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  • I average two temporary tapering tinnitus episodes a day. So that means twice a day I'm gripped in anxiety wondering if a new tone will stay
    I look back at my life and at the lives of others, and can't help but notice how powerful tinnitus' ability to trivialize other problems is.
    I see all of these stories about distortions and dysacusis going away. I guess that will never be me. My three year anniversary is March 21.
    Yes, this is what I have @Kiyomi. @Barry098, that sounds closer to hyperacusis than distortions.
    @Pinhead Hmm ok.
    Are distortions and dysacusis the same?
    @Kiyomi Yes, dysacusis is hearing distortion. Some people don't use the term dysacusis and prefer to just call them distortions, but they're the same thing.

    I have distortions too and they sound like they're coming directly from the sound source. But some people hear them in their head.
    I think I've finally reached the end. My life is over.
    Wish I could write something to cheer you up. I cried pretty much all day because my T has gotten so fucked, but what cheered me up later this evening was making suicide jokes with my sister. we laughed a lot. I had to laugh about this one guy who was in the news. He wanted to commit suicide by jumping in front of a train, but that didn't kill him. it only cut off his legs. haha
    Be grateful for your gf and hang in there a little longer.. till the treatments are out..
    @BB23 You can go back many years on this forum and see people saying "just hold on" for treatments that never arrive, or for ones that overpromise.
    Just got over three days of food poisoning hell. Tinnitus much worse. Can't hold on much longer.
    Still here. Still kicking. Mostly housebound, except for work. Not doing well, but most people ignore me when I tell them that.
    Today's song is a visceral representation of the terror I live with. The Body - "To Carry the Seeds of Death Within Me"
    2 songs always come to mind for me.

    Falling in Reverse - "Voices in my head"
    Jelly Roll - "Need a favor"
    I feel like many of us here are running towards a wall. It's terrible to see. The world is so indifferent to our condition—so little hope.
    Why oh, why I did not know about this site before? I tell people about T, because I wish someone told me about it. Most don't get it.
    The world is indifferent…. Yes …. That one hurts. I am sure that I make everyone feel more grateful about their lives.
    I've been asked to go on a work trip. It will be a 4-hour car ride. I don't think my ears can handle that. I might get fired.
    Ask for accommodation via the ADA. It may prevent you getting fired.
    Just say you can't go. I do that all the time.
    I told my employer I will not be able to travel for work again ever.
    Lies I now know I've been told my entire life: "everything ends", "all things pass", "this too shall pass", "you'll get through it".
    Yep. While this may apply to most things in life, it does not apply to tinnitus and other real life challenges.
    I don't think there is any 'recovering' from this. I've just given up the idea of ever living the life I would like to. That was easier.
    You have any hope for Shore helping you?
    @HearingHell I have no idea when it will be released and available to me specifically. I can't place hope in that. That's not realistic.
    We will get better via susan shore or XEN1101, just hang in there a while longer.
    Tried to do some squats since I haven't been physically active in nearly two months. Woof, what a mistake. Spike that hasn't gone down.
    Hopefully it will be temporary! Going through a horrible spike myself. Don't know why but guessing emotional trauma
    Take a moment to remember those that we've lost this past year to this inhumane, torturous disease. I hope that we all find peace.
    Did that three times, a bit slower. Each time, it became louder as I bent down and lessened when I came back up. I can't even exercise.
    I wonder if its somehow related to blood flow. My T does get a little louder when I exercise, it subsides shortly after I stop. Of course my T is variable all day long it seems so who knows.
    Same. Has to be blood flow. Exercises makes my T so much worse. I loved to push my self. You pick yourself up to do yoga which is awesome. Only to be punished. That's what sucks so bad.
    my T also becomes louder when I bend over
    New discovery: Tried doing a bit of yoga. Bent over to touch my toes, and my right ear began to SCREAM. Repeated it and it happened again.
    It seems everyone's T is very different. I too don't really have good days. Mine is super reactive and getting worse. I have calmed my anxiety to a large degree but my dreams are shattered. I still do things that I shouldn't. I want to participate in life so bad but I cannot. Nobody understands. It's hard. I relate to a lot that you say.
    Strange new reactive tone on my way to the gym. Sounds like a Tibetan singing bowl over each noise.
    Differing reactivity in each ear is really bad today. Passing cars make each ear whine at a different pitch, different loudness, times
    Do people really have 'good' days and 'bad' days? I can't recall having a 'good' day with my noise since it started. It doesn't lessen.
    my good days are when I don't have the electrical hiss that pulsates and circles my head. then I just have to deal with the incredibly loud static and 4-6kHz pure tones, which I'm pretty used to by now.
    @MindOverMatter I hope to get to that level of peace with this condition some day. Right now I want to jump off a bridge.. I dont know how I get through every day but I do.
    Thanks for the replies, everyone. What a mystery our suffering is. I hope we all find peace. Each day brings that chance.
    Pain in my right ear. The onset of noxacusis? An ear infection? Who knows. This nightmare worsens, day to day.
    Wow...sitting at my desk at work, and my left ear just got a new, super-loud reactive tone.. unbelievable. Can't live like this.
    I used to enjoy Pink Floyd. Tried listening to them- the ringing is louder than most of their work.
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