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  • Bought my first bottle of bourbon whiskey age 33. I turn 34 next week. I've never been one to drink.
    You may certainly get a bit of a spike. But a little whiskey can certainly take the edge off stress.
    None of my many emotional traumas prepared me for the physical trauma of this hell. There will be no recovery.
    Having a master's in philosophy may seem pointless to some, but there are moments now where what I've learned is all that gets me through.
    I specialized mostly in phenomenology, existential philosophy (German and French) as well as postmodern, eg. Deleuze, Foucault, as well as contemporary stuff on technology and AI. I actually wrote a few papers on tech and social media. Most of my stuff dealt with Heidegger, but work dealing with him is a bit less popular now on account of the fact that, you know, he was a card-carrying Nazi.
    But yes, Camus' work was by far the most pliable and impactful for actual living. I think most philosophers have a tendency to avoid the "mundane" aspects of human life. He didn't.
    @ZFire fun fact: some of my profs knew Nozick well. Towards the end of his career he stopped defending his most famous book altogether because it had been so drastically misinterpreted.
    If someone asked you is tinnitus just a sound in the brain or is tinnitus the burning sensation and sound in the inner ear probably caused by inflammated auditory nerves. What would you choose?
    Tinnitus specifically refers to the sound. That's its definition. It can be caused by various things, from damaged nerves to inflammation.
    Most of these treatments that seem to offer a 7-10 point THI improvement would be meaningless for me, stuck at a 95+ THI. I feel no hope.
    Tried to go with my girlfriend for coffee. What a joke. I sat across from her and couldn't hear her over the horror of noise in my brain.
    I was always a reader. I sat in silence and read. Walls of books in my bedroom. Every genre, but mostly literature and philosophy or sci-fi.
    I miss going to the library, but now I don't think I'll be caught dead doing that.
    @crescentsky Funny you'd mention libraries. A friend of mine asked me to meet him in one. I looked at him as soon as I arrived and said, "We need to leave. I can't be around the forced air system in here." I can't even stand air conditioners or heating systems.
    My birthday is this month, and my girlfriend bought me a PS5. I love her. The thing is, I'm not a huge gamer. I only use it as a distraction
    It seems now that the world is too much. I am no longer introspective. My other senses seem muted. I feel less inclined to speak.
    Agree. My wife misses our daily chats as I've become disabled by tinnitus.
    @Pinhead @Jammer - I am in the same place. My heart breaks for you guys. My family thinks it's mental health issues. I can't do the noise. I cannot figure this out. It just keeps getting louder.
    I don't even feel compelled to eat anymore. If someone didn't remind me to eat, I'd probably just waste away. I've lost 20 lbs. already.
    Going to see Dune tomorrow, but my friend didn't tell me the theater was IMAX. Now I'm not sure what to do. :(
    @Pinhead - wow. Your ears were okay after? Can't believe we can't even enjoy a movie.
    @Kain I wonder what Vyke would do in our situation.
    OMG I could never even consider going to the cinema. That will never happen again in this life. Having lunch in the canteen at work spikes my T so much that I am getting anxiety attacks. The movies? Forget it
    The restaurant wasn't even that loud. This is just unbearable torture. I'll never live the life I want.
    So sorry. When it's loud and reactive this thing is a beast
    Tried to act normal today. Went to a restaurant with some friends. Could barely hear them speak over my ringing when we left. This is hell.
    If we could just be normal and deal with stable T
    I had one take place as I was standing in my boss's office today during a big meeting. I had to excuse myself before I had a panic attack.
    I average two temporary tapering tinnitus episodes a day. So that means twice a day I'm gripped in anxiety wondering if a new tone will stay
    I look back at my life and at the lives of others, and can't help but notice how powerful tinnitus' ability to trivialize other problems is.
    I see all of these stories about distortions and dysacusis going away. I guess that will never be me. My three year anniversary is March 21.
    Yes, this is what I have @Kiyomi. @Barry098, that sounds closer to hyperacusis than distortions.
    @Pinhead Hmm ok.
    Are distortions and dysacusis the same?
    @Kiyomi Yes, dysacusis is hearing distortion. Some people don't use the term dysacusis and prefer to just call them distortions, but they're the same thing.

    I have distortions too and they sound like they're coming directly from the sound source. But some people hear them in their head.
    I think I've finally reached the end. My life is over.
    Wish I could write something to cheer you up. I cried pretty much all day because my T has gotten so fucked, but what cheered me up later this evening was making suicide jokes with my sister. we laughed a lot. I had to laugh about this one guy who was in the news. He wanted to commit suicide by jumping in front of a train, but that didn't kill him. it only cut off his legs. haha
    Be grateful for your gf and hang in there a little longer.. till the treatments are out..
    @BB23 You can go back many years on this forum and see people saying "just hold on" for treatments that never arrive, or for ones that overpromise.
    Just got over three days of food poisoning hell. Tinnitus much worse. Can't hold on much longer.
    Still here. Still kicking. Mostly housebound, except for work. Not doing well, but most people ignore me when I tell them that.
    Today's song is a visceral representation of the terror I live with. The Body - "To Carry the Seeds of Death Within Me"
    2 songs always come to mind for me.

    Falling in Reverse - "Voices in my head"
    Jelly Roll - "Need a favor"
    I feel like many of us here are running towards a wall. It's terrible to see. The world is so indifferent to our condition—so little hope.
    Why oh, why I did not know about this site before? I tell people about T, because I wish someone told me about it. Most don't get it.
    The world is indifferent…. Yes …. That one hurts. I am sure that I make everyone feel more grateful about their lives.
    I've been asked to go on a work trip. It will be a 4-hour car ride. I don't think my ears can handle that. I might get fired.
    Ask for accommodation via the ADA. It may prevent you getting fired.
    Just say you can't go. I do that all the time.
    I told my employer I will not be able to travel for work again ever.
    Lies I now know I've been told my entire life: "everything ends", "all things pass", "this too shall pass", "you'll get through it".
    Yep. While this may apply to most things in life, it does not apply to tinnitus and other real life challenges.
    I don't think there is any 'recovering' from this. I've just given up the idea of ever living the life I would like to. That was easier.
    You have any hope for Shore helping you?
    @HearingHell I have no idea when it will be released and available to me specifically. I can't place hope in that. That's not realistic.
    We will get better via susan shore or XEN1101, just hang in there a while longer.
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