Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

Yikes, that's good to know.

If I had T of much more recent onset, I might be a lot more willing to mess with this (or AM-101). I'm just not convinced they're going to do much for me at this stage of the game. If Autifony hits the market, that might be a different story -- and I am interested in pursuing rTMS. Based on the limited data that only works for ~50% of people, but both studies to date have shown that it can be effective in people with long-standing, drug-resistant T.

I only took trobalt as my tinnitus was very, very, very bad. I will say, even though I had issues....It's still better than the suffering I had last year. It has reduced tinnitus where it is manageable. But at a cost, of vision and bloody floaters. Like specks of dust everywhere. Really annoying.
Seriously. How does passerby know so much about potassium channel modulators, when he's only been on here since July? Very strange. Few weeks ago, he didn't know how to inbox people. This week he knows so much about how these drugs works, that he could write an essay on them. Am I the only one baffled? Has he taken trobalt before?

Anyway, Linerab. I would be very careful with trobalt, as it can cause serious problems with eyesight and kidneys. I have noticed some visual acuity has diminished and that it can cause issues with kidneys. I had so many water infections that it just was out of the ordinary, to the point where my kidneys had become infected and my white cell blood count was elevated to 16. I also have so many bloody floaters from taking it. The drug is dangerous and should be off the market and revised for safety. I was desperate, but I will never ever take trobalt again. If the devil created drugs, trobalt would be his masterpiece.

You never said you got eye floaters from trobalt. Thats kinda new.
You never said you got eye floaters from trobalt. Thats kinda new.

That's because I didn't know what floaters were. I only bothered to look it up, after Nick's video was put up on his facebook after he died. I then looked it up and I was like, yep I got them. I've actually had them since I was a child, but thought it was normal and didn't know what the term 'floaters' were. But as of yet, I don't know if trobalt is the cause of new floaters as I didn't pay attention to them, until I looked for them. So very difficult to say. All I know is, they are bloody annoying. And when I'm getting my eyesight checked they should ask me and inform me what they are. Seriously, the whole world has a lack of commutation on very common things. Thankfully, I don't have any dark ones just clear ones.

Seriously. How does passerby know so much about potassium channel modulators, when he's only been on here since July? Very strange. Few weeks ago, he didn't know how to inbox people. This week he knows so much about how these drugs works, that he could write an essay on them. Am I the only one baffled? Has he taken trobalt before?

Anyway, Linerab. I would be very careful with trobalt, as it can cause serious problems with eyesight and kidneys. I have noticed some visual acuity has diminished and that it can cause issues with kidneys. I had so many water infections that it just was out of the ordinary, to the point where my kidneys had become infected and my white cell blood count was elevated to 16. I also have so many bloody floaters from taking it. The drug is dangerous and should be off the market and revised for safety. I was desperate, but I will never ever take trobalt again. If the devil created drugs, trobalt would be his masterpiece.
Passerby is ATEOS ... 100 % sure :) ... you can change your name but not your character ... anyway, good info from him so keep it coming ;)

I`m happy you share your personal experience although i`m a bit surprised because it is the first time in so many months you mention these ...

I have floaters too ... since childhood ... not as annoying as T .. for sure.
Passerby is ATEOS ... 100 % sure :) ... anyway, good info from him so keep it coming ;)

I`m happy you share your personal experience although i`m a bit surprised because it is the first time in so many months you mention these ...

Well, I only found out about floaters very recently. About the kidneys I posted about that, I was in hospital. Anyway, from my understanding Trobalt elevates white blood cells. Actually? Is it floaters or this?

The dots are white blood cells moving in the capillaries in front of the retina of the eye.[4] Blue light (optimal wavelength: 430 nm) is absorbed by the red blood cells that fill the capillaries. The eye and brain "edit out" the shadow lines of the capillaries, partially by dark adaptation of the photoreceptors lying beneath the capillaries. The white blood cells, which are much rarer than the red ones and do not absorb blue light, create gaps in the blood column, and these gaps appear as bright dots. The gaps are elongated because a spherical white blood cell is too wide for the capillary. Red blood cells pile up behind the white blood cell, showing up like a dark tail.[5] This behavior of the blood cells in the capillaries of the retina has been observed directly in human subjects by adaptive opticsscanning laser ophthalmoscopy, a real time imaging technique for examining retinal blood flow.[6] The dots won't appear at the very centre of the visual field, because there are no blood vessels there (foveal avascular zone).

