At this point I would say that the extent to which I am hyperacoustic is within the realm of normal human experience, given that I am able to do things like drive cars (and motorcycles, with earplugs) and listen to music and be in restaurants in public. However, this has not always been the case.
My tinnitus still reacts in an obvious and significant way to certain kinds of audio exposure, and this does impact the way that I live my life to a degree that I don't really know anyone else in the same situation; I never leave home without earplugs, and I frequently wear them in situations when other people do not. One thing that I've noticed which is really odd, is that when I put plugs in these days, unless I am already in a state of stress, the tinnitus is actually easier to not spend time thinking about. I think this is because on some level, any time I'm in an environment which even partially masks my noise, some part of my mind is still fixated on it and trying to seek it out and amplify it. Once I put the plugs in, the tinnitus is completely impossible to mask even partially, and so that part of my brain relaxes and says "oh, cool, I can hear it clearly and I know I can hear it clearly, so I can stop wondering whether or not I can stop wondering if I can hear it clearly and focus on whatever I'm thinking about". Part of me has actually wondered if wearing plugs 24/7 for a period of time could sustain that effect and maybe help rewire the parts of my limbic system that still want to focus on the sound. I have stopped short of doing that because my research into the effects of wearing plugs 24/7 for a period of time, makes me think that I'd be mucking with things to a pretty significant level. That is, I do not think it's impossible that plugging 24/7 might encourage some kind of cortical map changes, but I'm not at all convinced that they would necessarily be desirable changes, and if they were not, they might be hard to unwind.
So, yeah, I still think about this stuff a lot! I don't let it run my life the way I used to, though, and the times that I'm not thinking about it, my life often feels rich and full and happy. I am also often able to think about tinnitus somewhat critically and not immediately get depressed and anxious about it, which is more than I can say for what my life was like a few years ago.