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Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

Today i have i bad worsening and i think the cause is trobalt because before trobalt i never had this type of T.
Patent before 14 years http://www.google.com/patents/EP1407768A2?cl=en
Company that owns retigabine probably does not continue to tinnitus trials because it does not work.
If trobalt can cure T the company that registered patent before 14 years will sell it
with T cure indication. lot of money.

I think the whole story with trobalt is a temporary improvement and the trial with trobalt in mice
sponsored by glaxo to push doctors prescribe it of label for T.
If you can't take a license for T cure you can make money from off label prescriptions like
neurontin/lyrica and other antiepileptics.
today i started to sleep with a sound: Very low volume my T-Tone 10 seconds plus 2 minutes of silence.
listening my t-tone in my case makes my T-disaappear.
I woke up at midnight 4am, to take pill and t was almost gone. Also this morning was like gone, i will keep doing it.
note, my T is not reactive, and the sounds playing is very low, same as my T o even lower. I can do this because i have only one frequency (4k).

Im not advicing this. just saying that i think it works for me

@1MW you are the first in report this. Analize that new sounds you have, we all have change in sound, most of us we get a more pure tone, this pure tone may scare you more but a "cleaned" version of your T. Dont try to rate it on silence , thats very tricky, Just measure it regarding a masking level, or do an audiometry if you can, that are more objetive ways to measure your T
Im kind of disappointed in how this thread went from hope, to what I perceive as basically being called a fool for even thinking this could work. That we're just all misguided, and we should just habituate. That's easy to say when you're already habituated. Hope is a powerful ally sometimes. A lot of us still need to go through their stages of grief, anger, etc. And to me this is part of it. My T fluctuates so much on a day to day bases, from being a background noise to being significantly louder than the car im driving in that I find the idea of habituating daunting. And I found the hope I found in this thread very uplifting. Misguided or not.

And let's be honest, the jury is still out.
Hi, I took a month and a half taking RTG and I can say that it is NOT a placebo, it is not a cure. But what if I can ensure, at least in my case is that Hyperacusis cured me completely. and lowered me my T volume considerably, now I can sleep without masking. I know I'm not completely cured, but the improvement has been much. I hope that the effects are permanent, that would saber in a couple of months. A greeting and I hope it acts RTG all positively and Juan Carlos and me. A greeting !!
I dont understand the people who expect to be cured from an epilepsy drug. It is treatment and a direction for future research. Its faaaaaaaaaaaar better than nothig. I am planning to start it soon.
Also tinnitus have different causes. If you have damage in the nerves in the neck, what can an epilepsy drug do about that? It will just be as effective as a sedative.
I dont understand the people who expect to be cured from an epilepsy drug. It is treatment and a direction for future research. Its faaaaaaaaaaaar better than nothig. I am planning to start it soon.
Also tinnitus have different causes. If you have damage in the nerves in the neck, what can an epilepsy drug do about that? It will just be as effective as a sedative.
Just let me quote one of hundreds examples of what i want to mean in medecine field:

Viagra, or Sildenafil, as it's officially known, was originally conceived as a treatment for hypertension, angina, and other symptoms of heart disease
Has any one who takes RTG have taken an eeg before starting taking RTG and after taking RTG when the volume is reduced?
Just let me quote one of hundreds examples of what i want to mean in medecine field:

Viagra, or Sildenafil, as it's officially known, was originally conceived as a treatment for hypertension, angina, and other symptoms of heart disease
True! Yet people should not have highest expectations for this. I am following the tread closely, but rarely write comments. Some people around here are too bitter, because this drug didnt manage to be effective as they expected.
today i started to sleep with a sound: Very low volume my T-Tone 10 seconds plus 2 minutes of silence.
listening my t-tone in my case makes my T-disaappear.
I woke up at midnight 4am, to take pill and t was almost gone. Also this morning was like gone, i will keep doing it.
note, my T is not reactive, and the sounds playing is very low, same as my T o even lower. I can do this because i have only one frequency (4k).

