 2022 just keeps getting worse.
    I hope it's just from my ongoing anxiety but striking out a third time is crazy
    Tinnitus continues to be low/nonreactive 2 days off KPin. However, mental anxiety/brain fog is debilitating. SGB suppressing physical panic
    Was your decrease in T sudden or gradual? so it went from loud to low. Do you think the cervical treatment helped?Hopefully it goes away.
    @Reed19 definitely gradual and I'm not sure it's permanent as I am now 3 days off Kpin with NAD+ Therapy. I'm also in a high anxiety state w/ eye issues so not sure if there's a compensatory factor there.
    @Reed19 Will keep u posted I actually had an SGB instead of an upper cervical Rx to suppress fight or flight response so I'm not sure about it's effect on T but I def do not recommend the procedure. I also should mention I've been on LDN for 2 mo and that doesn't seem to show any effect for users until 2 mo in so that could also be a factor.
    Brain Fog still lingering. Is this Derealization compounded over the past few months & not from the SGB I just had?
    I have no experience with SGB, but I think it is perfectly possible your weeks long adrenaline rush may have contributed to this.

    To put it bluntly: your brain's been through a lot.
    @Damocles Totally agree and while the SGB is addressing some of the physical panic symptoms I'm once again going through severe anxiety. Wish I knew wtf was wrong. This only got better where I had 2 good days last week when I took a very slow 0.5mg dose of Clonazepam and both times the following days I felt fairly normal before it ramped up again.
    Whether this is withdrawal or not I really want to find some supplements to take instead or in conjunction to a horrible taper if I have to have one. To be fair I did have the brain fog before the SGB and the pinpointed pupils. However from what I understand benzo withdrawal should not cause pinpointed pupils where severe anxiety can? This has really snowballed into a bigger nightmare than I could have ever imagined!
    So I bit the bullet today and had a Stellate Ganglion Block at the urging of my Prolo guy. A little brain fog but no panic at all.
    80% calm today after stopping Grandaxin & only had .5mg Clonazepam last nite. My symptoms matched Akathisia. Another layer of hell anyone?
    Yea purchased :) thought they were unavailable in US.
    Ur correct I purchased through cosmic nootropic. I'm hoping it was just a side effect as opposed to withdrawal I took it for 3 weeks irregularly & I did have the same panic symptoms before starting just not as severe.
    It was only halfway effective for my panic so it's possible my panic was just continuing to increase while using it. It's also somewhat of a stimulant & differs structurally from other benzos.
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