Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

hey @nills say your report.
About the apparently "random" of how it hits you, there is nothing random in this world. I tell you how hit me according to my experience

-As all we know, hits harder on empty stomach
-When you eat after taking it, it goes down, or when you drink something diuretic, high % is eliminated by kidney
-After a tiring day, thats when im tired, it doesn't hit me hard.
-Analogy, a day wich a had a good rest, it hit me harder
-Accordingly to previous point, in the morning hit me harder, (because i was resting 7h?)
-Just guessing: if you have it with sweets or chocolate, hit harder? , I know stuff mixed with sugar get better absorved in stomach, for example, alcohol with sugar hits harder than alone, not sure if happens the same with trobalt
you rump up fast, i done this but i during that time did not had long term effect on tinnitus, only 250-300 (250+250+300) after 15-20 days i had long lasting effect...

kidneys can hurt but like someone is stabbing then with needle, several times, not permanently, chest pain can be from IQ interval that trobalt can change so heart jumps sometimes but it is ok ...

dont go up too fast, and it has to be 3 times per day, there is some katalist of trobalt that has to get stable concentration in blood and then it works.

just take it easy... 250 mg is safe at least was for me, much much less amnesia and problems on 250 mg, and after some time you get to be more used to it and manage it better...

also i wanted to put a message for @dan and @Danny Boy about lady who died by eutanasia...

what do you think about it danny

Her life could've been saved if she knew about keppra and trobalt...alas this is a lesson where we need to help each other with knowledge to defeat these affections as brothers and sisters than as sole survivors.
@Danny Boy , @1MW

So you guy`s take RTG and Keprra together.

Do you just experiment, and level the doses out as you feel? i`m just asking again cause these oneliner posts are a bit vage. in one you speak of 125mg the other of 2000 ... 125 seems very ow for Keprra.

Keppra should be 500 at start twice a day and building up to 1500 twice a day.
RTG 300 x3 building up to 400x3 ...

thanks guys ;)
My T reduced a lot but i have severe insomnia this is the reason iam getting rtg+keppra.
I got severe insomnia from benzos ..
i agree, H and T are intertwined. I in fact did not know i had hyperacusis until i took RTG. I just though the pain I was experiencing was simply a part of what tinnitus is. when I took RTG, it sort of isolated and purified the sound, and allowed me to sort of observe it dispassionately with the good mood the drug puts you in, and i think that helped really remove the H. i think H must have some psychological component, but one that is very deep and inscrutable by casual reflection. I was deeply in a state of fear and terror at my T since I got it, and by taking RTG I was able to move past that state of mind.

Very interesting.
Yesterday I was feeling quite brave and made myself a guinea pig, lol.
I took 200mg Tegretol at around 22:00, then 250mg Keppra at 23:00, then 200mg Trobalt at midnight.

I slept for 8 hours straight. I woke up with 0 T and after 5 hours it remains at a nice round 0.
I wish someone would study those anti-epileptic drugs and make a nice cocktail out of them. At least for me, they work wonders. However, due to unpredictable side-effects, I'm not planning on making the above experiment on a regular basis.
Yesterday I was feeling quite brave and made myself a guinea pig, lol.
I took 200mg Tegretol at around 22:00, then 250mg Keppra at 23:00, then 200mg Trobalt at midnight.

I slept for 8 hours straight. I woke up with 0 T and after 5 hours it remains at a nice round 0.
I wish someone would study those anti-epileptic drugs and make a nice cocktail out of them. At least for me, they work wonders. However, due to unpredictable side-effects, I'm not planning on making the above experiment on a regular basis.
Im taking keppra hoping itll elimniate or better my reactive/H....
Yesterday I was feeling quite brave and made myself a guinea pig, lol.
I took 200mg Tegretol at around 22:00, then 250mg Keppra at 23:00, then 200mg Trobalt at midnight.

I slept for 8 hours straight. I woke up with 0 T and after 5 hours it remains at a nice round 0.
I wish someone would study those anti-epileptic drugs and make a nice cocktail out of them. At least for me, they work wonders. However, due to unpredictable side-effects, I'm not planning on making the above experiment on a regular basis.
Who knows you found the magic combination!! :)

;) nice you experience rest .. .can you tell me a bit more about tegretol and how you experience it. How did you get so many anti epilectics? must have a nice doctor.
Tegretol seems to work on lowering the excessive energy in the brain nerves ... how does it feel taking it alone. does it help with Tinnitus by itself?

one of the adverse effects is H and T they say ... in a studie the placebo group had the same amount of reduction in T as the group taking this chemical ... wierd .. .anyway good for them :)
Who knows you found the magic combination!! :)

;) nice you experience rest .. .can you tell me a bit more about tegretol and how you experience it.

Tegretol. It was the second time I ever took it.
It does nothing on its own (I haven't taken a properly large dose though), it doesn't reduce the volume or make me sleepy at all.
I believe it works nicely along the other two drugs.
Tegretol is a sodium and calcium blocker, keppra is a partial calcium blocker and maybe potassium channel inhibitor, trobalt is definitely a potassium channel opener. So I believe the combined action of all these drugs is a good combination for T.

