Yep, this is just me disagreeing with you.

Five days *is* a fast taper. But we haven't seen bad results from the fast taper yet, so I'm not going to call the FDA or anything. I'll go back and review your reasons sometime, maybe change my mind.
The important thing is that
@undecided knows the arguments and can make his own decision.
@Christian78 I have to admit, all these delays at Autifony are making even me lose some of my optimism that anybody will get a drug to market in the next 18 months. The UK health system seems to be in a bad state and the US market is no better. Both are full of red tape and the doctors are scared to put something out that will get them sued later.
Edited to add, it's not even US and UK doctors who are doing all the work, but all seem to go to US or UK to get the big pharma money.