Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

This is totally off topic so I am not going to post anything else on it but it was just in response to what @Nils was saying in his post.

On here it discusses getting rid of Tinnitus through practising the art of Chi Quong...........and money back if it doesnt work too.......

This is in Ireland but they may be able to refer to reputable places elsewhere..........won't have side effects like Troabalt. Has anyone tried this and it was a waste of time and has anyone tried it and with success? Can be created as a new thread maybe? so as not to clog up this one........sorry guys and back to trobalt discussion..............(by the way where do you find the smiley faces on here to add?) thanks..........

Isn't that more of a relaxant technique?
Isn't that more of a relaxant technique?
Does it matter Danny? I mean before all this my idea of relax was to lie down prone in the sunshine and do nothing or gently row a boat across a flat lake. Certainly relaxation did not include in my wildest dreams calling out strange sounding words and gently and ever so s l o w l y slowly arching my back, bending my knees and stretching my arms and hands upwards as if I am supporting the sky..............sounds like damned hard work to me! Before all this I would have muttered under my breath something like ''bonkers'' and walked away with an arrogant toss of my head.However, fact is that this guy had it bad for ten years, both T and H, and the only way he go rid of it was through practising this ancient art. I dont care if it is just a relaxant......maybe that's all that he needed.............maybe that's all I need or you said the Trobalt relaxes you............who knows...........but he got rid of it after 10 years.............that is a pretty good signal that something happened wouldn't you say?
Does it matter Danny? I mean before all this my idea of relax was to lie down prone in the sunshine and do nothing or gently row a boat across a flat lake. Certainly relaxation did not include in my wildest dreams calling out strange sounding words and gently and ever so s l o w l y slowly arching my back, bending my knees and stretching my arms and hands upwards as if I am supporting the sky..............sounds like damned hard work to me! Before all this I would have muttered under my breath something like ''bonkers'' and walked away with an arrogant toss of my head.However, fact is that this guy had it bad for ten years, both T and H, and the only way he go rid of it was through practising this ancient art. I dont care if it is just a relaxant......maybe that's all that he needed.............maybe that's all I need or you said the Trobalt relaxes you............who knows...........but he got rid of it after 10 years.............that is a pretty good signal that something happened wouldn't you say?
Yes Amandine, you definitely need to relax.
I kind of agree with you ... although i`m trying it myself ... it is a big risk in certain situations and there is no prove yet of it helping in any way. (I still havn`t had much or any reduction) The being baked part is a blessing because sometimes we just need a little push to move forward and put our attention on something else. And yes, doctors will have to take responsibility for whatever happens to you. The drug is on a warning list to only hand out as a last resort ... it is a last resort for a lot of us ... the reason it is under warning is because of the eye damage in can cause ... but this happens after long term use only. So ... what to do ...
There are many people who have tried it on this forum who dont seem to have had any bad effects from this drug. @Danny Boy and @Juan Carlos and @locoyeti spring to mind immediately. @Christian78 has been on it for a while but not sure whether it has been good bad or indifferent for him. Others have taken it and seem to have gotten on ok by looking at the users list. It is a dangerous drug but we are in a terrible situation with no help anywhere. Even the AM 101 injections seem to have been less effective than this drug and Autifony hasn't given us anything yet. So people kill themselves with this ailment as they can find no relief....for those with mild T it is not necessary but for those with severe T then they have to have some sort of relief dont they. However I would add that i am aware that TRT does work for many people so they can live again happy productive lives. A friend of mine is doing TRT and he is now very well indeed with the use of the White Noise Generators and TRT counselling and CBT alongside. So I guess there is an alternative. As well when people are happier and less stressed by this then it does seem to go down too...........I dont know what is the answer but all I know is that I need a solution quickly if I am to survive at all............
I know, trust me I understand. I'm in one nightmare position myself barely hanging on. The lack of desent treatment is very frustrating for us all. Take care.
Just wanted to inform all Australian members that I received my one box of Trobalt in post today.
Mine was purchased in Switzerland.

So if you have anyone who can buy it for you in Italy or Spain (script not required) posting out to Oz should not be a problem.

