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  • Users: TeeOh
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  1. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    Biden needs to work on his basketball skills.
  2. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    You forgot this huge list of lies and atrocities: This article was last year, but there was no peace time so it actually adds to the current war mongering streak: The US Has Been at war 225 out of 243 years since 1776
  3. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    I agree with this. I found this from a video, but some soldiers in Vietnam were taking heroin and a lot of them came back home without continuing heroin use. The reason being? It's because they were finally coming back home to their friends, family, wife etc and were only doing heroin in Vietnam...
  4. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    Ahh, I see. Yeah basically, so every once in a while I sometimes wonder what's up with the mysterious messages. I assumed a lot of people here already put him on ignore before I did because at one point he posted something and wondered why no one even replied to him after he posted a bunch of...
  5. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    Look how that's working out. Texas infrastructure was already far from world class and it's in a state of decay now. I got told the lack of regulations would make improve it, yet why did a widespread power outage happen which is a third world country problem? Where's the high speed rail...
  6. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    Looks like someone can't handle Born To Slay's FACTS and LOGIC. Whoever I put on ignore, as Ben Shapiro says: "Facts don't care about your feelings" lel.
  7. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    But, Republicans told me Texas is a conservative paradise that is superior to communist California in every way. Widespread power outages tend to be more common in third world countries, so how come it's happening in the conservative utopia of Texas?? Isn't Texas the state with the most oil in...
  8. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    Don't forget the country Obama bombed was a socialist state, so if he was truly a "radical leftist", then he's a pretty crap one and lack principles by bombing a socialist country for imperialist gains. When I say they're socialist, I don't mean they are ruled by a socialist party; I mean...
  9. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    Is he talking about the same Trump I'm thinking about where he said Jeffrey Epstein was a terrific guy and how both liked them on the "younger side"? Is he sure that Trump is part of the pedophile ring too?
  10. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    You sound brainwashed. I bet you watch CNN. Go check out NewsMax, OAN and Breitbart for REAL news, you liberal.
  11. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    I wonder if the fans of NewsMaxx here (who keep telling us to watch them all the time) would boycott them now, or at the very least stop telling me to watch them. I would laugh if OANN followed the same route.
  12. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    What are the kind of things they do believe in? Knowing a lot of them keep it to themselves in real life, but when it comes to online comment sections, then they dominate it with pure non-sense stuff about QAnon. They spam bullshit conspiracy theories like the great-whatever the fuck it is...
  13. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    What you mentioned about capitalism and innovation can be applied to feudalism. Textiles came out of feudalism for example. It's just a way of organizing things. In theory, profits go to the owners in capitalism, while under socialism the profits go to the workers. Just that in the former, it...
  14. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    I can't believe there's a McDonald's at Guantanamo Bay:
  15. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    I do know that in Western Europe after colonialism fell, they started to embrace some social democratic reforms to provide some stability because at one point there was civil unrest similar to what we have seen during 2020, although things are looking to boil up in Europe too. When the ruling...
  16. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    Texas sure sounds more like the "communist shit hole" that gets described about the very famous Soviet State of California, except somehow there's less "socialism" over there?? As you mentioned, Texas has a higher poverty rate and more likely to go bankrupt for being sick with no health...
  17. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    I reckon those areas should just have their own country. They get to live happy in their fantasy Confederate States of America. They can get to cosplay as the losers of the civil war in public every day and be patriotic about it. Then there's even more over the top paranoia about Marxists...
  18. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    Isn't there a demographic shift going in the South though? Just like how Georgia turned blue in the last election and how Texas is leaning more towards blue as time goes on. A lot of tech companies are moving to Texas as well, which should bring all those software developers, who in my...
  19. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    I reckon they should embrace some form of affirmative action by giving rural voters (who happen to be very white) an advantage in voting. Yes this could lead to a case of minority rule, but it's a solution to their new country. I know a lot of Confederate sympathizers aren't exactly a huge fan...
  20. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    Looks like everything is dictated by capital. Still though, I'm out of the loop, can you link me to a quick video on explaining this fully? I've been hearing the name GameStop all over today, but I never bothered looking it into detail.
  21. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    Some recent geo-political news in case it's worth discussing. It's another of Trump policies getting reversed: Another casualty in the failed trade war. I'll just shorten the article down a little here for the best parts: China takes new foreign investment top spot from US "New investments...
  22. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    This is what I mean when I say they're ideologically all over the place in my older posts. They can support one thing like a police state to own the liberals, but when their own policies backfire on them, then suddenly police states are bad? Maybe they shouldn't support things that would one...
  23. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    Imagine if the right starts complaining about police brutality and everything looking like a police state if they went for another moment like the Capitol incident. There was a video I shared of Trump supporters getting pinned down by the police at a Pro-Trump protest and the comments were...
  24. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    You want to know why it didn't come true? It's because it is something simple as it being TOTAL BULLSHIT!
  25. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    Joe Biden as far left? Jesus Christ, no wonder the whole world laughed at Trump supporters hahahahaha. He's considered centre right at the most to people from Europe and some other countries outside I can't be bothered to list. Don't believe me? Even the conservative party of the UK introduced...
  26. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    Isn't Trump thinking about starting his own "Patriot Party"? Wouldn't it make more sense running as a Republican again? He's basically splitting the Republican Party up and giving the Democrats an advantage. Then some people will get angry about the country being a "muh one party state!!" if...