Im not advicing this. just saying that i think it works for me

@1MW you are the first in report this. Analize that new sounds you have, we all have change in sound, most of us we get a more pure tone, this pure tone may scare you more but a "cleaned" version of your T. Dont try to rate it on silence , thats very tricky, Just measure it regarding a masking level, or do an audiometry if you can, that are more objetive ways to measure your T

take pill now and than on such powerful drug will lead that you will get epilepsy and that your t may worse buy imprinting itself deeper in brain. I just say so you know, this medicine is made to gave maximal oscillation 150/day in a week.
Im kind of disappointed in how this thread went from hope, to what I perceive as basically being called a fool for even thinking this could work. That we're just all misguided, and we should just habituate. That's easy to say when you're already habituated. Hope is a powerful ally sometimes. A lot of us still need to go through their stages of grief, anger, etc. And to me this is part of it. My T fluctuates so much on a day to day bases, from being a background noise to being significantly louder than the car im driving in that I find the idea of habituating daunting. And I found the hope I found in this thread very uplifting. Misguided or not.

And let's be honest, the jury is still out.

like @Albertus said the biggest thing that can be said for RTG is that for a good number of trialees it has drastically improved their hyperacusis, which i think is a very positive thing.
like @Albertus said the biggest thing that can be said for RTG is that for a good number of trialees it has drastically improved their hyperacusis, which i think is a very positive thing.
This is very interesting. As you already know, I have made an attempt with Keppra, not helpful for tinnitus, but it was very (and seems permanent) for hyperacusis. Could there be a correlation?
This is very interesting. As you already know, I have made an attempt with Keppra, not helpful for tinnitus, but it was very (and seems permanent) for hyperacusis. Could there be a correlation?
It probably does a lot to help the energy levels in the potassium channels which might be allowing brain plasticisty to take place that removes the neuronal connections facilitating the hyperacusis. Just a guess but it definitely seems logical based on what we know.

It's curious why it doesn't affect tinnitus signficantly like it does hyperacusis, but it feels like we're hitting the dartboard now so to speak.
It's curious why it doesn't affect tinnitus signficantly like it does hyperacusis, but it feels like we're hitting the dartboard now so to speak.

As an aside to this, indeed it affected my hyperacusis but not my tinnitus...but in the wrong direction! Same with NGC891 as his has gone up too...No placebo. No way.
That it affected my hyperacuis implies that it was acting on the channel for that (it was not an ototoxic H effect as otherwise the H would not have gone away in sequence with reduction of the drug).
So even though the Trobalt did not lower my hyperacusis, from a purely "scientific" point of view there is a functional relationship the the Trobalt Kv channels (or some/one of them)...and that is food for thought and hopefully research.

Thus even though Trobalt did not work for me on my T, and made my H worse at higher doses, I do not consider it a failure or a wasted effort! This is a "trial/study" guys and gals, and any proof of concept or action on the target is IMHO extremely useful for the future. It is not like nothing happened. That means something!!! Hell's bells this is an epilepsy drug not a tinnitus drug...we were always shooting for the moon here. And along for the ride we have had a much better end result for most trialees than just doing zero, or taking: "ENT approved Lipoflavinoids"!

Perspective. It all depends on perspective.

Best, Zimichael
I feel guilty for how little I've involved myself in these discussions since starting Potiga, but you can take that as an indication of efficacy. As difficult as it is to pin down exactly what the drug is doing, it's pushed the importance I ascribe my tinnitus from #1 with a bullet to several notches down the list. But! I'm not here to debate if it's worth it to pursue RET/EZG (it was, for me, enough that I'm about to spend $270 in credit on another month's supply). I'm here to tell a CAUTIONARY TALE.

This past Friday, I spent four hours in the emergency room. Most of that time I was doped up on Ativan and sleeping soundly, but the precipitating event was very scary, for myself, my workmates, and my family. For the sake of context I'll say that I have not been whacked very hard by the side effect bat while on Potiga. When I first started 300mg TID, I had a couple of ugly nights. At one point I backed down from 300mg after being unable to focus my eyes sufficiently to read. But after I resumed the dosage, I've been well served by the drug and only slightly inconvenienced. Plus, I've had a welcome return of some aspects of my personality I hadn't really missed until Potiga brought them back - creative thinking, problem solving, an enhanced willingness to help others, and closer contact with my emotions. These were things I had lost to stress before every tinnitus reared its noisy head.

