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  • This morning I did an online study and I'm about to have an appointment with my nutritionist. It's good to connect with other people.
    So true Teresa! I started an online Alpha course last night on Zoom and actually saw my neighbor there. It was a welcome distraction!
    @Lil Sass what is an Alpha group? @Sayeed mine is pretty good about nutrition, but not so versed in vitamins, supplements, etc.
    Hi twa! Alpha is a Christian-based study group.
    @Jack Straw my doctor recommended tart cherry supplements, called Cherryflex. I've been taking them for a month.
    I've just read up a little on Cherryflex and it all sounds very good and promising, doubly so, now that I know from you that it's not just PR-talk but actually works. I'll have to check if it is available here in Germany, and, if so, recommend it to a friend who's been suffering from bouts of gout for a while now.
    My doctor wrote a book on CherryFlex called Natural Arthritis Treatment by Scott Zashin, M.D. I didn't think it really helped and then I noticed I was moving better.
    Thank you very much for the recommendation. I found the book an Amazon. Cherryflex, though, doesn't seem to be available here. Yet... :)
    Day 7 of steroids. Felt great the first two days and now I'm having multiple side effects.
    Watched "Nomadland" last night. It was good, but very sad. Need something upbeat now!
    Did you watch 'Love and Monsters' yet? Very funny and cute :)
    @Lil Sass, I looked for it on Netflix and didn't find it. I'll try Prime.
    @LilSass I watched Love and Monsters last night. Such a cute movie and funny too! I needed something like that!
    Has anyone taken a four hour car trip with T/H? I have two nieces graduating and it would be nice to go to their graduation celebrations.
    I do every other week with earplugs and it hasn't been an issue for me.
    I drove for 8+ hours to Scotland. I wore earplugs with headphones over the top. I was absolutely fine. X
    @Steph1710 Love Scotland! We've been to Edinburgh, the Highlands and Loch Ness. Good to know that you did well on a long trip.
    Looks like rain in north Texas! I'd better get that walk in! What is your goal for today?
    Day 7 home with dizziness. Going to watch the movie of the year, "Nomadland", walk outside and work on an educational resource.
    Took a walk with the dog, not an easy feat with a headstrong pup and dizziness.
    Good night all, praying for a better day for all of us tomorrow.
    I think it will subside, it has to. I haven't had any vaccines yet but who knows...maybe in May. I am doing OK, trying to be busy to avoid thinking too much about everything. Good thing is that I am still recovering and I have the strength to move on with my life. Everything will be OK, I believe in that.
    I believe that too. Glad you are continuing to recover and heal. Sounds like your headaches are better too. So happy to hear about your improvements!
    Yes, headaches are much better, but still daily. My daily dosage of headaches. LOL Plus often it feels like mild, even pleasant (?!) at times, heat all over my head. Weird stuff. ))
    I just watched 'Love and Monsters'. It's funny with a lot of action, romance, etc. Very cute film and I didn't fall asleep or think about t. <3
    So glad to hear you're doing better Teresa. Stay strong!
    @LilSass, thank you friend. I appreciate the support. The dizziness has been tough. Hit a rough patch today with feeling dizzy, emotional and discouraged. My PCP said generally these things run their course and I could take an antihistamine or Dramamine. It took the otologist's office 4 days to call me back with the same info they gave me 4 days ago. Smh.
    I feel for you! I had some dizziness for about a month or two when the t started and I can honestly say it is the worst. That's coming from someone who deals with chronic pain and migraines. Hold on, this too shall pass. *hug*
    Movie suggestions?
    Day 6 at home: boredom is kicking in. I tell my son it's good to be bored, it encourages creativity.
    I can hear the birds tweeting from inside my house. First time all year I've been able to hear them.
    Day 5 of steroids. Still dizzy, but better. Trying to hydrate, take supplements and rest. Staying home is the toughest part of all of this!
    Cutting salt helps a lot. Mood swings are totally normal; the key is to accept them. Also, a temporary sleep aid doesn't hurt if they cause insomnia.
    @Zugzug thanks for the suggestions. I do pretty well on low salt intake, I'm on the AIP-Paleo Diet. Mood swings have been normal for me these last 7 months. Both my husband and I are on steroids right now, his for his back and me for the dizziness. Ugh.
    So I've been watching a few movies while at home with this dizziness. The Silence on Netflix is pretty good and not too intense!
    After 4 days of steroids, starting to get shaky. I was concerned about the side effects, although it's nice to have energy!
