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  • I have really horrible anxiety, but that keeps you from getting better. I've been trying gentle vagal exercises to calm down my nervous system. Keep strong. I honestly think you'll get better.
    @dolphinskin thank you for that, I should try exercising too sometime, I heard it's really good. I also have bad anxiety and it makes it hard to heal
    Hey there. Nobody ever warns you about this stuff with t. Have you had a look at success stories? There are people who go back to 100% normal years later. It looks like it's good to eat a good diet, calm down your nervous system, sleep well, etc, to promote that healing.
    I'm scared. I had progress, my baseline was some silence OVER my T. It was so low and so mild I was happier. Please don't be permanent..
    One particular scream my youngest brother did (3 years old) triggered a spike in my right ear and now all I can do is cry. I hate this.
    Was it directly in your ear? If not then I'm sure it is temporary. If you don't already, have earmuffs handy for when they are loud
    Should be temporary, give it time to heal and protect your ears.
    @Ngo13 no it wasn't directly, thank you :)
    I have two young brothers who like screaming so much, and their screams are PAINFUL. I don't have hyperacusis and that's how painful it is
    as I type this, I'm just letting the tears run & I'm so unfazed. My Color is drained and I no longer can taste life, almost lifeless
    Let's those tears run - but remember like hell you're gunna let that stupid sound in your ears get the better of you today! Don't let that sound beat you down. Like I always say, T has robbed you of your silence, don't let it rob of your life. Are you at home atm? I suggest putting on movie, and perhaps busy yourself whilst watching it, like doing a puzzle. Anything to keep the mind occupied. It worked for me.
    Puzzles are a great distraction! Come on my lovely - you've got this! You're strong even though you feel weak. I believe in you. You're young! You can turn this shit around. If it helps, google all the successful people out there who have built a brilliant career for themselves whilst battling T. Use them as your motivation. <3
    @Steph1710 thank you once again Steph for your motivation and your kind words, they always seem to help me get through the day :) I've been trying to distract myself as of lately, but my baseline changed and I can hear it a tiny bit louder than most days. Still, I hope I can adjust to it and everything will be fine. Thank you
    What if I told you I'm barely holding on to dear life because the only thing I can think about is tinnitus
    I would believe you because those first few months will be the hardest of your life. Adjusting to a new norm takes time. Believe me when I say that one day, you won't focus on it 24/7. Seems crazy but it's true. :)
    @Steph1710 it does seem crazy, like heaven too, I wish that day would arrive faster. Thank you
    Though? I don't think my T came from that.. hopefully not, my onset started 2 weeks after I had covid & was random when I wanted to sleep
    @lanterns&coffee Hearing tests are crude and are useful at detecting profound stuff, like otosclerosis or an acoustic shock or sth. However, more experienced neuro-otologists do balance tests too, like they put on you goggles and spin you around to detect abnormal eye movements. It's a way to have a "total" view of the inner ear. That way they can exclude noise damage, since balance isn't affected by noise (usually).
    @lanterns&coffee Not that you can fix it, if you find something wrong with your balance/hearing lol. But at least you can exclude some things and adjust accordingly!
    @DimLeb not sure where I can find a clinic that does that around lol
    I use to say I'd never regret having a heavy death metal phase but now I look back and…… yeah maybe I shouldn't have had that phase yikes
    @DimLeb i don't know how many dBs I've listened to but I knew sometimes my ears would hurt and I'd take long breaks from that
    Never had problems with T back then though, only occasional moments and short spikes but I had nothing continuous. Also I've heard we can't use headphones nor earphones anymore with tinnitus- that this is our dead end
    @kingsfan dont worry, I haven't used them at all despite my improvement. I have bad anxiety and I'd probably go berserk if something happened
    if I ever heal from tinnitus, I'll forever keep this experience with me. It taught me things, like being grateful and taking care of myself
    and ONLY 2 weeks after having covid? hoping it's possible cause I'd probs go into my slump of hypochondria again.. I hope I can live again.