  27. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    I have actually and you're surprisingly correct because that's the exact result I got. Funny enough Saul Goodman from Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul always gets used an example of an ENTP, and a few guys I know personally say I remind them of him. I'm not a crooked lawyer though and don't plan on...
  28. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    Cool. I think I'm going to cancel my internet and cry in my bedroom after that very hurtful comment :cry:. Not really, I'm here to stay :LOL:.
  29. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    Calm down pal. It was just a simple mockery of Trump's speech when he announced that he was running for president, hence the quotation marks. Thought it would have been very obvious and easy to shrug off as something to not take so seriously. Fantastic! I was going to change it, but now I'm...
  30. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    The slight spike of approval was more likely due to Trump's initial response to the pandemic where for the first time it seemed like he kinda gave a shit about people's lives, except later he let the country become number 1 in the world for coronavirus deaths by letting over 400k people die...
  31. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    Some good ol' statistics from Pew (who are apparently the most reliable or at least up there) that shows Trump has a tough uphill battle if he's planning to re-run in 2024. Will he even attempt it? Never mind win it if he lost a decent chunk of the moderate vote after everything that happened...
  32. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    "sTOp cALliNg Us nAzI's!!!1!!1!! tHE deMOcRaTs aRE ThE tRue nAZi's!!" Also them embracing eugenics just like the Nazis lol.
  33. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    Just embrace Trumpism and throw political correctness out of the window. "When Trump sends his supporters to the capitol, he's not sending his best! He is bringing people with lots of problems. He's bringing racism, he's bringing crime, they're rapists and some... I assume are good people"
  34. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    The European Union has an almost identical size of an economy, yet still has lower emissions than the US. Even still the EU still lowered their emissions between 1990 and 2017 while the US increased it. You can find the data below in the wiki page I linked: 1990 emissions US: 5,085.897...
  35. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    That feel when Biden barely's started his new job and is somehow more popular than Trump ever was at his best polls that he used to love so much: Biden’s Initial Approval Rating Is Higher Than Trump’s Ever Was Biden Begins Presidency With Positive Ratings; Trump Departs With Lowest-Ever Job...
  36. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    Yeah, your point being? I already knew India wasn't exactly a rich Utopia and never claimed it to be, but that still didn't really change the fact the US pollutes double the amount India does which contradicts the claim that India is somehow by far a bigger polluter in the Top 2 which is just...
  37. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    Speaking of Trump being an idiot, Canada and also someone mentioning how Europe was laughing at Trump, it wasn't only Europe but Canada too. Not only Europe and Canada but the whole world laughed at Trump anyways which includes New Zealand, Australia Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, UAE etc...
  38. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    How about the people that come in by plane who happen to make up a huge proportion of undocumented immigrants coming in? Building a dome to fit on the US wouldn't work because the aviation and airlines business is a huge industry and money maker for the country. That and the fact you could be...
  39. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    You forgot one more thing; Trump didn't make Mexico pay for the wall either lol, so there's more bullshit he sprouted to get MAGA cheers. Even if the wall did work, it's not like a lot of them wouldn't just save up for a flight as it's not exactly impossible to save money. A huge percentage of...
  40. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    Or one of these if they want to come into the US with style. Next thing you know, an American of Mexican descent wins a gold medal at the Olympics.
  41. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    Illegal immigration from Mexico has been going down before Trump came into power and as Mexico continues to develop, then you will see less Mexicans wanting to leave their country. Just like when Trump asked why Norwegians won't live in the US and it's because Norway is already very developed...
  42. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    In before they start downplaying the atrocities committed against the Native Americans. It normally sounds like this where they say it's all okay because Native Americans own the casinos (as if every Native American is a rich casino owner lol) then 5 minutes later insult them:
  43. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    Isn't it more honest and factually correct by saying China and the US are the biggest polluters in the world? India isn't the second biggest polluter as was stated here. US is a bigger polluter than India by far with over double the emissions despite India having over 1 billion people and a way...
  44. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    I don't think anyone was saying that. I wasn't being serious about Trump being a Marxist, however I don't think Biden is one either, but for some odd reason some folks say he's an actual communist based on a few small progressive policies. Basically the point is, just like someone being friends...
  45. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    Thought some of you guys might find this interesting as it's related to my last post. Remember them saying BLM is Marxist because of something that happened a very long time ago? Did you know Abraham Lincoln and Karl Marx (the creator of Marxism) were pen pals sending each other personal...
  46. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    I'm confused by some of them when they talk about the civil war. There's some subtle confederate sympathizers I knew who said that Lincoln did a bad thing because he wasn't for "states rights" (states rights to own slaves*, but whatever they say). In the next hour when they discuss Republicans...
  47. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    Who's still living in the 1940s?? I swear it's 2021. Imagine bringing up whatever bad thing a Roman Emperor did from ancient times to every person you disagree with from Italy. Yeah, your point being? It's kinda random, and plus I'm sure the Roman Empire doesn't exist today either. So little...
  48. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    Speaking of EVs, they're getting cheaper and better. There's one for $4,000 now and I assume you will see more similar prices in the future: You could follow some of Norway's policies by subsidising purchases of EVs and give the owners of them some special privileges to encourage everyone to...
  49. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    "pov: you are a high school bully circa 1998 and you just lockered that weird conservative kid" - someone from the comments
  50. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    The US has a rather high infant mortality rate as well. I don't mean high for first world country standards, because Cuba which is an actual communist country under a brutal embargo still driving cars from the 1950's, literally has a lower infant mortality rate than the US itself! I'm not...
  51. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    Looks like you might follow some principles of utilitarianism. Sorry for the corny looking design. Pretend the joker is Nazi Germany:
  52. TeeOh

    Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19) and Tinnitus

    Didn't he get banned temporarily for insulting someone on a different thread after a bunch of people reported him because he technically broke some rules? You would think he would be permanently gone by now, if he's still pulling off the same shenanigans.
  53. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    It doesn't end there. They will probably get rejected from future opportunities if it goes on their record, then they'll be in poverty and afterwards that could lead to more crime, because I think most people here would at least shoplift for a chicken dinner if they can't afford food...
  54. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    I always wonder what would a far-right theocratic America would look like with their economic system being maximum super capitalism, where even the government is privatized. The way they describe their ideal society sounds a bit like that. I have a feeling it would collapse within 10 years at...
  55. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    The part when that guy wearing the horns (who kept making caveman noises) started a prayer, right after acting like complete hooligans looks like something out of Far Cry 5, which is a video game that got attacked by Trump supporters when it came out for some strange reason. Why did Trump...
  56. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    Don't forget, people who grow up in poverty sometimes stay in poverty especially if social mobility continues going down the toilet with the ever shrinking middle class. Who's more likely to commit crime? A lot of them tend to be people in poverty as people get desperate when they don't have...
  57. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

  58. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    They're pro-murder on 4% of the ones that are innocent. US death row study: 4% of defendants sentenced to die are innocent 1 getting wrongly accused and executed for it is bad enough, but 4% of people sentenced to death turning out to be innocent afterwards is just corrupt. Very pro-life and...
  59. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    Similar things happen when the question of whether or not we should take care of refugees comes up Bob: "We shouldn't bring in refugees and instead we should spend the money on our own people" Bill: "Ok, let's spend the money on our own poor people then" Bob: "No that's communism" Absolutely...
  60. TeeOh

    2020 US Presidential Election

    Trump is peaceful? Is this satire or is this a real case of boot licking and ass kissing of Trump? Being an ass kisser of a loser who threw a baby-like tantrum on Twitter after his defeat, is not exactly something to be proud of. Trump's air strikes in Afghanistan dramatically increased...