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  1. Jamie m

    What Are Decibel Levels in a Cinema?

    Just don't go to IMAX! But I go to movies here and there. I just saw fast and furious. But if you don't feel right don't go!
  2. Jamie m

    Bad Vacation

    I go to DC a lot but as long as I wear my ear plugs I'm fine! Just enjoy it and wear them!
  3. Jamie m

    HELP! Flying with ETD

    When you are taking off and landing chew gum it helps!
  4. Jamie m

    Water Ear Plugs?

    Thank you both!! I literally only wear my ear plugs maybe once a month if that, last time was at a bar in January when a band started playing. I just was checking with the water!! Thanks:D
  5. Jamie m

    Water Ear Plugs?

    Hello! I have an odd question! I am going to Cancun on my honeymoon in May! But I already have professional ear plugs that work great, but so I need water ear plugs for swimming or if we go diving? Or can I even go in the water? Sorry, I just got confused! Jamie
  6. Jamie m

    Tinnitus & Plane Safety

    Chew gum!!
  7. Jamie m

    Sticking Finger in Ear to Hear Spikes

    I've had this thing for only a year, but I remember for about three months I would do this. Then I do it only from time to time when I hear a loud noise but half the time it isn't my T! My recommendation is just get used to your spikes, I have about three common spike noises that I'm used to...
  8. Jamie m

    Having a Spike, Please Help!

    Hello!! You will be fine! We always overcome this! I got a spike over the weekend and it lasted til about Tuesday! Praying for you! Have a good week!
  9. Jamie m

    Current State... After 11 Months of Tinnitus

    Happy new year!!
  10. Jamie m

    Current State... After 11 Months of Tinnitus

    Omg we are twins... it's confirmed. Last Monday, I was laying in bed and all sudden my eye got very blurry like a huge floater where I couldn't see it freaked me out!! It went away slowly after about twenty mins! I still don't know what caused it. Def scared me :( but other than that t is low too
  11. Jamie m

    It's Been a Rough Day, Your Knowledge Is Very Welcome :)

    You will be okay! I just came back from traveling and after my flight my T is always a little different but after flying about 8 times since onset I'm used to this and I know it's going to go away ( which it has already) my point is once you go through all these bad noises and tough times and...
  12. Jamie m

    Got Captured in Hospital

    Hope yoU feel better soon!!! Praying for you!!
  13. Jamie m

    Has Anyone Taken Cyclobenzaprine?

    Okay thank you guys!!!
  14. Jamie m

    Has Anyone Taken Cyclobenzaprine?

    Hello!! I have to take this for my back! Has anyone taken it? I'm scared it will spike!! But my back is killing me!! :(
  15. Jamie m

    Wish Me Luck! Big Lump Around My Rib Cage

    Hello everyone! I've been going on six months or so with T, but last week I found a big lump around my rib cage, now tinnitus doesn't seem so bad! I got Wednesday to see what it is! Kinda scared and need some wishes! :( Jamie
  16. Jamie m

    Child Screaming!

    I would scream when he screams ... it will annoy him. And wear ear plugs :/
  17. Jamie m

    Fullness and Blockage — Part of the Tinnitus Journey?

    We really are!! I feel like our T is the same! Honestly, I've noticed that my fullness and ear ache comes if I sleep on it wrong! Or just randomly! But I will say one thing*knock on wood* after six months officially noises don't hurt my ear as much as they did! Hope you are having a good T week!
  18. Jamie m

    Fullness and Blockage — Part of the Tinnitus Journey?

    Hey so as you know I only have it in my left ear even tho sometimes I hear it in my right. But there is a huge difference with fullness in the ear with T. Esp when my left ear is hurting and my right ear is just acting normal. I just don't know it's so strange! Z
  19. Jamie m

    Traveling... Difference in Air Pressure etc.

    I have been on a plane three times since the onset! You will be fine! You might have a little spike which I noticed sometimes after i got off plane but it's nothing like big and usually goes away within a couple hours. Last month I went up north and it was normal! No spike or anything
  20. Jamie m

    From Mild to Severe?

    Woo HOOO!! I went to the gym Friday and some people were slamming their equipment all over the place making a lot of noise! Friday's sleep was bad but now everything is back to normal!! It just takes time and sometimes spikes last a little bit longer than the last one!! We will get through this...
  21. Jamie m

    From Mild to Severe?

