Well for me is simple i had almost all if not all side effects...
personally i hate amnesia, but there were moment when i scare people around me after i take trobalt my head just drop like i fall asleep on chair, but i come back it is not so big problem...
change of pigmentation occurred, it was not there, not it is different retina color on left eye, and even i dont notice some big problem to see with that eye doctor said to ho MRI of hipofise gland to be at least informed what is happening, and color will not go back to normal but to keep it as it is not to go up.
I had kidney stones, 2 times, and when i was on ultrasound for kidney stones there were crystals inside new one, but drinking more fluid helps it.
There is prostata problem, one can notices it harder to pee, or after urinating can hurt up to 5 minutes...
Point is what you get, what you lose, that sad think you lose is memories, i could thing about 6 things same time, not i can not 2, if i check a phone i miss bus station, and so on, not able do 2 thing same time.... and i forget thing like for example movie Chocolate, so good movie but i forgot it almost. Those things mean very much to me because i am very emotional. I think a person without memories who forget all good moments in life is better dead, but i keep reminding myself so i dont forget.
I had those heart problems... but not any longer, sudden change in dosage with give you symptoms like restless legs!!! Retina color change well that is luck, prostata definitely get enlarged, i know symptoms and i know how to check it before i used trobalt so i know it very vell... urine can become dark or dark orange because of blood in urine if the concentration of trobalt is high, best to drink more fluids.
And yes trobalt will definitely keep you sleeping 7h without problem, why , how, don't ask it is just like that accept it as a fact.
My usage of trobalt in one and half month will be full year. I am just angry why i had to become tolerant, why i could not be like danny boy too, being having 100% of effect....