Interesting? So, if trobalt elevates white blood cells, can it therefore be the reason is changes the colour of retina and turns you blue? By the way, I'm only guessing.
Well, I only found out about floaters very recently. About the kidneys I posted about that, I was in hospital. Anyway, from my understanding Trobalt elevates white blood cells. Actually? Is it floaters or this?
I know about the white things ... but the floaters ar dark colored and have various shapes ... I can`t look at them straight ... If I try they `float` away ... I only see them when looking at bright sky ... no big deal as they are right now.

white bloodcells can cause cancer ... so in that regard Trobalt would be dangerous ... hmmm .. :sick:
I know about the white things ... but the floaters ar dark colored and have various shapes ... I can`t look at them straight ... If I try they `float` away ... I only see them when looking at bright sky ... no big deal as they are right now.

I don't have anything dark colourd. I got one normal normal floater and loads of tiny white dots. Very odd.
That's because I didn't know what floaters were. I only bothered to look it up, after Nick's video was put up on his facebook after he died. I then looked it up and I was like, yep I got them. I've actually had them since I was a child, but thought it was normal and didn't know what the term 'floaters' were. But as of yet, I don't know if trobalt is the cause of new floaters as I didn't pay attention to them, until I looked for them. So very difficult to say. All I know is, they are bloody annoying. And when I'm getting my eyesight checked they should ask me and inform me what they are. Seriously, the whole world has a lack of commutation on very common things. Thankfully, I don't have any dark ones just clear ones.

Atleast this guy can close his eyes and his floaters are gone ... if we close our ears it only gets worse ... let`s hope he never gets T.
Very sorry to hear Nick ... may your soul rest in peace and bliss ... X

He's found solace. At least we know that. Horrible way to go, Dr. Large better consider this, it's people lives. Yes, it may not be cancer, we can't die from it...But mentally we can. Seriously, if Autifony fails, I'll be pretty much gone.
He's found solace. At least we know that. Horrible way to go, Dr. Large better consider this, it's people lives. Yes, it may not be cancer, we can't die from it...But mentally we can. Seriously, if Autifony fails, I'll be pretty much gone.
head up mate! ... don`t want to hear about gone`s and bye bye`s! ... let`s leave the assumptions to the fools and the trust to the wise ...
head up mate! ... don`t want to hear about gone`s and bye bye`s! ... let`s leave the assumptions to the fools and the trust to the wise ...

Well, all I really need is a safe version of trobalt. Or something safe to get high on. Like a trobalt high, but safe haha.
Are you still taking trobalt 400 once a day like a painkiller? hows that going? Are you off keppra now?
I don't have anything dark colourd. I got one normal normal floater and loads of tiny white dots. Very odd.
you don`t have flaoters man!! :) the white things are bloody normal :). accept it ... I have millions of them flying around ... and in a dark room they look like noise on tv in diffrent colors white yellow and red and all ... it is just how we were created .. T made me strong to accept everything ... except T :p

the white things are bloodcells in your eyes ...

floaters are this ;
you don`t have flaoters man!! :) the white things are bloody normal :). accept it ... I have millions of them flying around ... and in a dark room they look like noise on tv in diffrent colors white yellow and red and all ... it is just how we were created ...

the white things are bloodcells in your eyes ...

floaters are this ;

Yeah, Nick's video made me super paranoid haha. Seriously, the internet can tell me I'm dying and I'd believe it haha.
Yeah, Nick's video made me super paranoid haha. Seriously, the internet can tell me I'm dying and I'd believe it haha.
yeah, I had a friend like that ... always thinking he was sick ... one day he came to me and said ... man I really have a problem now, I think I`m suffering from hypochondria!! ... LOL ... I slapped him on the head and said he should stop being a fool ... :)
yeah, I had a friend like that ... always thinking he was sick ... one day he came to me and said ... man I really have a problem now, I think I`m suffering from hypochondria!! ... LOL ... I slapped him on the head and said he should stop being a fool ... :)

