Skoupidis: I feel the same way, therefore my disbelief in reading "StudyTrials" like Autifony who are "awarded millions" for something not yet approved and short-term it is. My T alongside some other issues are VERY bad and DannyBoy suggested Trobalt. My neuro. previously prescribed me 600 mg of Gabpentin, which resulted in worsening T plus daily migraines, thus I stopped taking. I looked up Trobalt in US version, which is Potiga. What's to lose, except the rest of your sanity to try? I asked my Neuro. of it, which I am still awaiting a reply. (It supposedly helps migraines too). It may not be for my symptoms - do not know yet.I just explained in my previous post why I choose not to. Also, seeing the progress report of other user's experiences I feel discouraged. I don't even thing of getting into trouble of finding a way to get it, persuading my doctor, ordering it etc... There are so many cons and possibly no pros.
DannyB.- how many mg. did you suggest?
You took Neurontin. You're aware Pfizer were penalized to pay millions for distributing this unapproved drug on the market? Therefore, it may have been wrongly prescribed. Much info. online of fraud from pharmaceutical co.
(Awaiting for one of Pfizer's shareholders in this thread to state that I created this conspiracy theory)...