    Still dizzy this morning, day 4 of steroids. Trying to stay busy and active while at home. Beautiful, sunny day in Texas!
    So, the ringing changed to the sound an airplane engine makes as your enter the plane before take-off.
    Bill Bauer
    I think people refer to this as white noise. It is an improvement over the high pitch tone and if you used to have a high pitch tone, then this means that you are healing.
    I forgot how much steroids cause your appetite to increase!
    Yup! Since I've been on steroids for my lungs, I've put on a stone and a half. :-/ It's impossible to lose it too - so frustrating.
    @Steph1710, 3 pounds in a week for me! I lost almost 30 walking, swimming, logging in MyFitnessPal and eating AIP-Paleo during the quarantine.
    Still dizzy, but much better. Day 3 of steroid pack. I walked briefly outside this morning with my family, just in case I lost my balance.
    So interesting side note. I started a steroid yesterday for dizziness and today my hyperacusis is better.
    Tinker Bell
    That's great! How is the dizziness? I've been wondering how you're feeling.
    @Tinker Bell, much better! Thanks for asking. The steroid started working one hour after I took it, just amazing!
    Tinker Bell
    That is wonderful!
    The extreme dizziness has lead me to a place of gratitude for all the good things in my life. I had lost focus on the blessings of mobility.
    So with all the dizziness, I threw up several times today, sorry for the TMI. The tinnitus got very low, almost quiet after each time.
    @Diesel, thank you. Interesting...I wonder why this occurs??? I said hmm, I recognize this. This is what quiet sounds like! I was too miserable to enjoy it and moments later the T was running again.
    I have noticed that my T is quiet on days where I fast as well, so I assumed it was because I was simply empty of nutrients as well. Could also be a nervous system issue from being sick?
    I have often thought my T and H are related to a nervous system issue.
    Extremely nauseous and dizzy. I have Mezclizine and Ondansetron. Any experiences with these meds?
    Forever hopeful
    I'm so sorry to hear you're going through this. I took meclizine years ago when I had a bout of vertigo. I had no issues with the medication.
    @Forever hopeful, thanks so much! The dr also called in a steroid. I was very hesitant to take it. I started it and it has helped I believe.
    What helps dizziness? Suggestions please.
    Bill Bauer
    Yes. Google "Epley maneuver". The body can be manipulated to let the gravity guide the crystal back to where it belongs.

    Even if the chance that this is what is causing your dizziness is low, it's a good idea to do that maneuver, as the worst that can happen is that you lose some time.
    Bill Bauer
    I experienced developing vertigo and dizziness recently. I had been taking a large dose of antibiotics and after three weeks I got those symptoms. When the symptoms persisted Weeks after I stopped taking those antibiotics, I got very concerned. Luckily after about a month I felt better...
    @Bill Bauer, thanks so much. You're a cool guy! Thank you for taking the time to help me today. I have been distraught, dizziness is nothing I've ever experienced.
    Dr called in a steroid for the dizziness, don't want to take if being caused by the Pfizer vaccine. I want to avoid steroids. Thoughts?
    @twa prednisone is what I take. I find it to be very helpful for a number of things. X
    @Steph1710, it is a Prednisone taper pack, 10 mg each. 5 the first day and so on. I've made it through 2 out of the 5 tabs today.
    @Steph1710 Have you ever tried to take methylprednisone instead of prednisone? I'm used to take prednisone, but my doc suggested that methylprenisone can cause less side effects. But I'm still not sure should i switch.
    Woke up dizzy this morning. This happened 4 weeks ago when I had strep & liquid in both ears. I was afraid to drive the kiddo to school.
    Any help or suggestions?
    I have had high pitched ringing since my 2nd Pfizer shot 11 days ago. Please consider if you have already loud tinnitus.
    Bill Bauer
    For now you can still hope that it will be temporary. If it doesn't fade after 3-12 months, it would then make sense to worry about it becoming permanent.
    So sorry Twa. I've already thought about this, and I've decided against the 2nd shot. However, it's more to do with my lungs than my ears. The first shot screwed my lungs up for two months. Anyway, I sincerely hope the ringing subsides. I'll keep you in my thoughts <3
    @Bill Bauer, yes praying so. It has not stayed in a high pitched ring for this long. @Steph1710, thanks so much for the good thoughts. Hope you are feeling better with your lungs. I used to get bronchitis very easily, especially when I was teaching. Quarantine has been good in that respect, I haven't been sick other than strep/ear infection with mild symptoms.
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