So, fan as I am of the pale oblong pill, I decided last week that I would try stepping up my dose. I had a few extra pills from the aforementioned period of backing down in dose, so I cut a pill four ways, giving me 4x75mg pills, and proceeded to take 375 TID for two days. When that didn't seem to affect me more than the 300mg doses, I got lazy with the cutting and decided to try 450mg. I took two doses at that level - one before bed, and one on waking.

Normally, 300mg of Potiga takes about an hour to hit me. I get a bit manic, a bit forgetful, and my tinnitus retreats into my scalp, where it's much less intrusive. I took my morning mega-dose at 6:35 in the morning, and felt fine at 7:30, when it was time to drive to work. On the drive, I caught myself speeding a couple of times, and nearly missed two turns, but the job and the route to get there is still new to me, so I was not convinced the Potiga was to blame. At work I had a pleasant conversation with a workmate, but caught myself rambling a bit, as I do in my manic state, and exhibiting some unusual ticks - clicking my teeth and blowing raspberries when a word would not spring to mind. I decided to note down my side effects, to consider if I could continue at the elevated dose or not. After doing so and working for about twenty minutes, I returned to the office shared by my workmate in order to work on another workmate's computer. Thinking back on the earlier conversation, I decided to come clean, explaining to her that my somewhat strange behavior was a side effect of my medicine and not my usual demeanor.

At some point in this explanation my brain started to shut down. It took it in turns - it was a bit like watching city lights switching off and on in a rolling blackout. I slurred my words, then there were no words to slur. My head sagged. I repeated myself (so I am told) and let sentences trail off into nothing. At one point, after my boss arrived, I was unable to articulate my mouth well enough to speak, but I was able to communicate using American Sign Language, which she and I understand. I could write pretty much throughout, but I was aware of a lack of good judgement on my part. I wrote out instructions to pass on to another technician, should I be unable to return to work that day; halfway through I realized that I was writing these instructions because I felt it possible I might die, yet I had not yet asked for medical attention. After I made my concern known, my boss took me to the ER, where I was given an EKG as well as blood and urine testing. Ironically, I had just been to the doctor a week before to test my liver and kidneys, which are fine now as they were then.

Anyway, to cut this short, it was a dreadful episode, and a terrible thing to do to the fine people I work with and my lovely wife, not forgetting Mom, who drove my wife down, and my daughter whom we kept in the dark until I got home. When I was afraid for my life I thought of all of you here on TT. I was afraid I had put the nail in not only my coffin, but Retigabine's as well. This drug really does help, but it is not to be trifled with. I feel I probably could elevate my dosage to 450 TID safely, but it will be a good long while before I try. A day later I was still feeling some of the effects, and came quite close to wrecking my car, with my family and a couple of friends inside.

Because I know you'll wonder, I don't recall hearing my tinnitus at all after the side effects hit me Friday. But, then, I don't recall 3 of the 4 hours I spent in bed that day either, or much of the rest of the night. Take it slow, folks! The body is the chariot of the mind, and the mind the gatekeeper of the soul. There's no more sobering spectacle than watching the wheels drop off and the the gates swing shut, one-after-another along the narrow corridor.
so sorry rtwombly that you experienced such a scary episode on this drug,if only some tweaking could be done to lower the major side effects as this is a very powerful drug. I was going to ask my neurologist about trying it, but I get panicky at taking Cymbalta! lol.. glad you are doing better. yes please all trialies take it slow on this medication, I understand you want silence or reduction, (I honestly am in your shoes on that part)but we don't want any bad outcomes for any of you. you are very brave ones doing this for yourself and all of us and its much appreciated.
Whoa, @rtwombly , scary stuff bro, take it nice and slow, it would be an utterly tragic and unthinkable scenario if we lost someone doing this.
Maybe a little slower with the higher doses IDK.

@Zimichael , Have you thought about trying KEPRA and seeing if that eliminates your H altogether?