    that's the case for teens like me who use to blast heavy metal (but had no T at that time) however got it after 2 years of stopping (2/3)
    @lanterns&coffee go on then - what heavy metal you in to? Indulge me. I'm a fellow metal head. \m/
    @Steph1710 now now, how did I JUST see this after almost half a year? Haha, but to answer your question (very late yes) I use to be into other genres like rock and screamo, bands like slayer, motionless in white, strychnia (barely, they're EAR RIPPING loud, do not recommend at all) babymetal, kim dracula and more
    hi guys!! I was viewing posts earlier & I saw some replies talking about how usually young ears heal faster. I was wondering if (1/3)
    Goodnight tinnitustalk, I'm currently sick so I won't be going to school tomorrow. Hope you guys have a good day / night! love from lantern
    Confidence back, it all just stormed on me. I was doing well in school. I was finally planning a life instead of not seeing a future. (3/3)
    @Damocles and I commend you, truly. I may have not suffered for that long, but I still understand that if I were to live with this for even more than 5 years I would with no doubt lose my dear sanity. You're strong for holding on all these years and may you continue to stay strong until a cure is found
    @fishbone = tinnitus gladiator. Stories and legends will be told about him
    @lanterns&coffee In this time and age of iPods and reckless usage of all kinds of technological devices that is put in the ears to play loud music, tinnitus is going up, waaay up, all over the world. They have no choice but to take it seriously now.
    Mental illnesses, I was starting to accept myself and who I am. I was feeling better and as soon as I started regaining my (2/3)
    Before my onset I was living a completely "normal" life if you can call it that. Was so much better, i was healing from trauma, (1/3)
    You are in a very good position right now. Keep your chin up. Girl! You've got this - even if it doesn't feel like it. T has taken your silence. Don't let it rob you of your life & the things you love doing. Don't let it win!

    Take care.


    @Steph1710 thank you so much for your message. This honestly gave me so much hope and a reason to keep going, I can't thank you enough for this. The comfort I get from so many supportive messages from people on this forum genuinely makes me feel warm and cared for. You all, we all deserve silence and peace, and with difficulty there will always be ease. I hope you're doing well, you deserve the best
    @Steph1710 i appreciate your advice so much ! I'll make sure to follow them. I'm honoured to get plenty of advice from you, really. I'll definitely need to get out & purchase some hearing protection plugs soon, I find myself needing them more than anything especially in the school bus because it sounds like a construction site haha
    I wish I wasn't 16, because now I know my life is ruined until the day I die. wish smth would happen and take me away from this world
    Hi. How are you protecting your ears? Do you hear it over everything or in quiet only? Hows your sleep? Is it 24/7 or just random? Are your parents and doctor aware? You need to protect from ANY loud sounds for awhile. Your ears need to heal. Im just lost on how to help and trying to see where everything is at. Please be careful with your ears! Sending you love and hugs!!
    I'm trying my best to protect them lately, but it's difficult being in a noisy house and being a student that goes to a noisy environment & bus. My parents and doctor are aware of my condition. When I was in the airport 2 days ago I heard it over everything, but I never had issues with sleeping through it.
    Thank you maxrabbit :) sending warm hugs! Makes me happy to see someone that cares. My classmate made a 'joke' about my tinnitus and that made me upset
    Man, feeling very sad today again lol.. I'm only 16, my life hasn't even started yet, why did tinnitus have to come along.? I wanna be happy
    Hello Lantern. What procedure has to start over? May I ask how you got your tinnitus? As you are very very young your ears have a GREAT chance to heal! But! You need to start protecting your ears. Get a pair of over the ear protection (look like headphones) for when you are out walking around. At home, dont use any headphones/earbuds at all. Make sure your speakers are at low volume too!
    I stopped though and this came pretty randomly. I always thought my tinnitus was "normal" and that every1 hears it, & that silence just sounds like that.. until I began noticing it, please say I still have a chance to heal I heard it never heals when it comes
    Why cant you heal? Do you know how long you have had it?
    What did the doctor say? Show your parents this website if you havent. I hope you get better soon!
    @MaxRabbit well I'm not so sure.. that's the thing, it's been like 3 weeks maybe since my extremely random onset. Before that I had excessive earwax and I got it removed but it was only quiet for a while. The doctor said my ears were fine and so was my eardrum, but I have a hearing test this week.
    procedure has 2 start all over. i feel bad. I want 2 curl up & cry 4ever. This sucks, I hate my life, from mental to physical illnesses.
    Went to the doctors today because mom refuses to believe I have tinnitus, if I get diagnosed I'm gonna breakdown and the acceptance (1/2)
    I just realised my tinnitus is so much more loud on the left ear, anything I should be concerned of? I know my right ear is really chill..
    gave me a pretty bad spike 2day I cried my eyes out. hope habituation comes soon, it's only been 2? weeks since onset & I'm progressing (2/2
    Hi guys :)! Static noise still there but it's stable. So is the ringing. Hoping it stays like that or else I'll go bonkers. School bus (1/2)
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