Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

Yeah i just got it 3 hours ago.. Still shaky about it.. @Danny Boy

Seriously, it's safer than any benzo your doctor will give you. If your hyperacusis is that bad, you'll take it. Keppra is not dangerous, trobalt is.

I'm on 3000mg a day...And I only got a slight headache, no big deal. Trust me...getting rid of reactive tinnitus that static noise and reactive tinnitus will save your life mate. It's a totally safe drug given to babies, drugs and children.
I have more noises than that in my head lol but yeah ill see if i can man up and take it lol i really want this shit gone... Should i start on a 500mg i dont want to start too hard. @Danny Boy
Read the paper in the box it has all the info you need!

Why does it always seem people get a box but never read the paper inside it :)
Dark thoughts are with me years before the T and consider them as the cause or one of the causes for the symphony in my head. I visited a shrink after the onset of T, but the after a 30min conversation the b*stard just prescribed my some antidepressant and said that this is the only thing he can do for me. But I am stubborn person and will not touch a single of this nasty pills.
So, yeah, probably when (if) i manage to get my mental state in order, my T will disappear, or it will become mild and i will have the time to wait for a decent treatment. I have this theory, like yours, that its about brain chemistry and hormones of happiness.
Very wise you stayed away from benzo`s, it would have worsened your case in the end .. .but yes I too was struggeling with the mind for a long time before T ... But what i starting to see is that it is out of our `personal` hands ... it is like our thoughts and T are coordinated by the chemicals in the brain (ofcourse you thing, but once you can step back from the experience it becomes clear) ... The dark thoughts are caused by the same lack of connections in the brain that caused the T to arise after some trauma or other ignition of this experience. So if we can reverse this by any means ... all of them, happiness clarity and silence, will follow.
@nills it doesnt have a paper inside
look online for it ... wait sit back i`ll do it ...

here you have different pages on it, check dosage ... well, read all of it.

Geo said:
@nills were u scared to take trobalt?? I read that u found relief already from trobalt..
Yes I was held back to do it actually at first, it`s a good sign because it means you care :) ... you just need to read up on it and have everything checked that is mentioned as side effects or warnings in time. Use it wisely.
it says start at 1000mg.. Twice 500mg daily does that mean take both at the same time? And then after two weeks add dosage..
No, you take 2 pills of 500 at different times in the day. You have to check for the side effects to see when will be the best time for you to take them.. if you get really tired from them in the first hour.. don`t take them while driving.. if they keep you awake and energized, don`t take them right before sleep. I havn`t taken them so you will need to read, ask or experience for yourself. Best you go to keppra thread for these questions or PM danny boy
No, you take 2 pills of 500 at different times in the day. You have to check for the side effects to see when will be the best time for you to take them.. if you get really tired from them in the first hour.. don`t take them while driving.. if they keep you awake and energized, don`t take them right before sleep. I havn`t taken them so you will need to read, ask or experience for yourself. Best you go to keppra thread for these questions or PM danny boy
Will do sir.. I dont leave the house due to the bad h so driving is out of the question lol
To clarify it my permanent effect on T reduction - near cure was from corticosteroids (dexamethasone - methylprednisolone) not RTG.
20 days of silence or near silence without taking anymore corticosteroids but with them had permanet reduction to my T.
RTG + keppra to me has only temporary effect.
it says start at 1000mg.. Twice 500mg daily does that mean take both at the same time? And then after two weeks add dosage..

I 'll tell you what my neurologist suggested: 1 week 1 pill x500 at night. After that, increase to 2x500 morning and night. At the 3rd week (not second) you go to 3x500 but: 1 at morning, 2 at the same time at night. 12 hours difference is important for the drug to act. Viking has also pointed that out. Then you can go to 2000, that is if you get some relief, otherwise it is useless.
This is totally off topic so I am not going to post anything else on it but it was just in response to what @Nils was saying in his post.

On here it discusses getting rid of Tinnitus through practising the art of Chi Quong...........and money back if it doesnt work too.......

