Just wanted to share.
My T today is extremely loud and unbearable. As a result, high anxiety.
So I decided to take another 200 mg Trobalt (I take currently only on occasion).
My volume does not go down much, maybe from a 10/10 to a 8/10.
But it definitely has an anxiolytic effect and calms the brain down.
It makes me dizzy and I am fine with the world. Anxiety goes down massively to the point I feel normal again.
Honestly, for me it feels like a benzo with also decreasing T volume 3-4 levels.
I can understand that for example kevinhogan (only mentioning him since I went through this FAQs again some days ago) recommends Xanax and/or an anxiolytic AD.
If you do not care about anything, why should you care about T?
I took a small daily dose of Xanax a few years ago after reading Kevin Hogan's book. My anxiety levels reduced dramatically and so did the tinnitus, to the point it never bothered me. I felt normal again for about a month until the Xanax effect wore off and it would have meant taking ever increasing amounts.
The t reductions I experienced with Retigabine were usually associated with an anxiolytic effect as well, but were quite short-lived.