As I said some times before,
@locoyeti and me experienced improvements after taper off of RTG and I warned you could have the same after the rebound effect (~2 weeks). And now see..
I also was taking Clinadil and Cat Claw but tried before with no results. So we can't be sure 100% but seems that the ones who taked lot of RTG, including DannyBoy who is tapering off, we seem to have improvement after it. Obviously we all are taking "something" after RTG and we can't be totally sure but what are the chances? big chance we all 4 got the improvement after taper off Trobalt....independetly of what we are taking now
Edit: I forgot to mention that
@Mpt also said that he had improvements after taper of, said something like 'seems likes brain files the rest of T...'
how many we taked RTG for more than 4 months ?
-mtp, -locoyeti, -dannyboy, -mtp, -me <--- with improvement after taper off
@Christian78 <---- without improvement after taper off, im sorry for that bro, maybe your T cause is still present?