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  • Users: RCP1
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  1. RCP1

    Voluntary Assisted Dying / Euthanasia for Tinnitus Patients (Pegasos Swiss Association, Switzerland)

    Thanks for your reply. Strangely I have a feeling of resignation and acceptance this time. The fight has gone out of me. I am giving it until June and then going to Switzerland. That is an acceptable amount of time to see if it resolves. It’ll be a hell of a party before I go. I won’t have to...
  2. RCP1

    Voluntary Assisted Dying / Euthanasia for Tinnitus Patients (Pegasos Swiss Association, Switzerland)

    I am approaching my 10-year anniversary with tinnitus. It has been a long decade. I have had a blast in that decade. I travelled the world, watched my daughter grow up and graduate. I made many new friends and had wonderful nights out and vacations. I knew from the beginning of onset that it...
  3. RCP1

    Hi Erica. Do you use the general fuzz ACRN? I can’t seem to get a sound out of it. Many thanks...

    Hi Erica. Do you use the general fuzz ACRN? I can’t seem to get a sound out of it. Many thanks for any advice. Rob
  4. RCP1

    Lenire — Bimodal Stimulation Treatment by Neuromod

  5. RCP1

    Lenire — Bimodal Stimulation Treatment by Neuromod

    My tinnitus got a lot worse about 18 months ago. All I can say is you somehow adapt over time. Don’t write yourself off yet. May well be able to cope further along the road. Lenire seems to be causing real harm to some. Are Neuromod getting any feedback on this?
  6. RCP1

    In Loving Memory of Allan1967

    No words.
  7. RCP1

    Lenire — Bimodal Stimulation Treatment by Neuromod

    Come live in Ireland. That in itself is a treatment. Best country on earth by a huge margin. Nothing touches it for quality of life. Live life with humour and try not to take life seriously. Since I got this affliction I take nothing seriously. Trying to live life to the full every single day...
  8. RCP1

    Lenire — Bimodal Stimulation Treatment by Neuromod

    I am absolutely convinced those initial patient testimonials were actors. May be worth trying to track them down.
  9. RCP1

    Lenire — Bimodal Stimulation Treatment by Neuromod

    Yes you’re right. Some good testimonies. Has anyone heard when Susan Shore's device might come to market?
  10. RCP1

    Lenire — Bimodal Stimulation Treatment by Neuromod

    Apologies if I upset folk... Great if there's positive news... Long may it continue.
  11. RCP1

    Lenire — Bimodal Stimulation Treatment by Neuromod

    Hi guys. Just checking in. Can't see any real positive feedback for Lenire? I sent a message to Ross O'Neill weeks ago asking about the peer review. No response. Fck him and his company. No proper evidence that this does diddly squat. Go on Susan Shore!
  12. RCP1

    Lenire — Bimodal Stimulation Treatment by Neuromod

    No, it hasn’t improved man and it is pretty bad. Just carrying on. Change of attitude came from Neuromod as explained.
  13. RCP1

    Lenire — Bimodal Stimulation Treatment by Neuromod

    I’m not sure how I feel about this. A few months ago when I was struggling badly I would have gone in there and really paid anything for one. Now it’s dependent on the peer review I think. I’m getting on a bit better with the tinnitus. Just ploughing on. To be honest I didn’t like the way they...
  14. RCP1

    Lenire — Bimodal Stimulation Treatment by Neuromod

    Hi guys. Back on after some time. Had a brief look at Neuromod's website yesterday. Can’t see where it says they’re taking on patients. Has the peer review been done? Is it in the journal yet? Sorry haven’t been following for a while.
  15. RCP1


    Tinnitus has been around for millions of years. It’s not specific to our species. Neuromod have disappeared again. I personally think they have run out of cash and are waiting for investment. Very disappointing yet again. Deja Vu.
  16. RCP1

    My Posting Place

    Still here. Just getting on with things. Cheltenham starts in a few hours !
  17. RCP1

    Q&A: Tinnitus Hub Meets Neuromod (Lenire)

    Sounds like a plan. However if you come to Dublin City and out of all the fine Irish pubs choose Wetherspoons need I finish the sentence!
  18. RCP1


    Feel your pain. My dad is high up in enterprise Ireland. The body that awards grants to start ups. Gonna have a word with him next week and see if can put the heat on these guys. Where's the respect?
  19. RCP1

