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  • My today's hearing test is exactly the same as 6 months ago. Normal hearing with mild loss at 250 and 8khz. With 4% improvement in right ear
    I have no idea what was that but..it's the first time when this happened to me. I have T for more than 7 months so I hope it's not Ménière's
    Got severe vertigo and balance issues for solid 5 seconds. I thought our planet lost gravity and I started seeing backwards and upside-down
    Woke up with T spike in left ear. I would say it's about 20-30% louder but no new tones. Weird but okay. Too soon to panic.
    hi, do u know what caused it? Hows the dental search going? I might be going to mine this week.
    Will ask PCP for neurologist referral to get pregabalin or at least gabapentin for H and TTS. Can't wait to hear "I don't know what this is"
    This Friday I have a hearing test(again) with the same audiologist who doesn't believe in hyperacusis and tinnitus. But it's free so why not
    that's unbelievable. if only tinnitus was just my imagination, then i could imagine it away.
    Honestly if they don't believe in either condition they need to be reported because that's dangerous. Complete lack of care or compassion. These are the kinds of people that give genuine audiologists and ENTs a bad name.
    Pain clinics will 100% say go to psychiatrist. Psychiatrist will say the otherwise. The audiologist can't prescribe at all...what do I do
    How do I find a doc who's willing to prescribe pregabalin? PCP can't prescribe C2-5 drugs, my psych probably will say to seek pain clinics..
    Hi @RunningMan. Your situation is really weird. Lexapro is a "safe" drug so every doctor pushes it for everything. Anxiety, depression, anger issues, stomach aches etc. However, why would doc agree to prescribe benzos and z-drugs (which are C4) but not gabapentin (uncontrolled) or pregabalin (C5)? Seems fishy and it's a huge red flag to me
    @_Shoto_ It's because gabapentin and pregabalin are not FDA approved for anxiety & insomnia, so it's off label for what I wanted treatment for. In fact, he also took away my z-drug so that I could dry Quviviq (a DORA class sleep med). Sertraline for a week followed by Lexapro is what gave me stomach pains which persisted over 7 months since weaning off. Dr. wants me to take more benzos.
    Took .5 Clonazepam and 10 mg of d8. I know none of this will help with a possible spike but at least now I have some chance to fall asleep..
    0.5 mg is somewhat safe to take occasionally. I do the same thing with 0.5 mg Lorazepam. D8 didn't help my sleep at all, even at a larger dose.
    I'm so shaking rn. It was a beautiful week without hyperacusis spikes. This probably ruined everything. I'm shaking. Holy shit I'm shaking
    Mom made a very very loud sound right next to my ears. It was around 90 db. It's been a minute, so far no worsening. I am shaking. I can't
    Update: I got a new quet tone in my left ear. It's around 2-5 decibels. Very sad. So stupid. That situation was so stupid. Funny that I protect my ears 16 hours per day. Double protection. And just one SMALL mistake made by my mom worsened my condition. I don't know what to think about it. Praying it's a temporary sound and it will go away after several days
    Stay safe today and be prepared for fireworks. Do not leave your home unprotected even for a "5 seconds". Need to go out? Double protection!
    Many fireworks lol! Also i found another method for cavities its called air abrasion its even less noisey than laser wasterlase. Air abrasion is the most quiet method and second is the laser. Did u find a dentist yet?
    Hi @Rich123! Yes, I know about air abrasion, but unfortunately the closest one is in a 2 hour drive. It's really sucks to live in a city of 350K. I have no idea why the city of this size doesn't have any dentists who know something about laser or air abrasion :(
    Hello @_Shoto_ hat stinks but it might be worth travelling farther if you can. Did you call or search around for waterlase? There should be a few that do it. Its kinda common nowadays.
    Please, if you are from USA, wear double protection outside of your home today. Foam earplugs and ANC headphones/earmuffs on top of them!
    ANC doesn't work for sudden loud sounds. It only erases steady background droning/humming noises.
    Hyperacusis is indeed one of the most weird disorders/disabilities. So many questions and so little answers
    Hyperacusis is so weird. These past few days I almost didn't feel like I have it. But sometimes I can't even take a shower without muffs...
    Went to the FOREST and there are two kids on scooters. Holy shit they are so loud. Scooter + concrete plates = 90 decibels of hell
    Take noise cancelling headphones with u outside and you can put them on easily in a few seconds. Or some good earplugs. Did u get a spike?
    Hi @Rich123, thankfully I feel completely fine. No spike! From now on I will always carry ANC headphones with me lol
    Mom rn dropped a fork on the floor. So fucking loud. Oh my god. Please no spike please no spike please no spike please no spike. God please
    Hi, I saw a comment you made about needing cavities filled just wondering did you go through with it? I'm in the same boat.
    That stinks I hope you can find something. My current dentist only does air powered ones and said he would only need one minute to drill but i dont know if I can take that risk. I found a place near me that use waterlase laser technology im probably gonna give them a call. How many cavities do u have?
    @Rich123 Unfortunately I have more than 10 cavities :( I wasn't able to brush my teeth for 5 months due to hyperacusis. Also, thank you, I didn't know about waterlase laser! I will try to find someone with it in my city
    Ya, man waterlase should work many dentist should have it even though you mentioned living in small city get it checked out. Im getting mine checked out this week.
    Every day I'm checking on Michigan device discussion thread in a slight hope to see "FDA has officially approved a new unique device for T"
    Me, too!
    Then you can run down to Walgreens the next day to buy it. hehe Oh wait, just kidding. Hopefully, it will be available throughout the country by the end of 2025.
    Moderate T and H spike out of nowhere. Hoping it will go down on its own tomorrow. No idea what caused it. I was very protective of my ears.
    Accidentally drank milkshake with 800mg of caffeine. I was caffeine free for years. Very shitty feeling but my T and H didn't spike! Yay!
    2 hours walking in downtown park near ocean with my db meter. Quietest was 88db, loudest 129. Average around 97-105 decibels. Hate this city
    129? That's insane. Do you remember what caused it?
    Hi @Calapsodis, yes, it was 12-15 motorbikes going 60+ mph in 10-20 feet from me and my decibel meter
    Wouldn't surprise me that they were that loud then. I hope you had something in for protection though.
    Hyperacusis and USA is so fucking awful combo. Loud cars and bikers are all over downtown and parks. It's "cool" to be as loud as possible..
    All walkable places in my city are above 90 dbs. There're so many bikers and "cool" loud cars in downtown park. Average 100 db, peaks 130
    I love when my neighbors dog barks 30 minutes non-stop because it saw a lizard or a bird somewhere in a kilometer away from it :')
    Used to love dogs all my life. Ever since T got worse, they've turned into a big dislike. No hate to them of course. I know that when they bark they don't know better. I'm just glad cats aren't loud (most of the time lol).
    My only wish is to hear good news abt Auricle from FDA/Susan Shore by the end of this year. In early December would be perfect timing too!
    Mixing Clonazepam and delta 8 to help with spike. I hope it will help at least somehow. Unbelievable
    Careful with the clonazepam. Loses effectiveness quickly.
    I'm genuinely have no idea why I'm having this spike today. Just praying everything is going to be okay tomorrow/later this week
    Tinnitus is 10/10. I hope this is temporary just like hyperacusis is. I can't imagine habituating to this level of noise
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