This is in Ireland but they may be able to refer to reputable places elsewhere..........won't have side effects like Troabalt. Has anyone tried this and it was a waste of time and has anyone tried it and with success? Can be created as a new thread maybe? so as not to clog up this one........sorry guys and back to trobalt discussion..............(by the way where do you find the smiley faces on here to add?) thanks..........
Personally i've just started RTG today 150mg TID. I'm hoping that I can tolerate it for 3 - 4 months and that it helps me somehow to habituate post self-trial. Plus maybe a side benefit baking! A total cure would be great but that's like pulling a rabbit out of a hat... Stranger things have happened tho so i won't rule it out and will think +ve going in ;-)

I think the real path of true healing is actually in something like this practice. Only prob is 10 years ! But maybe u'll learn a lot about yourself in that time? RTG may be a bit like road-side assistance. You read the guys story. It makes sense. I've practiced similar martial art forms and it def inspires and promotes healing. Not to derail the thread but tx amandine for this as i was unsure what to do after the RTG treatment and this is giving me ideas.
Personally i've just started RTG today 150mg TID. I'm hoping that I can tolerate it for 3 - 4 months and that it helps me somehow to habituate post self-trial. Plus maybe a side benefit baking! A total cure would be great but that's like pulling a rabbit out of a hat... Stranger things have happened tho so i won't rule it out and will think +ve going in ;-)

I think the real path of true healing is actually in something like this practice. Only prob is 10 years ! But maybe u'll learn a lot about yourself in that time? RTG may be a bit like road-side assistance. You read the guys story. It makes sense. I've practiced similar martial art forms and it def inspires and promotes healing. Not to derail the thread but tx amandine for this as i was unsure what to do after the RTG treatment and this is giving me ideas.

I don't think some material arts can cure tinnitus, that's just nonsensical.
I think the real path of true healing is actually in something like this practice. Only prob is 10 years ! But maybe u'll learn a lot about yourself in that time? RTG may be a bit like road-side assistance. You read the guys story. It makes sense. I've practiced similar martial art forms and it def inspires and promotes healing. Not to derail the thread but tx amandine for this as i was unsure what to do after the RTG treatment and this is giving me ideas.
Sorry Steve I must have written my post very badly. As far as I understood the newspaper article it did not take him ten years practise of this art to get rid of his T and H. He had his T and H for ten years and then went to practise this martial art. He dillied and and dallied a bit with it but then started to take it seriously and practised twice a day. Once this started he found that over the next six months his T and H subsided (this is after having it for ten years) until it just disappeared for good and his hearing came back to normal as did his life. He can now absorb all sounds and lives as though he had never had either T or H. So it was months that it took to get rid of a decade old problem.
Sorry Steve I must have written my post very badly. As far as I understood the newspaper article It did not take him ten years practise of this art to get rid of his T and H. He had his T and H for ten years and then went to practise this martial art. He dillied and and dallied a bit with it but then started to take it seriously and practised twice a day. Once this started he found that over the next six months his T and H subsided (this is after having it for ten years) until it just disappeared for good and his hearing came back to normal as did his life. He can now absorb all sounds and lives as though he had never had either T or H. So it was months that it took to get rid of a decade old problem.

No offence Amandine but I don't believe material arts can somehow get rid of hyperacusis or tinnitus. If you can provide scientific evidence then I'll believe it.
No I was working in a kitchen where a fan system and a radio was going ... and usually I here it even over the top of that. Although slightly ... watch out with the opiates bud ... they are fun but don`t get depended.

I see.

Appreciate your concern. I just tried a short course of three days so far. 75mg, 50mg, and on the last day 2x 75mg. Half-life is between 4-8 hours. Unfortunately it had lil to no effect on my T, I'd day. But it made me kinda drowsy and indifferent. Maybe I'd better up the dosage? 50mg seemed to have no effect. I think if took enough it should make me sleep. And if I smashed my head into solid things it wouldn't hurt either.
No offence Amandine but I don't believe material arts can somehow get rid of hyperacusis or tinnitus. If you can provide scientific evidence then I'll believe it.
Danny hi - how are you?
I am not after proving anything. I am only reflecting on one man's story which you can read for yourself in the newspaper article. Stranger things have happened and there is nowt so strange as the truth. Many things in this world remain unexplained.
Danny hi - how are you?
I am not after proving anything. I am only reflecting on one man's story which you can read for yourself in the newspaper article. Stranger things have happened and there is nowt so strange as the truth. Many things in this world remain unexplained.

Or more like the newspaper wanted a story and he wanted some cash. Tinnitus is far more complex than someone meditating.
Very wise you stayed away from benzo`s, it would have worsened your case in the end .. .but yes I too was struggeling with the mind for a long time before T ... But what i starting to see is that it is out of our `personal` hands ... it is like our thoughts and T are coordinated by the chemicals in the brain (ofcourse you thing, but once you can step back from the experience it becomes clear) ... The dark thoughts are caused by the same lack of connections in the brain that caused the T to arise after some trauma or other ignition of this experience. So if we can reverse this by any means ... all of them, happiness clarity and silence, will follow.

I love posts like these. .considering I am on 2mg of clonazepam a day! :banghead:

I don't even know how to begin to taper. .perhaps that is why I am worse now..or didn't get better after almost 2 years :(
I see.

