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  • And it went off. I jump up too get my muffs but they're hard to do put on fast as their shooting ones. I took magnesium.
    I have to have the fire alarms in my new house disabled or at least one taken out of my bedroom. Today is the second day someone cooked 1/2
    Hope everyone is doing well or coping well. How is everyone? I'm doing okay. Tinnitus could be quieter but I try to think glass half full.
    Hi Shebylynn! Has your t gotten better since the onset? Mine is the same at 8 months.
    I occasionally have my days where I feel "wow it's a lot quieter today" and some days I feel "geez it's so annoying". So a bit here and there. Regardless I just try to keep coping as best as I can. Hoping for some quiet days in the future for us both!
    Thanks Shelbylynn! I have quiet days as well and make the most of them. Sometimes it's hard because then the next day will be louder - I almost get fooled into feeling it will go away. Yes, I hope so too! :)
    Where ear protection if you're going outside!
    Jack Straw
    Over protection can also be a problem causing T to get temporarily worse as well as making some people develop H. I agree we should protect our ears but everyone needs to find a comfortable level for them without making things worse.
    @Jack Straw i should have specified because of the fireworks for United States Independence Day stuff :)
    Was walking outside and neighbor set off big illegal firework. So far no difference in t. Hope it stays this way, really nervous
    Crossing my fingers you're okay Shelby. <3 my sister shouted really loudly next to my ear just now. :( hoping I don't get a spike too.
    Hope all is well with my fellow tinnitus friends here. I'm doing about the same. Managing. As long as I stay distracted I'm ok.
    Meanwhile I took a ride in an old car forgetting the doors are metal and heavy and when I closed it, not a pretty noise.. paying the price
    Do any of you have t that doesn't get worse with loud noises? My step dad and brother both don't do ANYTHING to protect Yet t not worse?
    Eloy Resendez Jr
    My T is pretty constant all the time. It basically just depends how I'm feeling for the day. The more tired I am the worse it is. Loud places don't affect me too much but can get annoying. What a life! Gotta just keep on keeping on.
    Mine is intermittent, one day off, one day off (more recently 2-3 days off, meaning barely noticeable), but nothing seems to spike it. Whatever it is after I wake up it's like that for the rest of the day
    So there's a million things that make tinnitus worse and nothing that makes it better? Perfect.
    Bill Bauer
    Avoiding noises sometimes promotes healing...
    It's so unbelievably shit, isn't it. Can't do this. Can't do that...
    Does anyone else find themselves waking up multiple times a night? I feel like mine is t related because I never had this problem before ?
    @Steph1710 i didn't have any trouble sleeping after a month... until mine got a little worse in recent month. Unfortunately I've always had weird dreams but I heard people are getting weirder dreams from stress from pandemic
    @Orions Pain me as well! I use to sleep a solid 9-10 hours... now I can barely get 6 before I'm tired of making myself fall back to sleep
    It's pretty common to have sleep issues. I wasn't sleeping for months and still wake up 2-4 times a night. I used to sleep 8 hours straight...
    Woke up today and only my right ear is spiked? The only thing I can think of is maybe being on the phone yesterday? I try to keep it away
    Honestly the phone is the worst for me. That and the stupid people who keep slamming the doors in my house! Urgh! So many things we have to worry about now. Glad you had a good birthday though. Did you go/do anything nice? :)
    @Steph1710 thank you! I honestly just ordered in sushi and had dessert/spent time with family :)
    Sound pretty perfect to me. Glad you had fun :)
    Dropped a glass of sesame seed oil on tiled floor didn't shatter. But made Loud noise. Sometimes I feel like I can't win.
    Bill Bauer
    This kind of a thing happens to everyone. Every person who got better had experienced multiple incidences like that. Goes without saying that to the extent that you can it makes sense to avoid those incidents. But there is no reason to worry too much about the accidents that do end up taking place.
    Is there hope for me that my tinnitus will settle down again in volume?
    Yes.People report spike's ranging from days to months to settle.There is always hope.
    Bill Bauer
    If it doesn't start fading after 4-6 weeks, then there would be a reason to worry. For now it is reasonable to assume that eventually you will end up being ok.
    Back to beginning t days for me where I slept with sound enrichment. Maybe I'll be able to sleep with out it again sometime soon.
    People don't understand t or the way we suffer. They can't even fathom it. Then when they make mistakes all they say is "sorry".
    I keep telling my other half this.So far he's shouted in my ear twice. I said this is literally the difference between me getting better or continuing to suffer... Saying sorry just isn't enough.
    @Tweedleman i wouldn't wish it on anyone . It's my own personal hell I can't detach from and always have to rise above. There's good days, but I miss the me without t.
    @Steph1710 exactly! I try to explain the sleepless nights and the anxiety. I can't afford to keep having louder t because of stupid mistakes, it's US who get stuck with the consequences. We're already struggling with a situation we can't control. It just makes me feel even LESS in control.
    How long do your spikes last? Hoping mine resolves :(
    After the MRI, mine was spiking for about or a bit more than a week, but sometimes it can take months to subside. :(
    Around a week, just keep telling yourself it WILL return to baseline.
    Eloy Resendez Jr
    @Shelby, Yes, turns out I've got some kind of autoimmune issue, where my body attacks itself and turns out my hearing in my left ear was attacked. First time was in 2015, Second time was December of 2019. That's when my ENT discovered the issue. Really sucks because I'd adapted to it the first time and then I had this damn spike.
    Do any of you read? I have a harder time concentrating, thinking about playing fan or rain noises in background to help
    Reading was tough when my T worsened, but I made it work again. Sound enrichment works well. I actually spent a fortune in milkshakes because every other day I would vist a local ice cream place, and sit on the bench outside and read while my T was masked by night traffic and people walking about. Now I use a mixture of rain sounds and crickets when I need it.
    If you find prose difficult, try reading comics. That's what I did. The illustrations made it easier to concentrate, and I worked my way back to prose slowly.
    Thanks @Steph1710 ! I will look it up and try that. I'm fine reading forums/messages/texts/news. It's more technical and complex reading that has a lot of conceptual stuff I struggle with. Which is my favorite reading! Lol
    The worst thing about tinnitus for me is that it's constantly aggravating my anxiety. Accidents keep happpening, I can't prevent a spike
    Pinged a mug on the microwave glass platter. The loudest PIIING. Ugh the sound of glass on glass KILLS me
    Oh yeah same! Gives me a sharp pain down the ear canal:(
    I swear from the evening to the morning someone turns the volume of my t up. And in the afternoon I'm fine
    Does your T sound changes in the morning? Some mornings it sounds like I'm in a spaceship.
    @aot my sound is generally the same and consistent it's either the actual volume or my perception of it
    Ugh I just shouted a family member for their stupidity for a bit, I don't normally lose my temper. And when I do shout I regret it bc my t.
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