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  • I miss silence at night. The sound is so loud at bedtime. Why did this have to occur? My life was hard enough. God has forgotten me.
    I've been getting these exhaustion episodes. I just slept 15+ hours. Have a good day everyone.
    Oh, those sleepless nights are rough. I had those occasionally in early 2022, but if I'm still up 2 or 3 AM these days, I'll give in to Zolpidem, which I don't normally need at bedtime. So my least sleep lately is about 2 hours. I don't seem to "catch up" much the following night.
    @RunningMan I'm sorry to hear that. Sleep is vital with this condition. It's not like you can just have a bad sleepless night and then drink extra coffee to stay awake. This entire condition sucks. Seriously.
    I went a very long time with very little sleep. Not being able to sleep might be more torturous then T. Nearly went insane when I had a few months of insomnia. Hope that precious sleep returns for you. It's our only break from T
    Chai tea is good ❤️ Only 40/50 mg of caffeine. Also try white tea with even less caffeine. It's a great supplement for coffee.
    It's 1am and I'm usually sleeping by 10. I am so fucked for my T tomorrow lol Damn you Nutella goodness!
    My brother who is 16+ yrs in & father who is 30+ yrs in, live happy normal lives. That's the hope I have if this decides to be permanent.
    I hope this is not coming across the wrong way. I often am treated like "stop complaining" others have done it. I try to provide positive comments to others because I genuinely feel they have a personality or T that will help them beat this. Most will. At the same time I don't feel the same about my case. Some people are really suffering beyond what others can imagine. God bless. I wish everyone strength.
    Sorry for all the posts. I guess if you feel like me have hope that you can one day be like the people who live a normal life even if at this moment you feel that it is impossible. ❤️
    @Utdmad89 I vehemently disagree. Especially within family or between close friends. We should take care of each other. Warning each other about dangers - or giving advice in general - is what we should do. What the recipient of the advice/warning will do with it as another matter, but we should share. I maintain whoever does not tell about T close ones is an asshole.
    Guys, I quit coffee 5 mon. ago. I really want a pumpkin chai tea latte @ starbucks. Am I playing with fire? Lol Does caffeine spike you?
    "Only in our darkest hours that we may discover the true strength of the brilliant light within ourselves that can never, ever, be dimmed"
    Rings hollow when you are suffering immensely.
    How is this the rest of my life? All I took was a simple medication to help with anxiety & it destroyed my life. Why? How is this fair?
    Today I'm meeting celebrities and my T is taking away the fun and excitement. I'm smiling and grateful but so damn sad.
    I think I'm having a spike on vacation. The last 2 days seem louder. Idk if it's considered a spike or just a bad day?
    @Mo8409 I feel you, that sucks. More so with fun activities. Did you have fun meeting celebrities today? Don't know if this is welcome advice and easier said than done, but what helps me on bad days is try to only 'measure' at set moments. I track twice a day, then try to stop the constant 'this is worse. better now? wait, even worse?' Hope you're able to shift the focus, find joy and make some more fond memories!
    @jimvee Thank you ❤️ I did have a fun time meeting everyone. Most were kind but not all but the ones that really mattered to me made my day and even said I smelled good. :)
    Guys, I really hope 1 day we find happiness again. Can't believe this is our life, ya know? This is super hard to pretend to be okay.
    @Mo8409 yeah the no hearing loss part is fun. I called my wife out on farting the other day. I am like... I have T not hearing loss...=P
    It is so hard to pretend we´re okay because we´re not. This is a disease. Perhaps not in medical terms, but we are ill due to our symptoms. We need patience with ourselves and love from our surroundings. I still hope for a miracle though.
    @Mo8409 @Juliane @joecuber @Tryn2BHopeful @4alien2 @Sarahmlflemmer @MindOverMatter the string of posts above… every word…. Just seeing it now. How people can relate through real suffering. It's incredible. Everything is so true. For some reason I can read this string over and over. For what it is worth it feels good to be understood at a level that is so deep. Wow!
    I think U of M have my results backwards. My fault 4 ending the test early but I do not agree with the results! Upsetting beyond belief.
    So sorry to hear it! But look, you are not doomed! What an ignorant woman to say something like that. Doctors have told me a lot of BS through the years too. What none of them could have told me was that my first round of tinnitus subsided after 8 years! And stayed mild (with occassional spikes) for 11 years! So Yeah, doctors know shit about T.
    How exactly would they determine that the tinnitus was related to the brain malformation? That sounds pretty arbitrary. Why can't doctors ever admit that they don't know?