Yeah, seriously...I need to stop googling everything. Ah, well Metal Gear Solid 5's out next week and I'm super hyped! SNAKKKKKKKE
Sorry guys experiment is over. Raised dosage to 300 mg per take and in the pm dosage had what i will call an "event". All neurons started firing synchronous to my heart beat (pupils dilated and contracted at the rhythm of my heart. Movements were erratic and lost all perception of time). Situation got a little bit scary for me, wife was absolutely terrified, so experiment is over for her (can put it to another one of this). Conclusion trobalt has something that definitely works and that has given me hope that autifony and sf00034 and on the right track so i will just wait for them. I absolutely think that the path which trobalt works at least for tinnitus is trough K channels and not through the gaba effect. I had benzo (klona) two weeks after onset (just two pills, one each night) and the sensation was completely different it was more sedation and the tinnitus was still in the back you just did not care. Trobal was more of a complete eradication experience for at least some time with no sedation. Well it just my opinion. Thanks to danny and all my fellow pioneer guinea pigs for going baldly were no tinnitus suffer has gone before.
Sorry guys experiment is over. Raised dosage to 300 mg per take and in the pm dosage had what i will call an "event". All neurons started firing synchronous to my heart beat (pupils dilated and contracted at the rhythm of my heart. Movements were erratic and lost all perception of time). Situation got a little bit scary for me, wife was absolutely terrified, so experiment is over for her (can put it to another one of this). Conclusion trobalt has something that definitely works and that has given me hope that autifony and sf00034 and on the right track so i will just wait for them. I absolutely think that the path which trobalt works at least for tinnitus is trough K channels and not through the gaba effect. I had benzo (klona) two weeks after onset (just two pills, one each night) and the sensation was completely different it was more sedation and the tinnitus was still in the back you just did not care. Trobal was more of a complete eradication experience for at least some time with no sedation. Well it just my opinion. Thanks to danny and all my fellow pioneer guinea pigs for going baldly were no tinnitus suffer has gone before.

Sorry man.
Sorry guys experiment is over. Raised dosage to 300 mg per take and in the pm dosage had what i will call an "event". All neurons started firing synchronous to my heart beat (pupils dilated and contracted at the rhythm of my heart. Movements were erratic and lost all perception of time). Situation got a little bit scary for me, wife was absolutely terrified, so experiment is over for her (can put it to another one of this). Conclusion trobalt has something that definitely works and that has given me hope that autifony and sf00034 and on the right track so i will just wait for them. I absolutely think that the path which trobalt works at least for tinnitus is trough K channels and not through the gaba effect. I had benzo (klona) two weeks after onset (just two pills, one each night) and the sensation was completely different it was more sedation and the tinnitus was still in the back you just did not care. Trobal was more of a complete eradication experience for at least some time with no sedation. Well it just my opinion. Thanks to danny and all my fellow pioneer guinea pigs for going baldly were no tinnitus suffer has gone before.
Ok, atleast you know now ..

I just want to know if you took 5 weeks to reach 300 mg`s like the company that makes Trobalt suggests or if you just did your own taper up system? ...

and did you go through ALL the check ups before taking Trobalt that this forum suggests like your QT interval, heart rate?

cause these experiences give a bad name to Trobalt all the while I know that none of us on this forum has ever followed the rules.

I just want to give a bit of insight and a wider picture.

I had a similar experience but I raised to 400mg`s in less than 2 weeks ... I mean ... for a doctor this would be not done.
Seriously. If the devil created drugs, trobalt would be his masterpiece.
But mentally we can. Seriously, if Autifony fails, I'll be pretty much gone.

LoL...what happend here, I was gone some days and Trobalt went from Cure to Devils masterpiece? Coming from Dannyboy ? Your T returned fully?

* the effects of 50mg were such that I was cognitively impaired to a point where it made it difficult to do my job,

50mg ? Either that was some psychologic effect because many people wrote how dangerous it is (you were among them as I recall) or you are a 90lbs girl (40kg)....Whatever ;)

After almost a month of 3x400mg im starting to taper lasting effect.
And im pretty sure I have more eye floaters than before (Noticing in front of bright backdrops).
Just to be high all the time...not worth it.

