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  • I got to church today and I realized one of my earplugs had fallen out! Thankfully, I had my Westones in my purse.
    @twa Yeah I have some cheap ones. I need to go back to my tinnitus specialist and get some custom-fitted ones for sleep.
    @Sentinel wearing earplugs at night doesn't make your tinnitus louder? It does for me. My family thought just putting earplugs in solved the noise problem in the house. I explained to them, it makes the T louder and I can't hear as well so it's not really a solution for me.
    @twa it does I'm just trying to lower my emotional response to it. It's not for everybody.
    Day 25- First day that I woke up, got up very slowly and did not have vertigo!!!
    Day 22- dizziness post vaccine.
    Ugh! Is it getting progressively better or has it stopped improving? I'll keep praying for you Teresa! *hugs*
    It was getting better and I've had some days with more dizziness. I started doing the Meclizine. Thank you~
    I was just startled by loud thunder and lightening. Better get out the earplugs, it's starting to hail! Gotta love Texas weather!
    Watched a weird show on Netflix called "The Innocents". Scandinavian, a little dark and eerie. Really not my usual genre.
    We watched 'Benji', the 2018 version last night. It was so fun and cute! :)
    I haven't seen that one, saw the originals though. :-D
    Has anyone started a doctoral program with tinnitus/hyperacusis?
    Oh wow! Cool! I am trying to decide if it's something I could do with T/H.
    @twa Whilst I'm not quite at doctoral stage yet, I have full plans to go ahead with one irrespective of developing tinnitus this year. I only hope I'll still be able to go through with it.
    @arcanesystem You're so inspirational. I read your posts often when I worry about being able to get through my education with this.
    Watched "The Phenomenon" on Prime. It was interesting, reminded me a little of the X-Files.
    Day 16- Still dealing with post vaccine dizziness. No previous dizziness or vertigo. Others have reported anywhere from 3 days to 10 weeks.
    Dizziness, vertigo and neck pain is slowly getting better. Hyperacusis is better too, which is amazing.
    My 80 year dad who is hard of hearing went back to exercise class for the first time since the pandemic started. He is my inspiration!!!
    Wow!! Hats off to him!
    @Steph1710 he is pretty amazing. He has a huge garden that he has had for about 45 years. He has a year around plan and draws diagrams of the placement of the plants. At any given time he reads 5-6 books and goes to the library everyday. The lockdown was hard on him because he couldn't go to the senior center for exercise or his daily trip to the library to look for the latest mystery novel.
    Day 14 at home. What a sight in my pajamas with orange earplugs, trying to keep my balance, running down the street chasing after the dog!
    Ok, maybe not running but walking fast! :-D
    I did something similar. My dog got overly excited about a cat, dragged me down by the leash on a steep hill while wearing my trendy, sexy earmuffs. I felt like the town freak. :p
    @Kriszti you made me laugh out loud! I feel that way walking in my neighborhood with orange earplugs and putting my hands over my ears when trucks drive by or planes fly over.
    Started work today on a teacher resource for fossils. My son loves fossil hunts. This will be a resource for teachers and kids.
    Yes! My all time favorite classes in undergraduate studies were Art History and Architectural History.
    I collect fossils, and skulls - anything natural history really. History was always my favourite subject by far - I mean it encompasses everything in life to have ever have happened, been done, or will one day happen. I live near the coast, and we have a plethora of different fossils here. We can sit on the beach and quite literally pick them up around us, especially sharks teeth. There everywhere.
    That is so cool! We have fossils in a creek in our hometown not very far from us. My kiddo loves to go fossil hunting. When they go to east Texas, they find arrowheads from the native Americans who lived here hundreds of years ago. Some of them date back even further. Where my dad grew up in Oklahoma, arrowheads could be found on the side of the road.
    Has anyone been able to go out and do normal things after recovering from an acoustic trauma? Movie, kid's soccer game, church, etc.?
    Day 13 at home. I miss normal life, going to the store, eating lunch out, drive to get a coffee. You know the mundane things in life.
    Day 12- vertigo, dizziness and neck pain are better today. So glad to be finished with the steroids.
    Husband forgot to wear hearing protection when he shot a shotgun at the range today. The muffs I bought him were on top of his head.‍
    (Rolls eyes). There's a toxic masculinity problem with hearing protection. Then one gets T and H and weeps like a baby. I hope he's okay. Most people didn't know. I would hope that living with someone with H would change that, but I'll save that rant.
    After seeing what I've been through the last 7 months with T and H he still is very cavalier about it all. I think he doesn't think it would affect him if it were to happen to him. His mom has said her mother had hearing loss with tinnitus and it wasn't a big deal to her.
    I went to and there were 137 pages of people with dizziness/vertigo after the first or second vaccine. Story after story...
    Haven't you been reporting ear discomfort? That's way more likely imo.

    Correlation ≠ Causation
    Well sign me up
    Yes, after the vaccine. Seems like most people are experiencing symptoms like mine 5-10 days after the vaccine.
    This is my first experience with vertigo. PA said once you have you are more inclined to get it again. Has this been your experience?
    Going to the dr this morning to get ears checked. In a lot of neck and ear pain. Is Tylenol considered ototoxic?
    I think it is, but it's still pretty safe. If that makes sense.

    Edit: I take it nearly every day.
    I don't think it's ototoxic
    I take it all the time with no problems. As long as you dont take a lot in one day for days. MHO
    Steroids can also lead to dizziness. You might be getting a double whammy with the steroids and the vaccine.
    I've never heard of steroids causing dizziness. Makes no sense, if it did that I'd be worried it's causing hydrops by interacting with mineral receptors. I got worse off steroids and believe this was at least partially why.
    Day 9 of steroids, they make me feel terrible.
    @GBB thank you, it's good to know that it can intensify the T. I just feel awful. I feel jittery, depressed, heart palpitations and flushed. I'm ending the taper today. Thank you @VeryUnfortunate. Good to know @Zugzug.
    When I took them it made me have bad anxiety and insomnia and my tinnitus was super loud. But after I stopped it took a few days for all the symptoms to go away.
    Day 9 of dizziness after 2nd Pfizer vaccine. Praying that is will subside along with neck pain.
    Did you start steroids the same day you got vaccinated? Steroids usually make me lightheaded, so maybe it's those?
    @OnceUponaTime, I let both my PCP and Otologist what has been happening. They were the ones who prescribed the antibiotic 6 weeks ago and then the steroid this time. If I'm not better tomorrow, I'll message my PCP. Thanks for the kind words.
    @kingsfan I started getting dizzy around the 10th day after the vaccine. I started the steroid about a day later.
    So I watched "Sound of Metal" on Prime. It's really, really tough. I would not recommend.
    @Robster it was not a wise choice on my part, especially when I'm at home with a setback. It really threw my mindset in a tailspin.
    I was gonna watch it this weekend. Can't mentally mess me up anymore then I already am lol
    @Charlesm0513 I know curiosity is part of human nature, but I encourage you to watch something happy or funny.
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