No need to pay triple amount to an online pharmacies.
Does it matter Danny? I mean before all this my idea of relax was to lie down prone in the sunshine and do nothing or gently row a boat across a flat lake. Certainly relaxation did not include in my wildest dreams calling out strange sounding words and gently and ever so s l o w l y slowly arching my back, bending my knees and stretching my arms and hands upwards as if I am supporting the sky..............sounds like damned hard work to me! Before all this I would have muttered under my breath something like ''bonkers'' and walked away with an arrogant toss of my head.However, fact is that this guy had it bad for ten years, both T and H, and the only way he go rid of it was through practising this ancient art. I dont care if it is just a relaxant......maybe that's all that he needed.............maybe that's all I need or you said the Trobalt relaxes you............who knows...........but he got rid of it after 10 years.............that is a pretty good signal that something happened wouldn't you say?

Trobalt knocks you out more like. Anyway, I don't see how it can get rid of hyperacusis or tinnitus...But maybe try it...Still keppra may help and trobalt may lower permanently if you take it for awhile. Still, maybe it's worth a try just don't spend too much on it.
I still use trobalt... as you know... but i use stronger dosage .(at least it gives me a sleep) i wonder what fake sugars (like aspartame but i got info he spikes tinnitus) i can use that don't make spike because trobalt makes my appetite very bad :( , please any advice
I still use trobalt... as you know... but i use stronger dosage .(at least it gives me a sleep) i wonder what fake sugars (like aspartame but i got info he spikes tinnitus) i can use that don't make spike because trobalt makes my appetite very bad :( , please any advice
self control will help you ... eat healthy foods.

If you are still using maybe it is a good idea to put in reports at the `experience` section ... very few people doing it lately.
Today my last round of Trobalt was only 100mg ... i`m keeping it low because i`m running out of it and need to get new prescription and I don`t want to run out at high does ... anyway, my point was that although I had higher mg`s this last week, the last one of 100 mg today gave my a great boost. Uplifted my spirit and I was quit happy. i have to say i did not eat much today, only like a few pieces of bread. So my stomach was very absorbent i think. Than I tested the t volume by putting my fingers in my ears ... i pushed really hard cause i could n`t believe it ... it was silent a real 0/10 ... I heard nothing except the force of my muscles in my ears giving a low hum .... bloody Kv channels!! now 3 hours later came home and it`s back again. though maybe slightly lower. now a 5/10 ... I wonder why it only works for a little time?
Than I tested the t volume by putting my fingers in my ears ... i pushed really hard cause i could n`t believe it ... it was silent a real 0/10 ... I heard nothing except the force of my muscles in my ears giving a low hum .... bloody Kv channels!! now 3 hours later came home and it`s back again. though maybe slightly lower. now a 5/10 ... I wonder why it only works for a little time?

You have to put your fingers in to check your T ? In general?

Short-term might be dosage related or you have a very fast metabolism; I do.
I'm testing Tramadolhydrochlorid (opiate) at the moment.
Today my last round of Trobalt was only 100mg ... i`m keeping it low because i`m running out of it and need to get new prescription and I don`t want to run out at high does ... anyway, my point was that although I had higher mg`s this last week, the last one of 100 mg today gave my a great boost. Uplifted my spirit and I was quit happy. i have to say i did not eat much today, only like a few pieces of bread. So my stomach was very absorbent i think. Than I tested the t volume by putting my fingers in my ears ... i pushed really hard cause i could n`t believe it ... it was silent a real 0/10 ... I heard nothing except the force of my muscles in my ears giving a low hum .... bloody Kv channels!! now 3 hours later came home and it`s back again. though maybe slightly lower. now a 5/10 ... I wonder why it only works for a little time?

I think at higher doses you'll start to see a permanent effect. I take 400mg once and it lasts me a whole day, so high doses of 400x3 for a few months and then lower the dose to see if it has worked. Wish you the best of luck mate.

Be careful with that.

Hey, Father Ted!