    Hope your week gets better!!!
  22. Jamie m

    1 Month with Noise-Induced Tinnitus

    The first couple months are the hardest. I have noise induced T and coming on six months with it. I think by month 3 I was accepting it. I was a wreck and didn't do anything, had all the fears you have. But now I go out and enjoy myself! I go to bars, I workout , go on a plane and visit family...
  23. Jamie m

    Hell If I Know But Ginger Is Good for You Anyway

    Yes, let us know!
  24. Jamie m

    Earplugs: Will They Help or Hurt My Recovery?

    I have had T for almost 6 months, in the beginning I would use ear plugs for a lot bc I was in fear it would get worse . But now I only use them for movies and church ( it's loud from the music ), maybe every now and then if I go to a loud bar I might put them in. But I don't put them in for...
  25. Jamie m

    Sex Life: Does Tinnitus Affect It?

  26. Jamie m

    Who Still Goes to Pubs/Bars?

    I just went the other day, I wore ear plugs and had a couple drinks!
  27. Jamie m

    A Message of Hope

    I truly believe in everything you say, my aunt recently passed away, and my other aunt( her sister) would always go and look at her pictures and say " I can't do this without you I miss you too much" well, the daughter of my aunt who passed away who lives in a different state went to my aunt and...
  28. Jamie m

    New Job as Receptionist

    Don't worry you will be okay! I work retail and I have to listen to music all day and have a headset but just like you I have T in my left ear and the headset in my right! Good luck on your new job! :)
  29. Jamie m

    Has Your Tinnitus Ever Stopped?

    :D awesome!
  30. Jamie m

    I Need to Get Something Off My Mind...

    Hello, I remember when I first got T. I got mine from Noise induced and all I could do is go on this forum and read read read. But now I'm four months and I don't think about it as much and I just enjoy life. The first couple months will be hard you will think every noise is bad but after a...
  31. Jamie m

    The Positivity Thread

    Happy Saturday everyone! Just wanted to tell everyone life can go on after T! I had my first fun drink :D and then fireworks ( plugs in) enjoyed my time with friends and family !
  32. Jamie m

    Ringing in Ear After Putting in a Q-Tip

    My sisters friend T www only temporary ( 6 months) after putting a Q tip too far it! Good luck to you!
  33. Jamie m

    Going to the Movies Friday

    It was good. Very scary at end, didn't get a spike so that's good. I was a little scared bc tickets were sold out only seats in the very very very front. But I just didn't let it stress me out and the whole time I was just scared of the movie not of T haha. I'm watching Independence Day in...
  34. Jamie m

    Going to the Movies Friday

    Just came back from the movies... It was I'm researching the " true " story.... Mistake. Now I'll have nightmares
  35. Jamie m

    Going to the Movies Friday

    @glynis that's what I'm seeing in an hour!!!! I hope it's scary!
  36. Jamie m

    Gym Life

    Well what if I only have T in my left. Can I put my ear bud in my right @Bobby B How low is low? @Tom Cnyc I think I got T from Music or when I was cleaning my ear out I put it too far back there
  37. Jamie m

    Gym Life

    I'm at the gym and I want to listen to music with my ear buds so bad. It makes me run faster.... Is ear buds safe, I have one bad ear. Or should I wear the headphones to wear on both ear? I miss music what should I do?
  38. Jamie m

    Going to the Movies Friday

    Thank you guys, knowing you guys go to movies with no problem makes me feel better! I can't wait for the popcorn!!! :D :rockingbanana::rockingbanana::rockingbanana:
  39. Jamie m

    Going to the Movies Friday

    I am going Friday to the movies!! I'm finding courage to go! It's the movie central intelligence so I don't think it will be that loud. I am a little nervous. I will be wearing ear plugs but I haven't been to the movies in months since the onset so I should be okay with plugs! Who has gone to...
  40. Jamie m

    Is There a Relation Between Floaters and Tinnitus?

    I also have adies tonic pupil syndrome, super super rare mostly in women where i can make my left eye dialates on its own. So the floaters have really gotten worse but I choose to ignore them. It's weird that it's my left ear when I get T in March but I've had ATPS since September.
  41. Jamie m

    Spike from Sugar?

    Omg I forgot I had two cups of coffee and then I just had a sprite .... I'm at work sooo hyper. The music at the store is semi loud so I can't hear if I have a T! But I'm making my customers think I'm crazy bc I'm just very hyper!!! :(
  42. Jamie m

    New Problem — Friend Slammed Cupboard Door — Will This New Frequency Go Away?