How did you get so many anti epilectics? must have a nice doctor.

They are freely sold in my country, except Trobalt, no prescription required.

Tegretol seems to work on lowering the excessive energy in the brain nerves ... how does it feel taking it alone. does it help with Tinnitus by itself?

I haven't used it long enough and I have taken a minimal dose, so I don't really have an opinion on that.
Tegretol. It was the second time I ever took it.
It does nothing on its own (I haven't taken a properly large dose though), it doesn't reduce the volume or make me sleepy at all.
I believe it works nicely along the other two drugs.
Tegretol is a sodium and calcium blocker, keppra is a partial calcium blocker and maybe potassium channel inhibitor, trobalt is definitely a potassium channel opener. So I believe the combined action of all these drugs is a good combination for T.

Yeah, it takes a few weeks I read before it works properly. Also some unhappy sideffects.

Could you explain a little bit way you think this combo works well like this ... you write some stuff opens some things get blocked ... why is it good?

what is difference between the inhibiting of potassium channel and channel opener .. .sounds like a contradiction no? or is this just the fact english isn`t my mothertongue?
Could you explain a little bit way you think this combo works well like this ... you write some stuff opens some things get blocked ... why is it good?

Well, I do know that calcium and sodium are both extremely important neurotransmitters. Tegretol's mechanism of action is applied by blocking these neurotransmitters so the brain doesn't get too naughty. The same mechanism of action is found in a lot of drugs that "calm" brain activity in order to prevent nausea, convulsions, migraines... amitriptyline, cinnarizine, flunarizine and others.
Keppra and Trobalt are supposedly potassium channel modulators (not inhibitors, my mistake). Potassium is another important neurotransmitter - however you don't want potassium blocked, that would mess up brain activity.
I believe that @locoyeti and @benryu have posted some very interesting stuff about potassium and sodium on this thread (and some explanatory images), if you search the first pages of this thread maybe you'll find them...
Well, I do know that calcium and sodium are both extremely important neurotransmitters. Tegretol's mechanism of action is applied by blocking these neurotransmitters so the brain doesn't get too naughty. The same mechanism of action is found in a lot of drugs that "calm" brain activity in order to prevent nausea, convulsions, migraines... amitriptyline, cinnarizine, flunarizine and others.
Keppra and Trobalt are supposedly potassium channel modulators (not inhibitors, my mistake). Potassium is another important neurotransmitter - however you don't want potassium blocked, that would mess up brain activity.
I believe that @locoyeti and @benryu have posted some very interesting stuff about potassium and sodium on this thread (and some explanatory images), if you search the first pages of this thread maybe you'll find them...
Thanks mate, btw I wonder where @benryu is hanging out ... ?? ... been missing for a while now. He indeed has done some great explanations somewhere I remember.

Just come home .. had a 300-200-200 trobalt today ... the first one never really started .. the whole day with T, the second one started really slow but still T .. now came home few hours after the last one from a noisy place and T is ok ... 3/10 ... not annoyed by it but not yet silent enough to be enjoyable silent ... funny thing is when I come from noisy places my T is more silent instead of louder not like party but restaurant atmosphere)
so youre on trobalt for insomnia??? not your T?
Yes my T now is 0-2/10 i got this masive improvement from corticosteroids
Rtg does not make masive improvement to me only a bit of reduction thas is dose related.
Iam phychological depedent on rtg/flupirtine because reduce withdrawal symptoms from benzos. My T now is almost silent or 0/10 near absolute cure.
Yes my T now is 0-2/10 i got this masive improvement from corticosteroids
Rtg does not make masive improvement to me only a bit of reduction thas is dose related.
Iam phychological depedent on rtg/flupirtine because reduce withdrawal symptoms from benzos. My T now is almost silent or 0/10 near absolute cure.
Thats crazy man that u took it just cause u couldnt sleep or did u have very awful too? But great news that youre doing better but isnt that dangerous arent u suppose to taper off after a cpl months.:
Can I take first dose EVER of 200mg twice daily without tapper up?
Only have one box of 84x100mg so it's hard to do it properly.
I'm thinking of doing it like @Danny Boy to see if it helps.
Thanks guys!
The starting dosage, as you would find on the leaflet in the box you have, is 3x100 ... so you are fine with your 100mg`s. And why would you change protocal of 3 times a day to 2 times a day? But I would suggest make sure you can get more of it. 1 box will leave you dissatisfied when you need to come off it.

So i`m just going to say this to everyone that wants to start with this drugs.

Read leaflet, follow rules as close as possible, discuss any changes in your drug taking with a doctor. There are reasons why things are as they are. no need to change them unless you understand them.
The starting dosage, as you would find on the leaflet in the box you have, is 3x100 ... so you are fine with your 100mg`s. And why would you change protocal of 3 times a day to 2 times a day? But I would suggest make sure you can get more of it. 1 box will leave you dissatisfied when you need to come off it.