    Still spiking. Off to U of M for another appt. It's a stupid day. Try to be positive. Here for a masker.
    @RunningMan Exactly!!! I was like Oh no.... I've seen severe... What I have is not that! I had it bad in month 1 but with time that got better thank you Jesus.
    @Mo8409 Well that's good. My 18+ month variable tinnitus continues. My hyperacusis didn't really become obvious to me until a few weeks ago, and it's settled down significantly since Saturday. What a relief because I feared it might get worse and don't know what triggered it to start weeks back. Shows we aren't necessarily doomed.
    @Mo8409 During hyperacusis in recent weeks, I never experienced any reactivity. I've never seemed to experience any change in my tinnitus due to the environmental sounds, masking sounds, etc. My TTTS also doesn't appear to have improved any, which started up not long before the hyperacusis, and I read about an association between those as well.
    I ate a few Oreos and my T is screaming! Time to drink water and try to cancel out this sugar spike! This is ridiculous. Hheellppp!
    I am a woman of science! I'm afraid of getting the flu vaccine. Hopefully in my new position it's not required. Anyone have issues?
    I have never received a flu shot, and due to my tinnitus, I would not consider getting one. I received a single COVID shot over two years ago, which caused my tinnitus to spike to a very high level for three days. As a result, I did not receive a second shot, as it appears that any stress on my body or immune system can cause a spike.
    Ryan Scott
    @Supersix I never considered to immune response from vaccines causing a spike. I wonder if the covid vaccine had an adjament in it.
    @Ryan Scott. I got 4 jabs, two Moderna, two Pfizer. Did they lower my limit? Who knows. I also was recovering from weird sickness (Covid test negative) during my trauma. I wonder if it was Covid. I do not really think so, but who knows.
    You once wrote, "Being sad is hard. Being happy is hard. Pick your hard." It's great advice. The other side of the coin is that it's okay to feel sad. When things are sad, we need to feel sad. That said, I hope you found some fun this weekend, or at least a warm, comforting bath.
    @WCJohn Thank you for that great advice, you're right! I did try and made myself go out. I went on bike rides, sat on my porch and watched people at the park, and putt putt golf. How are you doing? Did you do anything?
    Caught up with my old friend. We should have gone putt putt golfing. That is the best.
    Aug. 29th will be 5 months. 5 months to eternity? Will it decrease by 1 year? Who knows.. How in the world did I get myself into this mess?
    @RunningMan Some members have stated it can take several years to habituate, but if you keep worsening during that time you're just kind of chasing your tail.
    @Mo8409 Thank you for that.
    @kingsfan Yeah, plus my variable tinnitus differs through different sounds every day or two, also in intensity at times. Then add on completely new symptoms of TTTS & hyperacusis. I was pretty much habituated to tinnitus for many years even though fans/white noise didn't mask it, but suddenly worsened 18 months ago, and it became distressing. I still sleep poorly.
    @RunningMan That's the worst. I feel for you. Mine is just constantly up and down when it used to be stable as well. Can't get a handle either.
    Feeling sorry for myself. Crying over the loss of my old self. I'd wake up, jump out of bed & rdy to face the day. Now I stare at a wall sad
    I really feel for everyone on here. Everyone is so kind. I wish you strength. I hope you find peace.
    I get you, I feel that way almost every day. I wake up and realize the nightmare is not over yet. Feel like I lost a piece of myself and I dont know how to get it back. We will get there in time.
    Feel the same way. And people expect us to just get better. They can't see the pain we are feeling inside, that everything has changed and it's unbearable.
    Laying with my ear against my pillow & the noises seriously switched up 5 different times. Eee, cicadas, hiss, electrical!? Anyone else? Lol
    I've had that trigger my TTTS when lying on my right ear, but usually it starts more spontaneously, like this morning. Tinnitus itself seems unaffected by any positioning of head on pillow, although it can cut the masking sounds I play if I lie on my ear, so I don't do it much. Using stereo bluetooth to each side.
    Yea, I've had 6-7 different ones blasting at one point. The electric one felt like static electricity passing through my brain.
    My T is loud today and I have a headache. Maybe tomorrow will be better ❤️ Hopefully.
    @Joe Cuber I'm not sure. It could of been a random headache. I took 1 Tylenol which did nothing. What do you take for headaches?
    @Joe Cuber Tylenol has never done anything for my headaches! Maybe ibuprofen but I'm afraid to take those. Have they increased T for you?
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