I still use trobalt... as you know... but i use stronger dosage .(at least it gives me a sleep) i wonder what fake sugars (like aspartame but i got info he spikes tinnitus) i can use that don't make spike because trobalt makes my appetite very bad :( , please any advice
"World expert on Aspartame, H. J. Roberts, M.D. has written in his medical text, Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic: "Each of the components of aspartame--phenylalanine, aspartic acid, the methyl ester which promptly becomes free methyl alcohol or methanol--and their multiple breakdown products after exposure to heat or during prolonged storage--is potentially toxic to the brain and inner ear. These organs are highly vulnerable to metabolic disturbances and neurotoxins because of their unique metabolic requirements. To make matters worse, aspartame is addictive. The free methyl alcohol is classified as a narcotic. It causes chronic methanol poisoning, which affects the dopamine system of the brain and causes the addiction. Many victims find it difficult to give up the habit."

"Aspartame and MSG are excitatory neurotransmitters. They excite brain neurons and increase levels of electrical activity in the brain and the auditory cortex, the area where tinnitus is perceived. We know that people with tinnitus have an elevated level of electrical activity, and reducing this activity is helpful for tinnitus. Increasing electrical activity increases tinnitus." Further, he states, "Tinnitus and hearing loss were compounded in several aspartame reactors by the use of considerable aspirin to relieve associated headaches or severe joint pain." Bob had been using aspirin for three years.

Dr. Roberts also discusses some case histories on tinnitus and hearing loss. In one, "Her most dramatic symp-toms were sudden deafness in one ear and tinnitus". Multiple physicians were consulted, to no avail. She was told the problem was stress-related, and that "I would have to live with tinnitus and partial hearing loss for the rest of my life." Roberts said, "The patient noticed 'fluctuations in my hearing and the humming in my ear seemed related to my consumption of diet soda. There was 'immense' improvement of all symptoms within one week of abstinence… almost like a miracle.'"

NOTE: So many aspartame victims of tinnitus complain that the noise drives them crazy. There are many products marketed but many victims complain that not all work. The first step is to identify the culprit; if the victim and the physician don't know what's causing the tinnitus, it makes it doubly hard to treat. The first thing, obviously, is to abstain from aspartame."

self control will help you ... eat healthy foods.

If you are still using maybe it is a good idea to put in reports at the `experience` section ... very few people doing it lately.

When you're on high doses of trobalt, it will make you crave foods haha
You have to put your fingers in to check your T ? In general?

Short-term might be dosage related or you have a very fast metabolism; I do.
I'm testing Tramadolhydrochlorid (opiate) at the moment.
No I was working in a kitchen where a fan system and a radio was going ... and usually I here it even over the top of that. Although slightly ... watch out with the opiates bud ... they are fun but don`t get depended.
@nills I am glad you are having apparent success with retigabine. Can I assume it has only been after 8 days of tapering up with the dosage you experienced 0/10 tinnitus, as your reports on User Experiences suggest during the previous week there was nothing but physical/ emotional effects?
@nills I am glad you are having apparent success with retigabine. Can I assume it has only been after 8 days of tapering up with the dosage you experienced 0/10 tinnitus, as your reports on User Experiences suggest during the previous week there was nothing but physical/ emotional effects?


the 0/10 was real, but I suspect it only lasted for say 30 minutes. But I do have to say that the emotional uplifting effect of this compound is god sent! The last week also some lowering has occurred but as I say, always for a very short while. But there is already some change that stays longer throughout the day, like high tones get cut of in volume. Not steady but this does happen.

But I have to admit that once this chemical starts acting on the brain I change back into the person I know myself to be before T ... trust comes, happiness, clarity, energy to commit to healthy and creative things ... Also even though the T is still there, it is moved into the background and the attention of life seems not to go so much to it ...

It works like an anti depressant for me, instantly when it kicks in I feel lifted up ... and it is not like i`m `drunk` every time i take it ... only when I up doses or take it on empty stomach ... but now taking this medicine I truly feel and sense that my brain`s chemistry is faulty and lacking something that others have ... depression and mood is all chemical ...

oh and I tapered up very slowly and had to taper down again because ran out of pills and no possibility to get a prescription soon enough ... so this 0/10 happened on very low dose, 100mg .. BUT my stomach was completely empty for a whole day.
Then fire your doctor ... and find one who will. If your doctor refuses to discuss something with you of such great importance, then what the hell good is he (or she)?

From your postings I can readily tell that tinnitus significantly affects your health and well-being. Isn't that what doctors are supposed to do - address those factors that significantly affect your health and well-being?