So i`m just going to say this to everyone that wants to start with this drugs.

Read leaflet, follow rules as close as possible, discuss any changes in your drug taking with a doctor. There are reasons why things are as they are. no need to change them unless you understand them.

Easier said than done!
Went through a whole lot of trouble to get one box!
This drug not available in Australia so talking to dr is out of option.
Leaflet that comes with meds is in some foreign language (got it from Switzerland so it could be some German version and Spanish). All I understood was epilepsy and maximum dose of 1200mg, not many universal words :)
Easier said than done!
Went through a whole lot of trouble to get one box!
This drug not available in Australia so talking to dr is out of option.
Leaflet that comes with meds is in some foreign language (got it from Swiss so it could be some German version). All I understood was epilepsy and maximum dose of 1200mg:)
hmm ... I don`t know .. You will run out in 2-3 weeks and never reach a good dosage. and still need to have enough to taper down which is very important. I would advise you to try to get more first.

you can find all the information also online. It`s a good read. I was surprised with some of the common side effects. ;)
I would like to thank anyone that is experimenting with Trobalt.
Your reports and this discussion (I still have around 70 pages to read through) gave me hope that in future we might have more stable "aspirin" for T in worst case and in best case some scientists will synthesize cure.

Science is fascinating to me as I think that sometimes major breakthrough can happen by accident.
Easier said than done!
Went through a whole lot of trouble to get one box!
This drug not available in Australia so talking to dr is out of option.
Leaflet that comes with meds is in some foreign language (got it from Switzerland so it could be some German version and Spanish). All I understood was epilepsy and maximum dose of 1200mg, not many universal words :)

Enjoy mate,d.bGg&cad=rja

One leafleet for you! :)
I would like to thank anyone that is experimenting with Trobalt.
Your reports and this discussion (I still have around 70 pages to read through) gave me hope that in future we might have more stable "aspirin" for T in worst case and in best case some scientists will synthesize cure.

Science is fascinating to me as I think that sometimes major breakthrough can happen by accident.

Enjoy mate,d.bGg&cad=rja

One leafleet for you! :)
It still amazes how they cant find at least a treatment to calm down the noises of t..if epilepsy drugs can do it , they cant really break down the way that pill works and make treatment out if it not a cure as somethings cant be but at least some releif...
It still amazes how they cant find at least a treatment to calm down the noises of t..if epilepsy drugs can do it , they cant really break down the way that pill works and make treatment out if it not a cure as somethings cant be but at least some releif...

Actually thats what aut063 is trying to achieve I think. They started to develop this T drug extremely fast after they were done with RTG in 2012. Just look here:
1996 - name registration. 2012 release date.
Over 100 studies in pre-clinical trials. I suppose they had to figure out it really might do something for T.
Then patent was sold to autifony in 201x and they started to do their own tests and trials.
Severe T is pretty new disease because noise has increased massively in past 50 years for almost everyone on earth - it was definitely problem earlier but not for as many people as it is now.
It doesn't surprise me as well that we are still in dark ages of understanding brain activity. We are still living in age of massive scientifical progress.

I want to be optimistic but 5 years seem like reasonable time frame for aut063 to get on the market if it does work at all (wchich we all hope is the case).

They just can't release trobalt as T bandaid right now because even here we have very mixed reports on how much did it help, what dosage to take etc. It's too generic for our use and does a lot of other things we dont need it to in our brains.
Actually thats what aut063 is trying to achieve I think. They started to develop this T drug extremely fast after they were done with RTG in 2012. Just look here:
1996 - name registration. 2012 release date.
Over 100 studies in pre-clinical trials. I suppose they had to figure out it really might do something for T.
Then patent was sold to autifony in 201x and they started to do their own tests and trials.
Severe T is pretty new disease because noise has increased massively in past 50 years for almost everyone on earth - it was definitely problem earlier but not for as many people as it is now.
It doesn't surprise me as well that we are still in dark ages of understanding brain activity. We are still living in age of massive scientifical progress.

I want to be optimistic but 5 years seem like reasonable time frame for aut063 to get on the market if it does work at all (wchich we all hope is the case).

They just can't release trobalt as T bandaid right now because even here we have very mixed reports on how much did it help, what dosage to take etc. It's too generic for our use and does a lot of other things we dont need it to in our brains.
So autifony created trobalt?
So autifony created trobalt?
No from what I understand other company but they sold patent to autifony and bought 20% or so of their stock as well. Or they are part of that pharma group.
Seriously its way over my head and someone else could probably answer that better than me. I'm still connecting dots.
No from what I understand other company but they sold patent to autifony and bought 20% or so of their stock as well. Or they are part of that pharma group.
Seriously its way over my head and someone else could probably answer that better than me. I'm still connecting dots.
I feel somewhat better about that drug now.. If it can atleast treat it to some degree thats good enough for me

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