Appreciate your concern. I just tried a short course of three days so far. 75mg, 50mg, and on the last day 2x 75mg. Half-life is between 4-8 hours. Unfortunately it had lil to no effect on my T, I'd day. But it made me kinda drowsy and indifferent. Maybe I'd better up the dosage? 50mg seemed to have no effect. I think if took enough it should make me sleep. And if I smashed my head into solid things it wouldn't hurt either.

@Danny Boy, @Juan Carlos, and myself have had lasting improvements on 400mg, but I would say that you would need to go up to at least 300mg to really see what it does for you. i think there is way too much unfounded fear of this drug. i did a ton of research on this drug before i took it (look at my old posts on this thread), and basically if you are going to try a high dose for a short 2-3 month duration it should not have any real detrimental effects to your health. i have had my eyes checked 4 times and have had no issues, and am perfectly healthy now almost 4 months removed from taking the drug.

as a general update for you guys, my t is still super low and very stable, really does not bother me anymore. most of the days it is near silent, and then i might have 2 or 3 days every few weeks which are slightly louder, but it is no longer the loud random pitches but a stable low ringing. i have not had H in almost 2 months, which i feel has a lot to do with the RTG, and frankly H was the biggest problem for me.
i would say we have had quite a lot of people that have started on this drug, but we have not heard from many of them. would anyone like to volunteer to compile a list, to update the one that @rtwombly compiled many months ago (it is a sticky on the first page)?

i would really appreciate it if the people taking this drug would please give us some updates, any kind of information would do, even just a simple post on this thread.
self control will help you ... eat healthy foods.

If you are still using maybe it is a good idea to put in reports at the `experience` section ... very few people doing it lately.
He reported: Current Side Effects:
amnezia, change of retina color in left eye

I do believe this is the first person the experience retina color changes.
I don't think some material arts can cure tinnitus, that's just nonsensical.
I don't agree. This guy in Ireland retuned his brain, so to speak, from Chi Gung. It's an ancient practice of mind, body wellness. Have you tried it? I think to say its non-sensical is a bit narrow minded ...trying it b4 knocking it would be a more open-minded approach. The guy wouldn't be BS-ing if his T went.

As i said, i'm up for anything that will cure the T. A lot of the thread recently has been addressing connections in the brain and I believe u can "practice" yourself into a well state and reconnect some neurons that have been displaced due to trauma. Some might be beyond repair ... in the case of acoustic trauma. But in certain cases, where the onset of t is unknown or from otoxic meds i think this sort of practice can bring about permanent change. It also promotes well-being. Trobalt gives a happy feeling as reported my many. I'm yet to feel the full potential. Still on a low dose. So there might be a connection there [relaxed/happy = low T] and who is to say that years of mindful practice and relaxation might re-align the faulty channels?
Danny hi - how are you?
I am not after proving anything. I am only reflecting on one man's story which you can read for yourself in the newspaper article. Stranger things have happened and there is nowt so strange as the truth. Many things in this world remain unexplained.

Someone got an head massage and their tinnitus was gone....Doesn't mean it can work for everyone.
Or more like the newspaper wanted a story and he wanted some cash. Tinnitus is far more complex than someone meditating.
Sorry Danny but a newspaper would not pay for a story like this especially a paper that is as small as this one. They simply do not have the funds to be paying for such stories and newspapers are making less and less money these days. The only way I can see any kind of non truth in this would be if this guy worked for or was somehow getting a kick back from the people who run the martial arts course there and somehow I would doubt this would be the case. After all if it came out that this was not a true story but a created one (which in a small place like Ireland would undoubtedly happen) then both the martial arts and the newspaper would be finished forever as bad reputations stay and good ones last only as long as the last good report. People remember the bad much longer than they remember the good. So no I would disagree with you and would suggest that this must be utterly true.
Sorry Danny but a newspaper would not pay for a story like this especially a paper that is as small as this one. They simply do not have the funds to be paying for such stories and newspapers are making less and less money these days. The only way I can see any kind of non truth in this would be if this guy worked for or was somehow getting a kick back from the people who run the martial arts course there and somehow I would doubt this would be the case. After all if it came out that this was not a true story but a created one (which in a small place like Ireland would undoubtedly happen) then both the martial arts and the newspaper would be finished forever as bad reputations stay and good ones last only as long as the last good report. People remember the bad much longer than they remember the good. So no I would disagree with you and would suggest that this must be utterly true.

Amandine you can try it if you want, but I don't think it will help. You're just hoping something other than drugs will work.

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