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  • No support from family. They don't understand how close I am to ending it all. Or they don't care
    This is a common theme on here. People who don't have it severe don't get how much suffering it can cause.
    How can I keep hoping for better times when life today is so much worse than one year ago? When I think of the future I freeze with fear
    How do you guys avoid getting sick from the constant torture and lack of sleep? My immune system is failing badly
    I feel kind of sick sometimes, but I think it's mostly from anxiety, and now from a new sleep med I just started. Also, have apparent nerve pain behind shoulder and ongoing stomach pains for months, that I never used to have until late last year. I got a referral for diagnosis.
    I will often read for a while before going to bed. Believe it or not, but when I am reading and concentrating on what I am reading, I am able to shift my focus from listening to my Tinnitus to imagining the characters that I am reading about. This helps me to relax and when I do to bed, I am able to fall asleep within 15 minutes.
    Loud humming tone quiets a bit when I plug my ears. HOW is that possible? Is that objective tinnitus?
    @Pinhead I know for sure it is in my head because it follows me around. But since I can somehow manipulate the sound by plugging my ear, I wonder if the sound literally/ organically comes from a place inside my head? I read that true objective tinnitus can be heard by other people eg with a stethoscope
    @Tryn2BHopeful Perhaps all the WiFi surrounding us is finally getting to the more sensitive among us :-( It def cannot be healthy with all that electronic shite
    I had a tone like this! It was my neighbors noise machine since she had horrible t at night.
    How are you doing friend?
    Thanks for checking in on me. Struggling at the moment. How are you?
    Hi Juliane, sorry to hear that. I hope things turn around for you. I'm ok, I'm not sure if its going down in volume or im getting used to it. I miss silence
    It is not the strongest people who survive but the luckiest
    I'd rather be lucky than good any day.
    Yes. Survival of the fittest doesn't mean the strongest survive. The strongest could die in an accident. It doesn't relate to physical fitness. It means to fit the environment. to avoid all complications of life long enough to pass on your genes.
    @BB23 I agree. But even mental strength is also not enough when e.g. having T. It wears you down over time. If it spontaneously lowered that's a different story. Then you are Lucky. Then you start thriving again. But not because of strength. Because of luck. Pure luck.
    I now know life can change in an instant. The homeless person on the street could have been you or me.
    I desperately wish this was an option - take all my investments and stocks. take all my friends too. don't have a husband, but take him too! i don't care. just give me the damn permanent silence.
    In the modern world we think in very limited and self centered ways. I don't think being homeless is the worst thing, compared to this scenario. You could be a farmer and vikings can come invade your land and rip your heart out and eat it to please their gods etc. stuff like this used to happen all the time. nobody in the world is destined to be happy.
    @cjbhab So would I! But my point was also that some homeless people probably also have T in addition to other multiple issues. We just never know what people struggle with which is why we should never judge anyone.
    I think I might aspire to become a crazy bag lady wandering the streets wearing ear muffs while shouting incomprehensibly at bypassers
    If I could be deaf with zero T, I swear I would want that. I really do
    imagine being deaf with T!! i would pull the trigger immediately.
    @cjbhab I know! That's why being deaf with ZERO T would be the only manageable way. However, being deaf with no T becomes more and more appealing. Funny how life changes your perspective
    deaf with zero T, complete 100000% silence - the dream!
    Jesus promises His followers that when we enter His kingdom, there will
    be no more death, pain, sorrow, or crying (Revelation 21:4) With a precious
    promise like that, it makes tinnitus bearable; knowing that this to will pass!
    Also, I would not know how to follow Jesus even if I wanted to. How does one follow Jesus?
    It is nice psycho babble. If it works for one, great. Does not help me, sorry.
    Eloy Resendez Jr
    I'm with you pastor it's just much easier said than done. I do however look forward to that day!
    If a vampire offered you eternal life without T and H but having to live a vampire life, would you say yes?
    My nervous system is dysregulated. How do I balance it?
    I am truly sorry to hear this. My anxiety is also through the roof the last 3 days. I am experiencing some symptoms from it that I don't even want to mention. It's your damned if you do and your damned if you don't. Constant fear of noise I find can be just as bad as T. I use youtube guided meditation videos. Try to go out in noise friendly places. Talk to people.
    I told a friend with another (treatable) disease that she should be happy it's not chronic and consider herself lucky. Think I lost a friend
    You're spending too much time on this forum. Real friends in the real world don't gaslight each other that they have a "mild case" like they do here.
