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  • Weird observation: sometimes when I plug my ears, my T gets quieter... Has anyone tried this? When I remove my hands, I can hear it again
    No difference for me.
    Early on sticking a finger and pulling it from the ear canal would turn off T for me. Later, keeping finger in ear canal would mask it (blood flow in fingers?). Now too loud for that.
    Very early on I had a very few moments of this.
    Happy new year! Although we may never meet I consider many of you in here friends. Hope we will experience relief and joy in 2024 ❤️
    The only real punishment for illegal fireworks would be jail time. A fine is hardly enough to make people learn
    I'd argue the best punishment would be for them to experience a little "accident" with said fireworks, but maybe thats taking it too far? xD
    There they go, once again, firing off illegal fireworks. I have called the police twice and I will not hesitate to keep calling
    Even if I knew for sure my T would drastically improve in 10 years, I would wait it out. But not knowing is hell
    Thanks @BB23. I just read about it. While it does sound promising I would be too scared of potential permanent side effects so would not dare take anything that messes with my brain chemistry. Sorry, but I don't have any hope at all. Don't listen to me
    But are they not perfecting them now to remove unwanted side effects? The T is terrible, so after 2 years if not better, I would have no choice but to try them...I'd rather do the Susan Shore device though tbh....let's stay optimistic that will help and maybe more perfection will come in other models or versions
    If things don't radically change for the better soon, I will most likely not stick around. There is a limit
    Agreed, I think the same. I'd like to try Shore device first.
    And give it time. It seems 2 years minimum. And 3-4 would be fair. I need some changes in meantime to be able to do that, like moving to a quieter house.
    Don't say that, you're a strong person to get this far. @gameover is spot on, there's the shore device, the KV7 drugs and by the time all that comes out there's a good chance you'll have improved and/or partially habituated.
    2023 has made me beg for a second chance and I swear if I received that gift I'd humbly and scared to death grab it with all my heart
    Me too.
    I pray you get the second chance. It would be awesome to hear about one of us that makes it. I will share in that joy. You seem so very authentic and kind.
    @4Grace Thank you so much. So do you ❤️
    2023 told me in no uncertain terms that I am, we are, all struggling alone here but still for the first time I reached out to God for help
    God has abandoned me
    I have been praying but …. So complicated. He needs to change my heart. He needs to perform some miracles. Only he can save me. I began some Tinnitus meditation videos at night. Not bad.
    If ever that miracle happened for us. Wow. What a joyous day that would be…. The feeling …. unimaginable.
    2023 was the year I realized that I too shall leave this planet one day and that is not a disaster
    2023 was the year I stopped wearing mascara because I am crying all the time and got tired of the black mess running down my cheeks
    I want to heal
    Meaning I have so much fear, anger and doubt in me. But this was the case also before my worsening and that baffles me....
    @Juliane are you talking about having faith and visualizing yourself better that you will attract healing better? Sorta like releasing resistance to it?
    @MiaVIL I am not sure actually. I just feel that a broken unhappy tortured emotional state would prevent any real healing from happening. It seems logical to me
    You have been doing a good job at protecting. Has it helped? Stable?.Any improvement at all?
    Thank you @4Grace. To be honest all of 2023 has been filled with emotional trauma and stress for me and I suspect that reality makes my body unable to heal
    I think it plays a huge role. In the past, my tinnitus seemed better when I was emotionally at ease . I have not been emotionally well for years
    So sorry that some have to experience this in life. I feel it is rare to have to suffer so much. My heart truly breaks for you.
    Theory: medication containing aluminium worsened my T. Might that be a sign that it is linked to heavy metal poisoning?
    This year has been beating me over and over. The result is that I no longer feel sad that my time on earth is limited.
    Hello - I see your own here. How have you been doing? I think everyone's knows how I have been doing. Holidays are hard. Everyone is so happy.
    Hi dear @4Grace. Trying to hang on but life is so tough at the moment that "tough" does not even cover it. I am very close to giving up but hanging on for my loved ones
    I am so sad to hear that you were on your own for Christmas ❤️
    "Tough does not cover it" So sorry. I understand this statement.
    Dear God. PLEASE help us all. Only light and goodness can make us better. I know that to be true. I am trying so to be good.
    Such beautiful words.
    The more I ask or see people asking him for help, my disbelief in this fairy tale strengthens. Sorry.
    L along the way
    Lovely words, and I wish you the same. @gameover i'm double on this one.. on one hand i do believe in 'a good power', i'm not sure what it is, but i do believe there has to be some power of good. At the same time, i do believe in naturalness, t caused by unnatural extreme audio volume, it damaged the natural ears. I'm sad that i learned late, but now i try to live (eat well, rest well, etc) as intended by nature
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