Certainly I'm not going to sit here and pretend like tinnitus research is some mission of the left. I think of it more like the issues surrounding disability. Liberals support greater social safety nets, which is very important for people who are chronically ill.
I know we like to bash the way tinnitus research (or lack thereof) is conducted, but it's true that some of the reason we don't have a cure is because the problem is so difficult. There are plenty of diseases that are correctly discussed, funded, and still don't have cures. Social safety nets matter.
You mentioned Obama. Obama didn't do anything for tinnitus research, but he did allow young people to stay on their parents' insurance until 26. I've been chronically ill since I was 24; this kind of stuff matters.
By the way, the ironic part is that you are upset that people are misrepresenting your views. I'm not even a leftist -- far from it actually. I'm somewhere between Biden and Sanders on most issues.
On policing and law and order, I'm center right. Fully support dreamers, but otherwise moderate on immigration. I think police should be funded more, not less. The way I see the problem is that policing needs to become a more desirable, but elite job. Make it a more desirable job, increase the supply, and then set high bars for maintaining status; significantly more training as well. The left has the correct spirit in wanting better policing, but they take for granted that cops just show up and risk their lives. It rubs me the wrong way. I want good people to become cops, and the left wing approach doesn't make anyone want the job. Of course, abolishing police is just lunacy. It's also lunacy is that if someone (of any race) resists arrest and tries to assault the officer, the officer is in the wrong for protecting themselves. Like I said, being a cop is a hard and risky job.
For the statues, I have mixed feelings. For the highly controversial figures -- like Jackson and Robert E. Lee -- I don't give a rip if someone tears them down. I don't support tearing down the founding fathers because I think they provide historical perspective. We can't just pretend that history doesn't exist. It won't work.
It may seem like I'm a hardcore leftist because I think Trump is the devil, which he is. If the republican party had real standards, and weren't just a bunch of privileged white guys who never looked in the mirror, my values would be a mix of center left and center right on most issues. Far left on economic justice and social safety nets. Far left on gun control and climate change. Center left on education.