SarahMLFlemmer Oct 6, 2023 Sometimes I wonder why God allows me to be here still. I guess suffering well speaks louder than miracle healing.
Sometimes I wonder why God allows me to be here still. I guess suffering well speaks louder than miracle healing.
SarahMLFlemmer Oct 2, 2023 The dentist was already scary pre-T, now it's horrifying. Panicked at the screech of the tools in my mouth, cried, left OK, just tired now.
The dentist was already scary pre-T, now it's horrifying. Panicked at the screech of the tools in my mouth, cried, left OK, just tired now.
SarahMLFlemmer Oct 2, 2023 Wake up, hope, hear noise, instant anxiety, deep breath, stand up tall, "God is with me."
SarahMLFlemmer Oct 2, 2023 I, too, feel like I will never enjoy "the little things" in this life again like I once did. Now, I see that I took so much for granted. =[
I, too, feel like I will never enjoy "the little things" in this life again like I once did. Now, I see that I took so much for granted. =[
SarahMLFlemmer Oct 1, 2023 Just thought you all should know that I met the original red Power Ranger at Comic-Con today. 80s baby - 90s kid, so what can I say?!
Just thought you all should know that I met the original red Power Ranger at Comic-Con today. 80s baby - 90s kid, so what can I say?!
SarahMLFlemmer Sep 29, 2023 I really don't think the volume of my T is going to decrease, ever. It's been over 10 months and absolutely zero change. =[
I really don't think the volume of my T is going to decrease, ever. It's been over 10 months and absolutely zero change. =[
SarahMLFlemmer Sep 27, 2023 ...Should I?
SarahMLFlemmer Sep 27, 2023 Fought hard this week. This morning I woke up to T that makes the inside of my head shake. Today, the tears fall.
Fought hard this week. This morning I woke up to T that makes the inside of my head shake. Today, the tears fall.
SarahMLFlemmer Sep 27, 2023 My T is so loud that I have daily headaches/migraines. Staying busy is key. Sucks cause my body needs rest so bad. Masking doesn't work.
My T is so loud that I have daily headaches/migraines. Staying busy is key. Sucks cause my body needs rest so bad. Masking doesn't work.
SarahMLFlemmer Sep 26, 2023 What pill are they referring to here?
SarahMLFlemmer Sep 26, 2023 ...I can't really find any success stories from medication induced tinnitus. =[
SarahMLFlemmer Sep 25, 2023 Able to laydown & "rest" WITHOUT crying today. Only the 2nd time in 10 months I've been able to hold it together & pretend this is normal.
Able to laydown & "rest" WITHOUT crying today. Only the 2nd time in 10 months I've been able to hold it together & pretend this is normal.
SarahMLFlemmer Sep 23, 2023 Tinnitus & everything that comes w/ him are very much w/ me. Coping well this week. Thanks for being there on the not so good weeks.
Tinnitus & everything that comes w/ him are very much w/ me. Coping well this week. Thanks for being there on the not so good weeks.
SarahMLFlemmer Sep 19, 2023 God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can & the wisdom to know the difference.
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can & the wisdom to know the difference.
SarahMLFlemmer Sep 19, 2023 Please tell me that habituation for super loud T is a real thing. I can't do this. I feel another mental breakdown coming.
Please tell me that habituation for super loud T is a real thing. I can't do this. I feel another mental breakdown coming.
SarahMLFlemmer Sep 17, 2023 Couldn't sleep til 4:30 am though, Amitriptyline plus a Xanax just to get me to sleep. =/
SarahMLFlemmer Sep 17, 2023 Went to Joe's Crab Shack a comedy show tonight. No effect on T. Doing well the past few days. Love you all! Good days do come, HANG ON!!!
Went to Joe's Crab Shack a comedy show tonight. No effect on T. Doing well the past few days. Love you all! Good days do come, HANG ON!!!