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  1. B

    Reactive Tinnitus Has Ruined My Life

    Thanks for that, @ErikaS. I'm glad to hear things have improved for you, and it also gives me hope that this condition can improve over time. I try to avoid noisy situations now but will likely also try to limit my use of earplugs as I feel that overuse can cause other issues over time. Right...
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    Reactive Tinnitus Has Ruined My Life

    First, let me say how incredibly informative this thread is and likely far exceeds any useful information that any of us would receive from a health professional. And @ErikaS, you have described exactly what I feel. My reactive tinnitus reacts to everything, like running water, door slamming...
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    Eating/Chewing Causing Tinnitus Spikes?

    Interesting. My tinnitus radically drops while eating/chewing. I wish I could do it all day. What does that mean?
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    Depressed and Frustrated After "Toughing Out" a Situation with Loud Noise

    I have a similar issue after an MRI scan. It has been six weeks and counting. I can hear it pretty much over everything, whereas prior to the scan, I forgot about tinnitus most of the time and lived a normal life. The tone seems to have changed from a piercing high-pitched ring to more of a...
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    Tinnitus Spike After MRI

    Thanks for sharing. I also now experience reactive tinnitus. I remember experiencing it years ago when my tinnitus was just a fraction of what it is now. The reactivity did resolve with time so I'm hoping for the same. I cannot believe how just a few minutes in that tube even with ear plugs...
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    Tinnitus Spike After MRI

    I understand that this is an old post, but I had a similar experience and I wanted to share it. Six months ago, I went for an MRI at a different center than where I had my previous three MRIs. I brought my own earplugs and the MRI of my neck lasted about 15 minutes. Immediately after the MRI, I...
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    Sound Options Tinnitus Sound Therapy

    Tried it last winter. No effect whatsoever. Only difference is I’m $350 poorer.
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    I have tried a multitude of supplements that claim to help with stress, anxiety, insomnia, etc. To date, NONE of them have had any effect whatsoever. The only thing that helps is a benzo. One day, I think I may chuck my entire supplement cabinet because not a single one has done anything, as...
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    Black Seed Oil-Nigella Sativa

    Anyone else get positive results with this? I'd like to try it but already have too many bottles of supplements that didn't work.
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    Acupuncture for Tinnitus

    Lol. I had a fear of this happening as well so I checked my body thoroughly after he finished. At least he didn't leave any needles.
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    Acupuncture for Tinnitus

    It wasn't really the money as I would pay 100X the cost if I thought it would help. I stopped due to a combination of no effect whatsoever after 2 sessions and a realization that sticking needles in the body is not going to help chronic tinnitus. Btw, I am in Canada as well. And @RaZaH, yes...
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    Acupuncture for Tinnitus

    The guy I saw for acupuncture gave me the same song and dance. Was very optimistic, said most people notice improvement or even full resolution of symptoms, takes 10-12 sessions, yada, yada. After 2 sessions, zero effect. Reduced anxiety for about 30 minutes and then back to square one...
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    The problem is you don't know what these antioxidants are doing to the body. Long term effects of taking them for years may cause other things far worse than T. Supplements are poorly studied and even more poorly regulated so it's really like the Wild West.
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    Thiamine Pyrophosphate (TPP) Stopped My Tinnitus!

    Amazing how many of these fly by night therapies appear only to be debunked by the vast majority. Saffron, CBD oil, etc, etc.
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    Thiamine Pyrophosphate (TPP) Stopped My Tinnitus!

    Hope it helps. I have not had my B vitamin levels tested but neither the B1 nor the B complex made any difference for me. They also seemed to give me insomnia but most vitamin supplements do.
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    Saffron Cure for Tinnitus?

    Certainly wasn't correct in my case early on. Lorazepam most definitely reduced the volume to a great extent in the early days. I never used it on a regular basis but enough in the early days to build some tolerance. If I take it now, the volume drops much less but does definitely drop...
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    Already 6 Hours Tinnitus Free with CBD Oil

    Tried it. Nothing.
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    Saffron Cure for Tinnitus?

    I have done this now for at least 7 days. No difference whatsoever. None. I am using South African saffron. Not sure if that's the problem but I would at least expect some effect if it was going to work.
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    Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Experiences (Dr. Wilden, etc.)

    70db? Seriously? That's tough to do while trying to live a normal life. Street noise, car noise, etc. will expose you to that level easily. Constantly wearing earplugs is likely to worsen reactive T or H (ask me how I know!). Any kind of therapy that requires anyone to jump through unrealistic...
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    Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Experiences (Dr. Wilden, etc.)

    I had no issues purchasing my Lucky Laser. Emailed them ("Lulu Tai") and communication was great all throughout the process. You need to do a wire transfer of funds (they'll give the details needed by your bank). Once they receive the funds, they send out the laser quickly (next day, in my...
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    Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Experiences (Dr. Wilden, etc.)