    @Varda; while I do believe all things are relative, I also know for a fact that it helped me in the past when I suffered from mild T to learn from others who objectively had it a lot worse than I to come out of my depression. Tough love can also be love. And helpful. Today, I would be so happy if I had mild T. Not saying you or anyone else here has mild T. But I know I did, before it became worse
    And while I would never minimize anyone's pain or suffering, I honestly believe that having treatment available that WORKS or even gives temporary relief means being in a much better place than tinnitus sufferers for whom there is no treatment, not even temporarily. My friend who I referred to will be given treatment for something that is temporary. I don't think that is the same level of tragedy as chronic tinnitus
    2/2 And then I think of course not. Our conditions ARE our lives. I am fucked.
    I empathise, so much. It's why I have reframed my mind in considering life being the experiences, the connections and the memories I'm making alone, rather than the conditions I'm facing. Turning it away from just myself as a means to cope. But it's hard. Extremely. Giving you strength today and tomorrow Juliane.
    I said those words to myself today... but then will turn around and say I can do this. I think I am T bipolar...
    1/2 When optimistic I think: if life conditions have become unbearable can life still be good? Can we separate the two (life and conditions)
    L along the way
    How to say.. i just find this very profound statement. I have a tendency to be too philosophical about things maybe, well this statement.. i dunno.. i feel it. To me it's also about the physiology and psychology of it all. In the end to be honest, it's a big question mark how it all works, but i do feel that definitely we gotta try to make our life conditions as beneficial and natural as possible..
    L along the way
    The search for psychological ease with painful t has been a harsh difficult ride here.. i think for most of us here. Maybe i gotta try to analyse less.. remind myself to not analyse things too much.. but just trying to improve the life conditions that we can improve, and live a natural and healthy lifestyle. I hope that with time things can improve.
    This will be my last year unless something dramatically improves
    @Andrei88 Thank you. I appreciate your words a lot. But how do we know if our T is even similar? These things are so hard to compare. I fear I can never adapt to such horrific life conditions.
    For sure! I have very bad days still, but you get used to the fact that things to get better again, that helps you to endure.
    Hey Julian, sorry to bother no need to respond. Just saying hello, hope you are doing a little better these days. I think of you now and then…. Wish you all the best always. You're like an old friend I have not spoken to in a while. :)
    @4Grace You never bother me. I consider you a friend too. A friend I hope will soon feel better :-)
    I have a feeling that we would all heal a lot easier if there was peace and harmony in the world. F... war-makers!
    No did not cause mine either but no one needs all these multiple stressors from war, conflict and idiocy.
    L along the way
    @Juliane i completely agree.. what a world this is.. for me personally, i have to think about.. when i started eating a plant based diet for health reasons, i've later seen a lot of footage of factory farming.. what the animals have to endure.. i hope people get more awareness on this, so we can make better informed choices..
    L along the way
    The thing for me is.. the wars i can not fix.. but i can choose what i eat, so i try to focus more on own lifestyle choices, than on what's going on out there what we have no control over.
    I am ready to retire. I would not even be sad about giving up any ambitions of a work life. Only relief would be felt.
    +1 only other thing is I don't have enough savings to last lol. Sometimes I wonder if T would be easier if we got it in our 80s, where we would have lived out most of our lives already and have done probably most of the things we need to do or accomplish. And living with it for 5 years is less daunting than say 40+ years.
    I agree. I think getting T would always be a nightmare but less time to have to live with it when you are a senior.
    I have lost all hope
    :( not sure what to do to help but I truely hope you find some relief soon
    L along the way
    I symphatize with you dear one.. can i just share.. i've had moments where i lost all hope.. lying in bed without being able to sleep, and just repeating to myself "let it all be over".. and such.. and then sometimes some days later.. i feel a bit better, and there is some form of relief, inspiration and hope again.. so for myself, i notice it fluctuates
    My therapist said "But you ARE already living with this condition". As some sort of epiphany. Well, I beg to differ. This is not living.
    Either you can live with this condition or you cannot. There is no habituation. Not for me. As a lover of silence, the odds are bad.
    I'm never going to give in to gasligthing and normalize this degenerative disease as a minor nuisance. For a year+ it has made my life hell
    They hardly even do any research on tinnitus because its not a "disability." Azithromycin is "safe" because it does not cause hearing loss and tinnitus is just a mild annoyance that we don't even need to bother checking or writing down how many people are getting it.
    I should also clarify that as "-30db hearing loss." No one cares about hearing loss under 30db because you can still hear orders and do your job.
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