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Member, Female, from Pennsylvania, USA

Really enjoy reading summaries & discussions on Dr. S webinar. I truly feel hopeful & so appreciative of her commitment to this condition. Jun 27, 2024 at 6:58 PM

    1. ErikaS
      3 mos. since T onset, R ear is very reactive. I have ENT willing to do intratymp. dex shot. Any case known where this made it worse?
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      2. CRGC
        I hope you're able to find some relief! You're still early with this, as am I. We have to remember to be patient, healing takes time.
        Dec 7, 2022
      3. ErikaS
        @CRGC I know, it’s just scary when you’re taking precautions and doing things to help but it’s not getting better, just worse. When did the H start for you?
        Dec 7, 2022
        Nadia231 likes this.
      4. CRGC
        Mine started at the same time as the rest of my symptoms, so 6 months ago. Overall I’m a bit better than in the summer when it was at its worse, but still struggling as the pain fluctuates unpredictably. Being very careful about everything i can control, and trying to stay patient and optimistic.
        Dec 8, 2022
    2. ErikaS
      The reactive electric hiss is so awful. 3 months in and I feel like it’s way more sensitive now than 1-2 months ago.
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      2. ErikaS
        @Guywithapug didn’t know an ear infection could cause this much chaos. No hearing loss.
        Dec 6, 2022
        Guywithapug likes this.
      3. ErikaS
        @Joe Cuber thanks Joe. So my T is so weird. Any louder or constant noise makes it go higher in frequency and that electric hiss gets aggravated. But yes, running water, car rides, things like that send it higher frequencies. Doesn’t necessarily get louder in that moment, just high freq. but once I go into quieter, it’s louder. Did you ever experience an ear fullness feeling at its peak?
        Dec 8, 2022
      4. ErikaS
        @Joe Cuber cant tell if fullness is coming from some sinus inflammation or T sensitivity.
        What do you think helped your reactivity improve? Anything specifically?
        Dec 11, 2022
        Joe Cuber likes this.
    3. ErikaS
      Does reactive tinnitus make any one else’s inner ear feel weird? It doesn’t feel full, almost that feeling you get with fleeting tinnitus
      1. Nadia231 likes this.
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      3. ErikaS
        @MindOverMatter I developed the T just over 3 months ago in R ear with ear infection. Started as high electric hiss, now 5-6 tones with reactive hiss and distortions. I know it takes time to get better, but what I do not understand is why getting worse?
        Dec 6, 2022
      4. ErikaS
        @MindOverMatter i took a leave from work, do not go around very loud sounds, do not wear protection in the house and have low background sound on from something. But going in the car sends my reactivity up and recently the R ear is now “feeling” it through this sensation rather than just hearing it.
        Dec 6, 2022
      5. MindOverMatter
        @ErikaS You seem to be doing "what you should", in my humble opinion. T winding up while in the car is, unfortunately, very common for many with different versions of sound sensitivity and reactive t. "Feeling" it, yes. I know what you mean. It will get better with time, 3 months is not a long time. There is a good chance for you to feel at least better within a time frame of 6-9 months.
        Dec 6, 2022
        Sammy0225 and ZFire like this.
    4. ErikaS
      Those with reactivity: anything for sleep when ringing becomes loud when laying down, but obviously can’t drown it out? Weaning off Ativan.
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      2. ErikaS
        @Joe Cuber thanks for your reply. Mine reacts to anything in the house that’s a constant hum, the worst being higher frequency sounds. Thankfully my heater sounds lower in frequency, but it still reacts. For your ambient noises, did you use sounds from your phone when going to bed and in the house?
        Dec 3, 2022
        Joe Cuber likes this.
      3. Strawberryblonde
        Hi @ErikaS took a good break from here so just saw message. My therapist pretty much said to me ditch the ear plugs and get used to normal sound again. Reactive tinnitus just happens according to him and they don't know why :/. 1)
        Jan 9, 2023
      4. Strawberryblonde
        2) not very helpful in my opinion my hearing therapist as they just don't know much other than sound therapy and white noise generators. Figuring it out myself, well trying too. :-( my T had been reactive this week so sleep has been limited but learning to tune it out which takes a lot of mental strength.
        Jan 9, 2023
    5. ErikaS
      Love/hate how a dash of Ativan quiets the T and reactivity, even if it’s brief. How have they not figured out a safer med with same affects?
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      2. ErikaS
        @Joe Cuber yes, it definitely has an affect which is a blessing and a curse. I have been taking .25mg at night for about 2 months, going to taper soon. I have read on here that it can hold up healing. Glad I’m on such a low amount though.
        Dec 2, 2022
        Joe Cuber likes this.
      3. ErikaS
        @Strawberryblonde I have been taking .25mg at night for about 2 months, going to me tapering off over the next few weeks. Doesn’t really do anything for sleep anymore.
        Dec 2, 2022
        Strawberryblonde likes this.
      4. Forever hopeful
        Forever hopeful
        Dec 11, 2022
    6. Travis Henry
      Travis Henry
      Hope u are ok. How is Neurofeedback going ?
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      2. Travis Henry
        Travis Henry
        Got any tips kn decreasing neurological inflammation
        Dec 7, 2022
      3. ErikaS
        @Travis Henry, I would look up things/supplements for nerve inflammation and mitochondrial dysfunction. I don’t have anything specific for you as it can be trial and error.
        Dec 16, 2022
      4. ErikaS
        @Travis Henry I know ur against meds, but have u considered switch to Valium to wean from Clonaz. more easily, then wean from V? Also wondering if u’d benefit from nerve pain med, with how loud ur T is & if nerve inflammation based, just a thought. I know meds suck, but the goal is to get ur body/mind to come down from the “fire in the house” state, then once you get there, address weaning.
        Dec 16, 2022
    7. ErikaS
      I am praying that next week is the start of brain and body healing, as well as a decrease in tinnitus.
    8. ErikaS
      It’s not getting better. Only worse. Especially reactivity. I believe that it has become brain based as I am not showing any hearing loss.
    9. ErikaS
      I am 3 months into tinnitus that started with ear infection and only on sound in R ear, but has now become multiple sounds and in both ears.
    10. ErikaS
      Next week I start craniosacral therapy & will do a brain map to begin a specific Neurofeedback therpay progam that is designed for tinnitus.
      1. DebInAustralia
        Hi Erika, I would be interested in your experience with neurofeedback, if you are open to sharing? I am considering this myself.
        May 11, 2024
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    Pennsylvania, USA
    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    Ear infection/Ultra High Frequency SSHL in Right Ear