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  • So this happened to me once in the fall and just now. I can see clearly without reading glasses to read the computer or my phone.
    It has gone back to usual as it did in the fall.
    Hi there... I find your post very helpful.. You are very positive and genuinely seem to care.. I am new here. Just put of my first post. Would love your feedback.
    @Syed, thank you for the post. I appreciate the encouragement. I read your post about which foods are best to eat for tinnitus. I am not sure about salicylates in foods. I am following an AIP diet or Autoimmune Protocol. The goal is to reduce inflammation in the body. I figure that could only help with tinnitus and hyperacusis. I have been ringing for 3 days straight. I was having static throughout the day.
    I recently had noise induced hearing loss and tinnitus...about 7 months ago. It is improving, but I'm concerned about getting the vaccine with this condition. Have you had the covid vaccine, and if so, did it hurt your ears or increase tinnitus at all?
    I will be 7 months next week from an acoustic trauma. I did get both vaccines. I'm not sure but I did get an ear infection right after I had the first vaccine. I don't think I had an increase then. I had the second shot last Friday. Something has caused an increase, I've been ringing for two days straight. I was getting static a lot. *Update- I've been ringing since my second shot.
    Thank you for sharing your experience. I hope it subsides soon.
    My neighbor hasn't talked to me in months and decides to honk when I'm walking to get the mail.
    He sees me walking around the neighborhood, at church, at lunch with bright orange earplugs. His wife is my son's godmother, how could he not know?!! I don't think it was intentional, just clueless.
    This is SO frustrating!!
    Last night was my first time to volunteer in a year. My job was to listen and translate. It was a good challenge!
    I had my first day without visiting the forum in 6 months! This is progress. :)
    Keith Handy
    Because you were doing pretty well, I hope?
    @Keith Handy, I've worked very hard to push beyond my comfort zone to do more "normal" life activities with protection. It's been 6 1/2 months and I'm doing much better than I was in October.
    2nd Pfizer vaccine today. Sore arm, very tired and headed to bed early for this night owl!
    My go-to for stress relief and exercise in all of this has been walking. Sadly, I've developed plantar fasciitis and it's painful to walk.
    @twa if you could swim, that would be amazing. Full body workout, without any unnecessary strain on the body if you don't want to push yourself. :)
    Thank you all for the suggestions! I had PF 2 years ago, I did most of those things including walking in the pool and swimming. After a year of swimming and water walking, it was 98% gone. I walked up to 3x's a day during the quarantine and lost 30 pounds. When tinnitus/hyperacusis started, I walked a few times a day but not as much. It is now in a flare, sometimes it feels like it may be joint related.
    Forever hopeful
    I have had that on and off. Shoe inserts helped me as well as rest and freezing a bottle of water and rolling it under my foot to decrease the inflammation. Hope you get better soon.
    My kiddo tried to stay home from school today. Fed him, bribed him a little and sent him to school. This mama needs some quiet time today!
    A week of celebrating baptisms, birthdays and Easter. My auditory system is ready for a peaceful Monday. :)
    Happy Easter! Hope you are having a happy day filled with many blessings, friends and family.
    Forever hopeful
    My youngest son tested positive for Covid a week ago. We've all been in quarantine. Had to cancel our Easter plans. The rest of us have been tested repeatedly and are negative. Hoping my son's confirmation this Sunday is not impacted.
    @Forever hopeful so sorry, hope your son feels better soon. Praying that you do not get it also. Hoping that you will be able to have his confirmation. We had my son's baptism last week and had a get together with family. We had it outside and most have been vaccinated.
    Forever hopeful
    Thank you.
    Is it coincidental so many of us had depression and anxiety prior to acquiring tinnitus?
    High frequency static is on a roll, but better than the ringing! I wonder what causes the change???
    Bill Bauer
    This change is caused by your body healing. The next change is for the high frequency static to change to lower frequency hiss.
    Gareth Davies
    High frequency static is what I had during and after my middle ear infection. It seems to be the norm with infection and ETD caused tinnitus (based on a dozen cases I read by this point). Sorry for your double infection :(
    @Gareth Davies, no one has ever mentioned ETD to me, but I've mentioned several times that I swam for the last year prior to and during quarantine. I've often wondered if swimming affected my ears.