LOL..I'm Canadian. This is funny!
LOL..I'm Canadian. This is funny!
Actually, Lynn, if your own doctor is unwilling to discuss with you those factors that significantly affect your health and well-being, and if the healthcare system in your country prohibits you from finding another doctor, one who is willing to discuss those factors that significantly affect your health and well-being, then it is not funny at all. Indeed it is very very sad.

the 0/10 was real, but I suspect it only lasted for say 30 minutes. But I do have to say that the emotional uplifting effect of this compound is god sent! The last week also some lowering has occurred but as I say, always for a very short while. But there is already some change that stays longer throughout the day, like high tones get cut of in volume. Not steady but this does happen.

But I have to admit that once this chemical starts acting on the brain I change back into the person I know myself to be before T ... trust comes, happiness, clarity, energy to commit to healthy and creative things ... Also even though the T is still there, it is moved into the background and the attention of life seems not to go so much to it ...

It works like an anti depressant for me, instantly when it kicks in I feel lifted up ... and it is not like i`m `drunk` every time i take it ... only when I up doses or take it on empty stomach ... but now taking this medicine I truly feel and sense that my brain`s chemistry is faulty and lacking something that others have ... depression and mood is all chemical ...

oh and I tapered up very slowly and had to taper down again because ran out of pills and no possibility to get a prescription soon enough ... so this 0/10 happened on very low dose, 100mg .. BUT my stomach was completely empty for a whole day.

Very interesting. Seems to confirm in some way how emotions and tinnitus are inextricably linked for some people. It's difficult to separate what is going on. If retigabine is acting on the brain to make you feel better and tinnitus goes into oblivion or if the drug is directly suppressing tinnitus and as a consequence you feel uplifted.
It works like an anti depressant for me, instantly when it kicks in I feel lifted up ... and it is not like i`m `drunk` every time i take it ... only when I up doses or take it on empty stomach ... but now taking this medicine I truly feel and sense that my brain`s chemistry is faulty and lacking something that others have ... depression and mood is all chemical ...
I had 2 weeks of low T ( I am not on Trobalt). But last night i was in a really dark place. Depression, dark thoughts, fear, and sitting in the dark and could hear it, the noise in my head, rising and rising. From 1,5-2/10 today its 5-6 and its annoying as hell. I guess its not only damaged hair cells for some of us. Its maybe some refflection of our mental state...
Very interesting. Seems to confirm in some way how emotions and tinnitus are inextricably linked for some people. It's difficult to separate what is going on. If retigabine is acting on the brain to make you feel better and tinnitus goes into oblivion or if the drug is directly suppressing tinnitus and as a consequence you feel uplifted.
I was standing outside today bit over an hour after I took 100 mg. there was this sunset, and it just had stormed and was still raining, the sun was peaking through this gap in a dark cloud... suddenly I look left and of course, massive rainbow against a black cloudy backdrop ... so much peace so much serenity ... no or little T ... happiness .. I come inside and suddenly hear this bloody thing again and instantly my mood drops ... I don`t know how it works but i`m sure if there would be an off switch on the sound, happiness will follow ... It is interesting to experience it like this. to see how it is interconnected ... I feel like I want to continue this medicin for a long time and hopefully reap some lasting benefits ...

I had 2 weeks of low T ( I am not on Trobalt). But last night i was in a really dark place. Depression, dark thoughts, fear, and sitting in the dark and could hear it, the noise in my head, rising and rising. From 1,5-2/10 today its 5-6 and its annoying as hell. I guess its not only damaged hair cells for some of us. Its maybe some reflection of our mental state...

well - imagine this sound would drop and drop ... and suddenly silence ... i`m sure those dark thoughts would also leave ... I just have a sense that both of these have to do with the neurons in the brain working/not working properly ... and this confirms why you can experience pure silence and bliss on MDMA ... I think a good test would be to see how 5-HTP influences T ... cause this is the fuel for 5-HT which is serotonin ... which is our happiness chemical in our brain. ...
well - imagine this sound would drop and drop ... and suddenly silence ... i`m sure those dark thoughts would also leave ... I just have a sense that both of these have to do with the neurons in the brain working/not working properly ... and this confirms why you can experience pure silence and bliss on MDMA ... I think a good test would be to see how 5-HTP influences T ... cause this is the fuel for 5-HT which is serotonin ... which is our happiness chemical in our brain. ...
Dark thoughts are with me years before the T and consider them as the cause or one of the causes for the symphony in my head. I visited a shrink after the onset of T, but the after a 30min conversation the b*stard just prescribed my some antidepressant and said that this is the only thing he can do for me. But I am stubborn person and will not touch a single of this nasty pills.
So, yeah, probably when (if) i manage to get my mental state in order, my T will disappear, or it will become mild and i will have the time to wait for a decent treatment. I have this theory, like yours, that its about brain chemistry and hormones of happiness.
I had about 20 days silence.... before some hours i had relapse.
RTG+keppra is the combination stopped my T now.
i think keppra makes RTG many times more effective.
For those with catastrophic T maybe this combination give relief.