    1 Year After Ear Tests... cVEMP/Caloric

    Think positive and hope these new treatments on the horizon will work for you... If we can calm the brain down your sounds will reduce...
  20. RCP1

    Q&A: Tinnitus Hub Meets Neuromod (Lenire)

  21. RCP1

    Q&A: Tinnitus Hub Meets Neuromod (Lenire)

    Guys we now have 2 testimonies suggesting a cure with both devices... This is a truly historic moment in the fight against this monster. Never before has anything made a dent in tinnitus let alone silence it completely.
  22. RCP1

    Q&A: Tinnitus Hub Meets Neuromod (Lenire)

    @Steve any chance of getting in touch with Ross O'Neill as regards to release date?
  23. RCP1

    Q&A: Tinnitus Hub Meets Neuromod (Lenire)

    Greetings - Just off the phone with Neuromod and they genuinely do not have a date or even a ballpark idea when it will release. "Soon" was all that could be given at this stage. R
  24. RCP1

    Q&A: Tinnitus Hub Meets Neuromod (Lenire)

    Maybe @Steve should have a go first? Steve you about? I am happy to drive down to their clinic if need be...
  25. RCP1

    Q&A: Tinnitus Hub Meets Neuromod (Lenire)

    Damn right. Us Irish stick together. More respect please. She is doing a huge courtesy to this board by being on here.
  26. RCP1

    Q&A: Tinnitus Hub Meets Neuromod (Lenire)

    I'll contact Neuromod next week. See if I can get some info on a date. May swing by the office.
  27. RCP1

    Q&A: Tinnitus Hub Meets Neuromod (Lenire)

    Merry Xmas. I didn't hear about it in time.
  28. RCP1

    I'm Sorry, Everyone. I'm Not Weak and This Isn't Suicide, There Was No Other Way to Hear Silence.

    Glad to ave you on board BAM! Merry Xmas !
  29. RCP1

    Q&A: Tinnitus Hub Meets Neuromod (Lenire)

    Exciting times... keep hanging on guys. This is some feedback!
  30. RCP1

    I Need Some Honest Comfort from You Guys Right Now

    the irish nailed it buddy
  31. RCP1

    I Need Some Honest Comfort from You Guys Right Now

    Read neuromod thread - The first genuine treatment is getting results and is out in Jan. Hang on. I'll be spending thousands of euro to bring an appraisal asap. In solidarity Rob
  32. RCP1

    I'm Sorry, Everyone. I'm Not Weak and This Isn't Suicide, There Was No Other Way to Hear Silence.

    it wont be that expensive.... they want to get it into as many hands as possible... hold out for this anyway.. if it works theres always a way man....
  33. RCP1

    I'm Sorry, Everyone. I'm Not Weak and This Isn't Suicide, There Was No Other Way to Hear Silence.

    Go have a look at the neuromod thread. Anecdotal evidence yesterday that it got rid of T completely.....
  34. RCP1

    Q&A: Tinnitus Hub Meets Neuromod (Lenire)

    Me too BrynM - You up for a few silent Guinness in April?!
  35. RCP1


    Hey Kimosabe - There's real science behind this one - It's what stands it out from anything previous. Plus you'll have the advantage of honest appraisal before you buy - The only ones taking a chance here are the first adopters...
  36. RCP1

    Feeling Suicidal

    No but @Steve said January... judging by the updates to their website they are working towards imminent release...
  37. RCP1

    Feeling Suicidal

    No I'm not waiting - Immediately.
  38. RCP1

    Feeling Suicidal

    Sorry youre suffering so much man. I really hope I have good news for this board with Neuromod soon.
  39. RCP1


    There was also a refund of 1,500 euro if the device did not work... so expense was only 1,000.
  40. RCP1


    You don't know Irish women then - they're all like this man... even about serious illnesses... My mother was like this about cancer... Nothing to read into here man. Just normal 60+ Irish woman!
  41. RCP1

    Q&A: Tinnitus Hub Meets Neuromod (Lenire)

    Guys hang tough - if it works and gets good reviews this will be distributed quicker than the next iPhone...
  42. RCP1

    Q&A: Tinnitus Hub Meets Neuromod (Lenire)

    After Brexit will they have a licence to sell into the UK? An interesting question TBH.
  43. RCP1

    Q&A: Tinnitus Hub Meets Neuromod (Lenire)