    My understanding is that is not the issue (whether T is in one or both ears). The issue is both sides need to be treated regardless to maintain inner ear equilibrium. I have the 4 probe version. T is primarily in the right ear but I treat both anyway.
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    Saffron Cure for Tinnitus?

    Tried for 3 days as per OP. No effect whatsoever. I'll give it a week but not really expecting much.
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    Acupuncture for Tinnitus

    I have no insurance and pay out of pocket. I did notice a temporary drop in my anxiety level but anxiety does not affect my T so hence, there was no change in T. I never believed that acupuncture would do anything but thought I'd give it a try in a moment of desperation. Habituation is...
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    Thiamine Pyrophosphate (TPP) Stopped My Tinnitus!

    Both B1 and B complex had no effect whatsoever. In fact, both gave me insomnia. Couldn't figure out why I suddenly couldn't sleep. Stopped the B complex and insomnia resolved.
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    Saffron Cure for Tinnitus?

    Is there anything particular about milk? Would you not achieve the same effect by dissolving it in tea, water, etc?
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    Acupuncture for Tinnitus

    Thanks for describing your experience. He didn't really explain why he doesn't use electrodes around the ear but just said its not a good idea. He charges $65 every time for 1/2 hour of treatment. With zero effect after 2 sessions, I lost confidence and discontinued. My T is tonal/hissing. He...
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    Saffron Cure for Tinnitus?

    Is that unusual for your T or does it normally fluctuate like that?
  28. B

    Saffron Cure for Tinnitus?

    Found some at a local supermarket. Going to pick some up and give it a try.
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    Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Experiences (Dr. Wilden, etc.)

    I'd appreciate a PM of his treatment plan as well. As for LLLT side effects, that's my understanding as well. No permanent harm has been reported other than some transient T spikes. At worst, you'll see no change.
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    Acupuncture for Tinnitus

    I did a couple of acupuncture sessions with zero result. I decided to stop throwing away good money after bad. The TCM person I saw stated he would never use electrodes around the ear as I asked him about this form of therapy. How many sessions did it take to notice some lowering of volume...
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    Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Experiences (Dr. Wilden, etc.)

    Wow that's great! LLLT is still very much a work in progress and every clinician seems to have their philosophy and bias. Zazzio seems more conservative whereas Wilden and Harila use more of an aggressive commando style approach. Let's hope we get somewhere with this.
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    Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Experiences (Dr. Wilden, etc.)

    Take a look around page 35 of this thread. I believe it was Fernando Gill who was giving some suggestions as he's been to Anne Harila in Norway who uses the same laser. That's what I started doing with mine. I had to interrupt my lucky laser use as I'm fighting a bad cold so can't really lay...
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    Saffron Cure for Tinnitus?

    I like the part about it enhancing the function of the GABA receptors. If it really works, it could at least be a natural alternative to benzos. Then again, you'll probably see the same diminishing returns over time.
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    Saffron Cure for Tinnitus?

    Stranger things have happened. Look at Penicillin.
  35. B

    Lipoflavonoid for Tinnitus? Helps or Not?

    The problem is with recent onset T, no one knows if it's the pills or simply passage of time. If 10 year old T were to improve or disappear after 2 weeks of taking the pills then there may be something to it.
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    Metro Hearing and Tinnitus Treatment Clinic

    I have also considered this clinic as I am in the Hamilton, Ontario, Canada area but hesitant for similar reasons. Not sure my reactive tinnitus would respond well to TRT.
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    Saffron Cure for Tinnitus?

    I agree. At 3 months, it could be spontaneous resolution of the T. Having said that, I suppose it's worth a try like vitamin B1, etc, etc.
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    DIY Low-Level Laser Therapy for Tinnitus on a Budget — LLLT Under 100,-

    There have been a few positive success stories, both with Wilden,etc. and DIY. The only way to know if it will work for YOU is to try it. There is little downside other than emptying your wallet.
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    DIY Low-Level Laser Therapy for Tinnitus on a Budget — LLLT Under 100,-

    Exactly what I'm after: soften the T and reduce reactivity.
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    DIY Low-Level Laser Therapy for Tinnitus on a Budget — LLLT Under 100,-

    I have reactive T. Even if the laser helped with the reactivity, I would be more than satisfied.
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    DIY Low-Level Laser Therapy for Tinnitus on a Budget — LLLT Under 100,-

    I did try to move the probe a bit every few minutes but I thought I'd try continuous first just to make sure it's "working" and then use pulse at higher power.
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    DIY Low-Level Laser Therapy for Tinnitus on a Budget — LLLT Under 100,-

    Got my lucky laser. Started tonight with 20 mins @ 808nm/200mw and 20.mins @ 650nm/60mw. Started at fairly low power and hope to ramp it up over time. Not sure if I'm aiming the probes correctly though. Other than a warm and fuzzy feeling, not much to speak of so far. I kept waiting for that...
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    Thiamine Pyrophosphate (TPP) Stopped My Tinnitus!