2mg melatonin 125mg keppra 100mg rtg has effect to T.
Low doses good result. try it
My T now is 0/10.
@nills good to hear you are getting relief. i and others like juan and danny have had lasting permanent effects on t from this drug. my only suggestion is that you try some higher doses, just to see how it may affect you (300mg, or maybe even 400mg dose).

@rtwombly do you have any status update for us?
I was standing outside today bit over an hour after I took 100 mg. there was this sunset, and it just had stormed and was still raining, the sun was peaking through this gap in a dark cloud... suddenly I look left and of course, massive rainbow against a black cloudy backdrop ... so much peace so much serenity ... no or little T ... happiness .. I come inside and suddenly hear this bloody thing again and instantly my mood drops ... I don`t know how it works but i`m sure if there would be an off switch on the sound, happiness will follow ... It is interesting to experience it like this. to see how it is interconnected ... I feel like I want to continue this medicin for a long time and hopefully reap some lasting benefits ...

well - imagine this sound would drop and drop ... and suddenly silence ... i`m sure those dark thoughts would also leave ... I just have a sense that both of these have to do with the neurons in the brain working/not working properly ... and this confirms why you can experience pure silence and bliss on MDMA ... I think a good test would be to see how 5-HTP influences T ... cause this is the fuel for 5-HT which is serotonin ... which is our happiness chemical in our brain. ...

Just make sure you don't go blind while doing so...Trobalt isn't the safest of drugs.
@nills good to hear you are getting relief. i and others like juan and danny have had lasting permanent effects on t from this drug. my only suggestion is that you try some higher doses, just to see how it may affect you (300mg, or maybe even 400mg dose).

@rtwombly do you have any status update for us?

400mg to be is the optimum dose, well for me anyway. I can tell you though, trobalt can get quite addictive due to the sedated feeling and elevated mood. Plus, it's great for sleep...
I had about 20 days silence.... before some hours i had relapse.
RTG+keppra is the combination stopped my T now.
i think keppra makes RTG many times more effective.
For those with catastrophic T maybe this combination give relief.

2mg melatonin 125mg keppra 100mg rtg has effect to T.
Low doses good result. try it
My T now is 0/10.

Agreed. I think it's because of the action they both have on the KV3.1 channels...Take both they might help each other. Still it works for me and I'm sure it can for others. I'm glad I suggested it and it's helping.

the 0/10 was real, but I suspect it only lasted for say 30 minutes. But I do have to say that the emotional uplifting effect of this compound is god sent! The last week also some lowering has occurred but as I say, always for a very short while. But there is already some change that stays longer throughout the day, like high tones get cut of in volume. Not steady but this does happen.

But I have to admit that once this chemical starts acting on the brain I change back into the person I know myself to be before T ... trust comes, happiness, clarity, energy to commit to healthy and creative things ... Also even though the T is still there, it is moved into the background and the attention of life seems not to go so much to it ...

It works like an anti depressant for me, instantly when it kicks in I feel lifted up ... and it is not like i`m `drunk` every time i take it ... only when I up doses or take it on empty stomach ... but now taking this medicine I truly feel and sense that my brain`s chemistry is faulty and lacking something that others have ... depression and mood is all chemical ...

oh and I tapered up very slowly and had to taper down again because ran out of pills and no possibility to get a prescription soon enough ... so this 0/10 happened on very low dose, 100mg .. BUT my stomach was completely empty for a whole day.

Once you reach 400mg you'll start to have longer lasting effects, I'm sure of it. Just make sure to have your vision checked.

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