    I'm recovering from a double ear infection. My tone usually changes from ringing to static during the day, today my ears rang all day long.
    Bill Bauer
    Several months after the infection is gone, you should be back to where you were before the infection, and it will hopefully keep improving.
    @Bill Bauer, thank you. I hope so too. I had the vaccine and then the ear infection right after with strep. I don't know how I got sick, other than I spent two weeks with my kiddo going to doctor's appointments during spring break. I haven't been sick in 16 months.
    Stayed home another day, feeling tired from the strep & double ear infection. What a coincidence I became sick after my hearing tests!
    Bill Bauer
    My tinnitus turned on in the evening of the day when I had a hearing test done...
    Hope you feel better soon! Ear infections are awful! I was similarly sick last year. I know that pain.
    @Bill Bauer, did your tinnitus go back down? @Shelbylynn, this ear infection is bothering me because I'm already recovering from an acoustic trauma. I have no idea how I got a double ear infection!
    Glad you are feeling better. We have enough to deal with Tinnitus. Last thing we need is to get sick....
    Thanks so much. I think its so weird I have a double ear infection after getting the vaccine and then going for my hearing tests on Thursday. Strange...
    How are you feeling?
    I there! I'm feeling better, I'm going a little stir crazy being at home for 3 days though. Thank you for checking on me. Hope you are doing well.
    So sorry to hear this Teresa. I'm glad you're feeling better now! :) *hugs & prayers*
    Thank you! Hope you are doing well! You sound good. :)
    Feeling much better today! I was prescribed Cefdinir, Ondansetron and Meclizine. I will start the antibiotic today. Thank you~
    Woke up with extreme dizziness and nausea. Rapid Covid negative, strep test positive and double ear infection. Waiting on PCR Covid test.
    Oh no! I hope you feel better soon!
    I hope the infection is causing the dizziness/nausea, not COVID or the vaccine. Hope you recover soon!
    Two days out from Pfizer vaccine, having pain in the back part of my head.
    Based on my limited understanding, Pfizer is the way to go with the vaccine.
    Bill Bauer
    Apparently not.
    Forever hopeful
    I know many, many people who had this particular vaccine w/o issue, including my elderly parents. Everybody responds differently and some are very sensitive to medications vaccines etc.
    First shot of Pfizer on Wednesday. Chills, fatigue and nausea last night with more joint pain today. Slept 8.5 hours!
    I did a hearing test today with the audiologist. The PA said my threshold has been stable since 10/2020, continue with hearing protection.
    If I've had a secondary acoustic trauma, dr said I could take vitamin E and C. I took magnesium already. Do you guys have recommendations?
    Ordering these tonight to arrive in the morning. Thank you for the suggestions. I'm trying to remain calm. The dr on call was less than empathetic, very short, not very helpful. I asked him about NAC and he had no idea what it was.
    The best thing you can do is get a course of steroids, and maybe Hyperbaric oxygen
    Dr said since my hearing threshold has not changed that nothing is required. I can continue to wear hearing protection, eat a CATS diet and avoid extremely loud noises.
    Hot mug exploded in my hands, made a loud pop. I called dr on call and he was skeptical it was loud enough to cause damage to hearing.
    The PA said my hearing is really good for my age. They both said to control my tinnitus. Really? I asked how, they said to control stress and anxiety. Like these are the only two factors that are at play. The PA did say to keep ear plugs with me at all times. She said they really only care if tinnitus turns to a whoosh sound.
    Bill Bauer
    The spike, if any, shouldn't be permanent.
    Forever hopeful
    My Neuro/Otologist told me the same thing about the anxiety. Basically sent me away with a referral to a mind-body specialist. He said that was the best thing I could do to minimize my tinnitus. Great.
    Really high pitched electric static today, the drive into Dallas will do it every time!
    Have you tried plugs while driving?
    Bill Bauer
    Are you wearing any protection in the car? You could be wearing noise cancelling headphones over 3M foam earplugs...
    I wear the orange foam plugs every time I drive.
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