@Viking , states that it completely eliminated his, my H has gotten to terrible levels in the last two weeks and I haven't the foggiest idea why!
I will be pleading my case to my Dr very soon.
A word of advice, do not cut or divide retigabine/Potiga tablets

Method of administration

Trobalt must be taken orally in three divided doses each day. It may be taken with or without food (see section 5.2). The tablets should be swallowed whole, and not chewed, crushed or divided.
A good sleep has many more times better result than retigabine and without side effects.
Yesterday i had low sleep and today i have bad T with RTG.
Before 2 days i had perfect sleep and the next day i had very low T without RTG.

After a bad worsening for some strange reason i get improvement and after improvement
i get worsening i can't stabilize the improvement.
I used to cut the pills all the time, can't say I've had any bad side effect or reaction.
Taking a single 300mg pill was pretty much exactly the same as taking 2x150mg cut pieces of a 300mg pill.
Lots of medicine have the 'Do not crush or chew' message on the box and that's a reasonable warning, however it did not apply in my case, YMMV.
I've only taken a few low doses so far, and no effect on tinnitus yet.
I'm so scared I'm speaking too soon but... my neuropathic pain has already dropped to a lower level. If the tinnitus stays but the pain completely goes away, I'll still see it as a huge success. I've been in constant pain since 2013, no other epilepsy drugs worked but now I have some hope again. Big thank you to @Mpt and Tinnitus Talk, because I would never have known about retigabine otherwise.
I've only taken a few low doses so far, and no effect on tinnitus yet.
I'm so scared I'm speaking too soon but... my neuropathic pain has already dropped to a lower level. If the tinnitus stays but the pain completely goes away, I'll still see it as a huge success. I've been in constant pain since 2013, no other epilepsy drugs worked but now I have some hope again. Big thank you to @Mpt and Tinnitus Talk, because I would never have known about retigabine otherwise.
Please be kind to update your progress form as you see appropriate (the more updates you provide the better - this goes for everyone). Please also be kind to note any additional side-effects (beneficial/detrimental) that you experience - such as the one, above.

Thank you.
I have a very difficult question.
The morning i had bad T and after taking 100mg RTG lowered a little in 1.5 hours but not stopped also i got 1.5mg dexamethasone but dexamethasone needs more time to act ( more than 10 hours to me ).
So 9 hours passed after got 100mg retigabine and now i have near 0db T (only with closed ear i hear it) what to do to take another 100mg or to wait and take retigabine when i have T?
How to take trobalt in regular basis independently from T intensity or when i have T only ?
The 3x100mg to me does not stop T it makes a small improvement but i have times without any trobalt that i have near 0db T(probably from corticosteroids) and times under RTG that have bad T.
One million question does the trobalt permanent worsening in hearing or tinnitus like benzos ?
The brain adapts the exogenous RTG by eliminating potassium channels and GABA by homeostasis ?
For example people with hearing impairment that do not have T when started benzos or after withdrawal benzos
developed T & H. This reaction has been observed with trobalt ?
I have these thoughts because some from the forum after some time developed depedence and trobalt does not worked in the dose before worked.
I have a very difficult question.
The morning i had bad T and after taking 100mg RTG lowered a little in 1.5 hours but not stopped also i got 1.5mg dexamethasone but dexamethasone needs more time to act ( more than 10 hours to me ).
So 9 hours passed after got 100mg retigabine and now i have near 0db T (only with closed ear i hear it) what to do to take another 100mg or to wait and take retigabine when i have T?
How to take trobalt in regular basis independently from T intensity or when i have T only ?
The 3x100mg to me does not stop T it makes a small improvement but i have times without any trobalt that i have near 0db T(probably from corticosteroids) and times under RTG that have bad T.
One million question does the trobalt permanent worsening in hearing or tinnitus like benzos ?
The brain adapts the exogenous RTG by eliminating potassium channels and GABA by homeostasis ?
For example people with hearing impairment that do not have T when started benzos or after withdrawal benzos
developed T & H. This reaction has been observed with trobalt ?
I have these thoughts because some from the forum after some time developed depedence and trobalt does not worked in the dose before worked.
I don't think anyone has reported a permanent worsening of or on set of T and/or H from RTG.

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