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  • Remember to spring forward if you are in the US! I've already set the clocks forward. :)
    @Ilias T, just 5 short months ago my world was completely different as I'm sure it was for many of us here.
    Ilias T
    @twa Mine was different 3 years, 9 months ago. I can't believe I used to love waking up lol.
    Bill Bauer
    I actually forgot to change my watch and alarm clock! Thank you for the reminder!
    I wonder why sometimes there is ringing and sometimes high pitched static like the hum from a fluorescent light?
    Don't think about it much. Just ignore it. I've made that mistake of overthinking and paying too much attention to all my sounds (and there were lots of them, more than 10 for sure during the first 6 months). So do not pay too much attention. It only increases anxiety.
    Bill Bauer
    Your body is healing. It is able to fade to static, and now it is fluctuating between faded sound (static) and unfaded (tone). Eventually it will be only static, and then the pitch of the static will begin to get lower, and it will fluctuate between lower and higher pitch static, etc.
    Went to the Crayola Experience today with the kiddo. First time at the mall in a year. I don't think I have ever said that!
    So glad to see you're doing better twa! Blessings to you and your family!
    @kuromi, thanks so much! Hope you are doing well, sounds like you've had some mild days~
    Has anyone gone on vacation or stayed in a cabin for a weekend trip with T & H? Thoughts, ideas?
    They have both been immensely helpful to my T journey.. even if I did have a bust up with Micheal over the state of England ;) Their advice is precious to me.
    "Hang on, help is on its way. I'll be there as fast as I can. Hang on, a tiny voice did say." Who sang this song?
    Little River Band, "Help Is on Its Way"
    Yes! The song seemed appropriate for TT. ❤
    I've been doing an anti-inflammatory diet for 5 months since my T started. I really would like a big slice of chocolate cream pie!!!
    @Steph1710, I have noticed some reduction in inflammation in the ears and in my hands. I have RA, so inflammation is an issue. I've been completely gluten, dairy, soy, corn, legume and nightshade free for 5 months. I did eat some non compliant foods for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Eve. I didn't go wild, I still did a vegan or organic food.
    @Steph 1710, it has helped with sinus inflammation and allergies. It helps with inflammation in my hands. It has also calmed my rosacea. The aural fullness in my ears has gotten better, not completely gone but better.
    Bill Bauer
    I am glad your nightmare ended, @buttercake . Back in 1980s, the guidelines for diagnosing IC were for one to experience the symptoms for more than 9 months. This got changed to 3 months, and then changed again to 6 weeks. I've had my symptoms for close to 10 weeks/2.5 months now. I hope to be one of the people for whom it goes away within 9 months, but it isn't looking good.
    Why does T scream from about 4:00 in the afternoon until bedtime?
    Thanks Bill, that is a blessing. The one surprising thing for me in all of this, is that I can sleep. So strange, I had chronic insomnia for a solid year in 2018.
    @twa that's strange - I also suffered from chronic insomnia for a year in 2018! Half way through that year, is when my pulsatile tinnitus started. Then after that year, my health rapidly declined. I also sleep absolutely fine now, even though I have regular T as well as PT now.
    @Steph1710, that is a coincidence! My husband said the Earth's poles are moving, maybe it was something like that in 2018! Come to think of it, I also had some other health issues that year.
    My family is so loud. If they had hyperacusis I would bend over backwards to make a quiet environment for them.
    Bill Bauer
    If they don't care whether or not you get hurt, you need to find a way to hurt them bad enough for them to care about avoiding THAT.
    I've had to use my smarts and encourage them to go see the grandparents for a few hours of quiet, except for the dog.
    Bill Bauer
    A few hours of quiet is less likely to promote your healing. Complete silence for months barely promotes it. There is a chance that you will make progress and feel better 2-3 years after the onset despite the noise. However, there is also a chance that the noise will cause you to lose the opportunity to get your life back 2-3 years from now...
    Good night all, praying we wake up tomorrow to the news of a treatment for hearing loss!
    I eat almost perfectly, I take supplements, I walk daily, I go to the chiropractor for therapy, what else can I do?
    • B


    I am sure you are doing your best. Keep up the good work!
    My dog jumped on the stove and turned on the gas! We've been outside for 2 hours waiting for the gas guy to turn off the gas. T is loud :-(
    It's the little steps along the way that measure progress. Start a journal page so you can gauge the subtleties in your journey to recovery.
    Three days of doing normal things, going out to pick up lunch, car to the shop, getting a haircut. My anxiety about going out has calmed.
    Best couple of days I've had in 5 months. Tinnitus is still going, but hyperacusis is slightly better.
    We have thawed out here in Texas! Thankfully, most people now have power, heat, water and cable. It was a challenge with hyperacusis.
    We've had to keep faucets running 24/7 so pipes do not freeze, when I turn them off my tinnitus/hyperacusis feels so much better!
    So husband wants to know why I don't go to another doctor to fix the hyperacusis because it's unlivable, for him.
    Five days home during a winter storm with family. I wish they understood hyperacusis and tinnitus.
    I had ear burning this morning. I haven't had burning in 2-3 months. Is this caused from a noise exposure?
    Big winter storm! We are home for days, all around us neighbors are losing power and pipes are freezing. Kid and husband are home.
    Happy Valentines Day friends! Sending much love and may you have a quiet day! ❤
    Has anyone been able to go to a large event, sporting, movie, musical, etc. safely before Covid, that is?
    School is closing AGAIN on Monday and then virtual the rest of the week. It makes for louder days inside the house.
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