twa Apr 29, 2021 This morning I did an online study and I'm about to have an appointment with my nutritionist. It's good to connect with other people.
This morning I did an online study and I'm about to have an appointment with my nutritionist. It's good to connect with other people.
twa Apr 29, 2021 @Jack Straw my doctor recommended tart cherry supplements, called Cherryflex. I've been taking them for a month.
@Jack Straw my doctor recommended tart cherry supplements, called Cherryflex. I've been taking them for a month.
twa Apr 29, 2021 Day 7 of steroids. Felt great the first two days and now I'm having multiple side effects.
twa Apr 28, 2021 Watched "Nomadland" last night. It was good, but very sad. Need something upbeat now!
twa Apr 27, 2021 Has anyone taken a four hour car trip with T/H? I have two nieces graduating and it would be nice to go to their graduation celebrations.
Has anyone taken a four hour car trip with T/H? I have two nieces graduating and it would be nice to go to their graduation celebrations.
twa Apr 27, 2021 Looks like rain in north Texas! I'd better get that walk in! What is your goal for today?
twa Apr 27, 2021 Day 7 home with dizziness. Going to watch the movie of the year, "Nomadland", walk outside and work on an educational resource.
Day 7 home with dizziness. Going to watch the movie of the year, "Nomadland", walk outside and work on an educational resource.
LilSass Apr 26, 2021 I just watched 'Love and Monsters'. It's funny with a lot of action, romance, etc. Very cute film and I didn't fall asleep or think about t. <3 So glad to hear you're doing better Teresa. Stay strong!
I just watched 'Love and Monsters'. It's funny with a lot of action, romance, etc. Very cute film and I didn't fall asleep or think about t. <3 So glad to hear you're doing better Teresa. Stay strong!
twa Apr 26, 2021 Day 6 at home: boredom is kicking in. I tell my son it's good to be bored, it encourages creativity.
twa Apr 26, 2021 I can hear the birds tweeting from inside my house. First time all year I've been able to hear them.
twa Apr 26, 2021 Day 5 of steroids. Still dizzy, but better. Trying to hydrate, take supplements and rest. Staying home is the toughest part of all of this!
Day 5 of steroids. Still dizzy, but better. Trying to hydrate, take supplements and rest. Staying home is the toughest part of all of this!
twa Apr 26, 2021 So I've been watching a few movies while at home with this dizziness. The Silence on Netflix is pretty good and not too intense!
So I've been watching a few movies while at home with this dizziness. The Silence on Netflix is pretty good and not too intense!
twa Apr 25, 2021 After 4 days of steroids, starting to get shaky. I was concerned about the side effects, although it's nice to have energy!
After 4 days of steroids, starting to get shaky. I was concerned about the side effects, although it's nice to have energy!
twa Apr 25, 2021 Still dizzy this morning, day 4 of steroids. Trying to stay busy and active while at home. Beautiful, sunny day in Texas!
Still dizzy this morning, day 4 of steroids. Trying to stay busy and active while at home. Beautiful, sunny day in Texas!
twa Apr 24, 2021 So, the ringing changed to the sound an airplane engine makes as your enter the plane before take-off.
So, the ringing changed to the sound an airplane engine makes as your enter the plane before take-off.
twa Apr 24, 2021 Still dizzy, but much better. Day 3 of steroid pack. I walked briefly outside this morning with my family, just in case I lost my balance.
Still dizzy, but much better. Day 3 of steroid pack. I walked briefly outside this morning with my family, just in case I lost my balance.
twa Apr 23, 2021 So interesting side note. I started a steroid yesterday for dizziness and today my hyperacusis is better.
So interesting side note. I started a steroid yesterday for dizziness and today my hyperacusis is better.
twa Apr 23, 2021 The extreme dizziness has lead me to a place of gratitude for all the good things in my life. I had lost focus on the blessings of mobility.
The extreme dizziness has lead me to a place of gratitude for all the good things in my life. I had lost focus on the blessings of mobility.
twa Apr 22, 2021 @Forever hopeful, so sorry about your experience with the MRI. Do some self care, if you can. A hot pack, warm bath, quiet time, Netflix.
@Forever hopeful, so sorry about your experience with the MRI. Do some self care, if you can. A hot pack, warm bath, quiet time, Netflix.
twa Apr 22, 2021 So with all the dizziness, I threw up several times today, sorry for the TMI. The tinnitus got very low, almost quiet after each time.
So with all the dizziness, I threw up several times today, sorry for the TMI. The tinnitus got very low, almost quiet after each time.
twa Apr 22, 2021 Extremely nauseous and dizzy. I have Mezclizine and Ondansetron. Any experiences with these meds?
twa Apr 21, 2021 Dr called in a steroid for the dizziness, don't want to take if being caused by the Pfizer vaccine. I want to avoid steroids. Thoughts?
Dr called in a steroid for the dizziness, don't want to take if being caused by the Pfizer vaccine. I want to avoid steroids. Thoughts?
twa Apr 21, 2021 Woke up dizzy this morning. This happened 4 weeks ago when I had strep & liquid in both ears. I was afraid to drive the kiddo to school.
Woke up dizzy this morning. This happened 4 weeks ago when I had strep & liquid in both ears. I was afraid to drive the kiddo to school.
twa Apr 20, 2021 I have had high pitched ringing since my 2nd Pfizer shot 11 days ago. Please consider if you have already loud tinnitus.
I have had high pitched ringing since my 2nd Pfizer shot 11 days ago. Please consider if you have already loud tinnitus.