    :( I'm really sorry! She needs to care more. I went over to my fiancée parents house to watch the basketball game, his mom WAS loud a little drunk but very loud. Henry tried to tell his mom about me but she has drinks in so it was hard for her. I could see he really cared and That's all I...
  43. Jamie m

    New Problem — Friend Slammed Cupboard Door — Will This New Frequency Go Away?

    He knows I have T: he makes sure he turns down music but everyday noise will get to me. I work in retail and yet again today I had a young child screaming right in front of me. I can't yell at the mom and tell her I have T and for her to get her child away from Me. I just learned not to really...
  44. Jamie m

    New Problem — Friend Slammed Cupboard Door — Will This New Frequency Go Away?

    Did she purposely do it? @Andi Wijaya , my fiancé has the biggest heart and sometimes he shuts things too hard but I know he didn't mean it and I can't stop him from doing things that he is used to. I mean I can't blame him for that. He usually is careful but I don't expect him to just...
  45. Jamie m

    It's True, Faith Comforts, and Can Heal.

    Believing in God has truly helped me. I go to church every Sunday to pray and to praise him. He knew I could handle this and I have strength. Thanks for this post :thankyousign:
  46. Jamie m

    Something Weird Happened to Me Early This Morning

    I really understand this so much. I was thinking to myself the other day " I have Tinnitis, but it doesn't have me"
  47. Jamie m

    Car Honking :(

    Thanks everyone! Yeah when I went to New York I just got done eating pizza so I didn't have my plugs on and a fire truck came by and had its sirens on. No spike. So I guess I just gotta get used to certain things!
  48. Jamie m

    Something Weird Happened to Me Early This Morning

    Omg ... I just sent you a message on this Before I saw you wrote to the public!!! I had the same thing happen to me last night !!!
  49. Jamie m

    Car Honking :(

    @Gosia what do you mean regulatesd? Just curious @quietatnight yeah and like a couple days ago a woman broke a bowl of glass and a child was screaming and I didn't think about it spiking and it didn't!
  50. Jamie m

    Should I Have Expected a Spike?

    I think you will be fine! I'm glad you got to hang out with friends! Sometimes when I go to mall and it's a little loud I get a little spike but it does go down within a day or two! I've actually gotten used to the spikes and then it will head back down to baseline. Maybe don't wear ear plugs...
  51. Jamie m

    Car Honking :(

    It went down @Gosia ! Probably by Sunday morning ! I'm sorry :(
  52. Jamie m

    I Want to See a Movie So Bad! Who Goes to Them? Advice!

    @LadyDi I have custom made ear plugs up to 25 do reduction will this work for movie?
  53. Jamie m

    Just Moved and Now This

    @whale the first month was the hardest, I'm on month 3 and my brain is 70% used to it! I have my moments but you will be alright give it time! I pray for everyone on here
  54. Jamie m

    About Tinnitus Spikes (Impact of Chocolate/Nutella and Napping on Tinnitus)?

    We had a sale yesterday at my store, so I told associates and myself to bring pot luck. Boy, we are bad for one day. I had so much sugar, chocolate ( snickers and Oreo balls) if I had a spike I didn't notice bc it tasted so good! Try it! I've been eating chocolate since day one ( not everyday...
  55. Jamie m

    Why Do They Always Say That There's a Big Chance for Tinnitus to Go Away in the First Months?

    I had a friend who had it for six month from stress after her divorce. Has never come back after 26 years
  56. Jamie m

    Fear Increases Your Tinnitus

    When I told my aunt ( who has T) about my T as I'm crying and just being depressed ( the first couple weeks). She told me stop being the victim, you're the survivor. Those words have stuck with me this whole time. And even when I have my bad moments I think, I'm not a victim. And I just keep...
  57. Jamie m

    Car Honking :(

    @nick ahmad im sure it's jus trying to settle down. I have all these noises outside my apartment like crickets and frogs and this loud weird noise that I don't know where it's coming from when I heard it I went to bathroom to see if it was me and it's the noise from outside so that was relief. I...
  58. Jamie m

    Car Honking :(

    @DebInAustralia yeah it happened Friday I think my nerves are still high right now. Plus I've had off these last two days so I'm not doing anything but thinking about it! I guess these are my bad days. I had a good week of T. I just have to get used to this
  59. Jamie m

    Car Honking :(

    thanks everyone, I'm thinking its trying to calm down but then I have a new sound so my aniexty works up. I have ear plugs with me but I was at my apartment and didn't think something like that would happen. I know he didn't mean to but he got yelled at that's for sure!!!!