    Are you swallowing the pill or dissolving under the tongue?
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    DIY Low-Level Laser Therapy for Tinnitus on a Budget — LLLT Under 100,-

    I'll be trying the lucky laser and flashlight. Both on the way. Might as well give this light therapy the best shot of working (short of going to Spain or Norway).
  45. B

    My Trip to Bangkok: Stem Cell Treatment [Comments]

    As I often say, don't believe what some guy on the internet writes. Unless you provide a credible source for that statistic, it is BS of the highest magnitude. Physiologically, it makes no sense for the two phenomena to be related as different cranial nerves are involved. I have seen VS...
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    Will Lorazepam Help Tinnitus?

    I could not agree with you more! Every (and I mean EVERY) drug is poison. Benzos are no different. Cholesterol drugs, blood pressure drugs, antipsychotics, antidepressants, narcotic painkillers, NSAIDs, proton pump inhibitors, etc, etc. I can go on and on. All of them, if taken long enough...
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    My Trip to Bangkok: Stem Cell Treatment [Comments]

    You're right on all counts! I had stable T for 9 years and often used to think I didn't care if a cure was found as it just wasn't an issue for me anymore. Then things changed in October when reactivity started and progressively worsened. Every person's T is different as well as its effect...
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    My Trip to Bangkok: Stem Cell Treatment [Comments]

    You have to be careful with anecdotal reports on the internet. We have success stories for any therapy imaginable. Check out and you'll see what I mean. LLLT, anecdotally, seems to help some people but fails most of the time. With that kind of...
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    DIY Low-Level Laser Therapy for Tinnitus on a Budget — LLLT Under 100,-

    Ok I see. And how much improvement did you experience with these light sources vs. the lucky laser?
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    DIY Low-Level Laser Therapy for Tinnitus on a Budget — LLLT Under 100,-

    You said you already have a 1800mw and 10w light source and explained how you vary the angle around your ear. My head is spinning and it ain't vertigo. :)
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    DIY Low-Level Laser Therapy for Tinnitus on a Budget — LLLT Under 100,-

    If they are such a godsend, why aren't you sharing the specific results you've achieved with them? Have these LEDs lowered your T volume? Your H? Improved your hearing?
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    DIY Low-Level Laser Therapy for Tinnitus on a Budget — LLLT Under 100,-

    Very helpful guide. Thank you for that. I guess we really don't know how much of the light reaches the cochlea from these flashlights at the various power levels. As this is really new ground, a lot of trial and error will be required. I share your concerns about Bobby. While he has been...
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    DIY Low-Level Laser Therapy for Tinnitus on a Budget — LLLT Under 100,-

    Have you actually had any T improvement with LED therapy only?
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    Thiamine Pyrophosphate (TPP) Stopped My Tinnitus!

    I tend to agree with @Zechariah. Deep down, I don't believe any vitamins can cure any T except in the rarest of circumstances where a true deficiency may exist. I tried full dose enzymated B1 for about a week, nothing. Tried 2 days of enzymated B complex, so far nothing. Perhaps it may take...
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    DIY Low-Level Laser Therapy for Tinnitus on a Budget — LLLT Under 100,-

    Since I am in Canada, the only 850nm led flashlight I see on amazon is just over 1W power. Is that enough or do you really need 5+W?
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    DIY Low-Level Laser Therapy for Tinnitus on a Budget — LLLT Under 100,-

    Do you see actual improvements from using these devices? Do you have a link for them? Thanks.
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    DIY Low-Level Laser Therapy for Tinnitus on a Budget — LLLT Under 100,-

    If these cheap, high powered LEDs were enough, why do people like Wilden still use lasers? Something tells me it's just not that simple. I can definitely relate to the H. I don't have pain but any minimal noise sends the T blaring. The sound of the fridge, TV, etc. all ramp up the T. Even...
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    DIY Low-Level Laser Therapy for Tinnitus on a Budget — LLLT Under 100,-

    No offence but how do you know the LED will work as well as the laser? Can you really be sure enough energy reaches the cochlea with so much scattering? I suppose with the negligible cost it's worth a shot. I'm about to order my lucky laser. Sure hope it's lucky for me. It sounds to me like...
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    About Prednisone: Should I Take All 4 Tablets at Once or Spread Them Throughout the Day?

    I was told you do NOT need to taper down if taken short term (3-5 days). Asthmatics are given this kind of "burst" therapy quite often. No tapering.