    That's what I am planning on....
  44. RCP1

    Q&A: Tinnitus Hub Meets Neuromod (Lenire)

    Looks like I may have taught Ross O'Neill mathematics during his undergraduate degree. It's a small auld world! I was lecturing his course and he was studying at the same time for 4 years. Now that's a coincidence. Hope I gave him a good grounding in the mathematical arts! In fact now I'm...
  45. RCP1

    Q&A: Tinnitus Hub Meets Neuromod (Lenire)

    Ah now I think I'll have to have a word with Ross O'Neill about all these folk coming across to our lovely island with the sole purpose of stealing our technology... We'll have to arrange a little brown envelope scenario; I'll wait outside the door and you can pass me your offering in a little...
  46. RCP1

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    Handheld Barcode Scanner RCP1 replied A moment ago New University of Michigan... RCP1 replied 26 minutes ago How to Be with Someone Having... RCP1 replied 28 minutes ago Q&A: Tinnitus Hub Meets... RCP1 replied 34 minutes ago I'm at it again. Time to exit the boards. Nite !
  47. RCP1

    Handheld Barcode Scanner

    There is a minuscule chance its permanent. Put it out of your head and stop worrying.
  48. RCP1

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    Hilarious - Habituate to their cancer ... The auld f&rts that they are.
  49. RCP1

    How to Be with Someone Having Tinnitus?

    I don't agree man- I totally disagree ... In fact If I was thinking of one of the most creative and humorous TT members I wouldnt have to stray far from Auld Bam. you think youve nothing to offer but you fill this board with laughter at times. Don't write yourself off yet man - a few electrodes...
  50. RCP1

    Q&A: Tinnitus Hub Meets Neuromod (Lenire)

    FDA approval within 2019 - Won't be too long before you guys can get it. By then you will have the benefit of many user experiences.... Hang tough.
  51. RCP1

    Q&A: Tinnitus Hub Meets Neuromod (Lenire)

    There are no definitive imaging that show tinnitus on any machine in existence...
  52. RCP1

    Q&A: Tinnitus Hub Meets Neuromod (Lenire)

    Wonder when the release date is going to be announced... Guess not until after Xmas.
  53. RCP1

    Q&A: Tinnitus Hub Meets Neuromod (Lenire)

    80% got a reduction. 67% got a clinically significant reduction.
  54. RCP1

    Q&A: Tinnitus Hub Meets Neuromod (Lenire)

    I thought his body language was consistent all the way through tbh.
  55. RCP1

    Q&A: Tinnitus Hub Meets Neuromod (Lenire)

    Right really am going to bed now. Feeling very positive - Good night's sleep ahead hopefully. Thanks to @Markku, @Steve and @Hazel for their huge efforts in bringing such a positive and informative interview to us. The first genuine Tinnitus Treatment is now on the way - Truly groundbreaking...
  56. RCP1

    Q&A: Tinnitus Hub Meets Neuromod (Lenire)

    Yep it is exciting - What I am delighted about is that the negativity has evaporated from the board now - He came across so well - so genuine, knowledgeable and well meaning that I don't think anyone could doubt the authenticity of the venture after watching the whole interview.
  57. RCP1

    Q&A: Tinnitus Hub Meets Neuromod (Lenire)

    Yep they're all; BS - All of them. The Tinnitus Clinic in London may as well shut their doors with their BS desentisisation treatment or whatever and their BS ACRN... Is Pawel Jastreboff still alive? Fck em all!
  58. RCP1

    Q&A: Tinnitus Hub Meets Neuromod (Lenire)

    My take on it was that as they have European approval, the members of European Union he was ok with, but as they don't have FDA approval he would be uncomfortable selling to a US citizen. That was my take - It doesn't mean it can't happen - Money is money and these will be priced with a huge...
  59. RCP1

    Q&A: Tinnitus Hub Meets Neuromod (Lenire)

    So much time went into this - I am going in now to donate $20 to Tinnitus Talk - If everyone does the same it'll give something back for the guys time... What you all think?
  60. RCP1

    Q&A: Tinnitus Hub Meets Neuromod (Lenire)

    I think what I'd do is four 12 week sessions with a week in between... Four treatments in the year lol. 4 reductions. After session 1 0.7T After Session 2 0.49T After Session 3 0.343T After Session 4 0.24T Effectively 1/4 of tinnitus remaining after 1 year...