Worth a short trial though. (with extreme T)
I just want to know if you took 5 weeks to reach 300 mg`s like the company that makes Trobalt suggests or if you just did your own taper up system? ...
did my own taper up in three weeks not 5.
and did you go through ALL the check ups before taking Trobalt that this forum suggests like your QT interval, heart rate?
did all check ups regulary including 4 ekgs (normal) a battery of blood test (normal) and 2 ocular exams (including retinal exam) during the time i took the pill.
cause these experiences give a bad name to Trobalt all the while I know that none of us on this forum has ever followed the rules.
i am not giving it s bad name it is what it is a harsh drug but still i do not regret trying it, if not for my wife i will continue on a 200 mg three times a day but even at 200, 300 , 300 it was loosing some of it effects (t started to creep up sooner and sooner each day).
i really dont think i was in any inmmediate danger (blood pressure and pulse were perfect during episode. my wife put the monitor and i was camly but incoherently trying to explain what was going on) it just that for her watching my pupils dilate and contract an me being lost in time was enough for her to go into a panic.
Sorry guys experiment is over. Raised dosage to 300 mg per take and in the pm dosage had what i will call an "event". All neurons started firing synchronous to my heart beat (pupils dilated and contracted at the rhythm of my heart. Movements were erratic and lost all perception of time). Situation got a little bit scary for me, wife was absolutely terrified, so experiment is over for her (can put it to another one of this). Conclusion trobalt has something that definitely works and that has given me hope that autifony and sf00034 and on the right track so i will just wait for them. I absolutely think that the path which trobalt works at least for tinnitus is trough K channels and not through the gaba effect. I had benzo (klona) two weeks after onset (just two pills, one each night) and the sensation was completely different it was more sedation and the tinnitus was still in the back you just did not care. Trobal was more of a complete eradication experience for at least some time with no sedation. Well it just my opinion. Thanks to danny and all my fellow pioneer guinea pigs for going baldly were no tinnitus suffer has gone before.
bro no lie, i felt something like that just 30 minutes ago. at first it felt like i was going to throw up a organ for a good couple of minutes weird feeling. then my heart beat started going slow and then for a good 3-5 seconds couldnt feel my heart beat got this weird body vibe/sensation stood up then my heart started beating so fast i thought it was going to come out 15 seconds later it came back to normal that shit scared the crap out of me. took 300mg when the 1 1/2 before that thing happened,took 350mg before that dose. and the potiga really dosent do anything to me. the highest i went was 350x300x250.. im going to stop since i haven't felt results from it. maybe my T is just to strong for it. and after this incident i dont want to risk it again so i most likely going to stop. but i will say higher doses really help you sleep better.i i apologize if my writing sucks Im drugged at the moment.
LoL...what happend here, I was gone some days and Trobalt went from Cure to Devils masterpiece? Coming from Dannyboy ? Your T returned fully?

50mg ? Either that was some psychologic effect because many people wrote how dangerous it is (you were among them as I recall) or you are a 90lbs girl (40kg)....Whatever ;)

After almost a month of 3x400mg im starting to taper lasting effect.
And im pretty sure I have more eye floaters than before (Noticing in front of bright backdrops).
Just to be high all the time...not worth it.

Worth a short trial though. (with extreme T)

No lol. I thought I had floaters but didn't haha. So my bad. Trobalt elevates white blood cells and those specks you see are white blood cells not floaters.
Seriously what's with those comments @Danny Boy ?
Totally agree with you Valerie.....a couple of months ago it was a near cure for him and now he is saying he is having all sorts of problems....okay maybe misconceived problems but he has dramatically changed from it being a great drug to try for all those with serious T to a drug that should be strictly controlled and only taken under the strictest of supervision - which danny didnt do. Sorry danny no personal on you but just surprised by your change of tune....
Totally agree with you Valerie.....a couple of months ago it was a near cure for him and now he is saying he is having all sorts of problems....okay maybe misconceived problems but he has dramatically changed from it being a great drug to try for all those with serious T to a drug that should be strictly controlled and only taken under the strictest of supervision - which danny didnt do. Sorry danny no personal on you but just surprised by your change of tune....

Well, it is how it is.
50mg ? Either that was some psychologic effect because many people wrote how dangerous it is (you were among them as I recall) or you are a 90lbs girl (40kg)....Whatever ;)

I am very low BMI -- 6'1", 155lbs male. I'm also sensitized to GABAergics from long-term benzo use (discontinued in 2013).

I wasn't, you know, falling over and drooling -- I was just jumbling words a little bit (tendency to say things like "put the stove on the kettle"), and my typing skills were worse than usual, significantly more typos and a split-second delay remembering commands and syntax which I usually don't have to think about at all. But, that's a problem for me, because I am under a lot of pressure at work right now, we have some very tight timelines, and something which causes a 5-10% hit to my productivity is going to cause problems.

That said, if there had been any impact at all on my T, and the overall physical experience hadn't been so unpleasant, then I might have been more cavalier about proceeding...

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