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  • In the morning it's ONLY in my ears, then by 2 hours later it travels to my head too. Why??
    I can see possibly habituating to the sound but not to the massive change in what I can no longer do. I know that many people suffer from worse things …. That does not help me because I feel sorry for them too. Again, sorry for being so negative. Just being honest. I am mourning all my loss. I just can no longer see a happy life. I was sooo happy!!
    If you have days when you feel good about it I think you will be okay I'm time. I have to them too but to be honest they are rare. I believe it comes down to the severity of the sound.
    @4Grace yeah, I cannot be in a completely silent room/car without feeling like I'm about to panic because it isn't being masked by any other noise, and it's so loud it's in my head. It's awful.
    @4Grace it seems like the sound has changed at least for the better over time, I think.
    Sarah - I am also 7 months in and it gets worse everyday. I am addicted to researching it. I am trying to think my way out of something that is not possible. I am scared that if it's on a trajectory of getting worse my chances of it getting better or going away are slim. So sorry to be so negative but I would give anything to go back to before T.
    Handing out medication that can cause tinnitus should be considered a crime. =| Accutane sucks.
    They should definitely warn people! I think we are in the same tinnitus group on FB because I came across your picture on a post lol

    But seems a lot of people got it from Wellbutrin and antibiotics as well.
    Unfortunately even if one person says they get tinnitus from a medication they have to list it as a side effect even if its 0.01% chance.
    I can't do this. I can't do this. I can't do this.
    Quite everyone has OCD
    And don t trust the psychiatrist - the need to give a diagnosis - saying this with a background in psychology and a lot of stays in psychatries
    @brixenbrixen it's the fallen human condition. We all have something we deal with because of our human nature. I just know I personally have a tendancy to obsess about things maybe more than another person might, but it's totally possible to get a long like the rest who have gone before us.

    "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." <3
    T volume seems a little lower today than it has been lately. It helps a little bit. <3
    Mine too! I'm so happy for you ❤️
    Let's just enjoy today because we all know tomorrow is a different story.
    I know what you mean. I know it is extremely hard but please remember that even during depression, there are bad days, super bad days and the occassional good day. If nothing else works, just tell yourself you only have to live through this day and wait for the next good day. It will come but cannot be forced. If you are going through hell, keep walking...
    I've been depressed before, but never like THIS.

    One foot in front of the other.

    Thanks for reaching out. <3
    The anxiety and depression this stupid thing causes is awful. =|
    Hang in there, we are all right there with you. Better days will come for us in time!
    Sorry you are having trouble. It is awful. I didn't understand anxiety and depression till T. Now I'm thinking about seeing a therapist or something. But not sure.. it's hard to take that first step.
    @cjbhab I've got the Bible for that, but it's definitely still hard. I am so sorry that you are experiencing this too.
    I keep trying to fight it but it just keeps ringing.
    @BrysonKingMe I hope so!! How long did it take for it to settle down?
    My benzo induced t is indescribable. It's not out of your ears or a tone, it is a high pitched modulating sound that moves all around your head. it is unmaskable, can turn into a dentist drill in your head, it is horrible. It started getting better about 2 months off the benzos. It is still there at a low level.
    It gave me severe hyperacusis too, which spiked my previously super mild noise induced t to moderate/severe levels. Stay away
    Experiencing panic attacks again. =/
    @SarahMLFlemmer I asked my doctor about Xanax for morning anxiety, and he said he hasn't prescribed it in years. He said he prescribes Lorazepam, IIRC, but he didn't offer to for me. I have some Hydroxyzine but pretty much use it as an occasional sleep aid.
    @RunningMan what mg of Hydroxyzine? I tried to use it the other night instead of my Amtriptiline but no success. Also, I would maybe look for another doc or a Psychiatrist that will offer it. Just be careful not to abuse it and I think you'll be alright.
    It's 25mg Hydroxyzine. But, I would say it's mildly effective. I still wake up at times and will still usually take low dose zolpidem sublingual at some point in the middle of the night. My dr. might have prescribed Lorazepam if I pushed more for it, but not Xanax. Even the Hydroxyzine has no refills, but I don't take it a lot.
    I'm not gonna get better, am I? =(
    You will you are just having a bad time of it of late, tomorrow may be better for you :) even now 14 months into my worsening i still cry and think the same but then the next minute i feel ok. It's all very bipolar.
    Never say never. Crazier things have happened :)
    Hi @SarahMLFlemmer. I once asked a therapist that same question and he said: "You don't need to worry that things will stay the same because nothing ever will. Either your T gets better or you will adapt." That helped me a teeny bit.
    What encouragement would you give to a person within their first year of T? Asking for myself.
    It will get better. You're still in the first year. Time will make this better. Next time this year. You'll start go to back to normal life. Keep pushing. I'm right by your side!
    @Strawberryblonde when you say it got better in time, how much time are we talking here? =P <3
    I remember not long after it started the first time I heard a really high pitch sound coming from my ears/brain and couldn't sit in silence. I honestly don't remember when it left I just remember putting my finger in my ear some time later and it was a mild hiss and because it was easily masked it was hard to say how ans when it changed. :)
    I'm 7 months in and it just seems to get louder. Kitchen sounds used to mask it pretty much, but not now. Why?
    @Tryn2BHopeful It's not the only hope. But over the long run, most people get worse tinnitus as they get older. I know I have, but those are the statistics. Hearing loss is a big factor. But that's just one factor, so there's other hope.
    Just because yours has worsened doesn't mean everyones get worse. Lots and lots of people have the same tinnitus they first experienced. Way to much generalising from people on here.
    @Utdmad89 Were you responding to me? Because if you reread, I never said "everyone's gets worse." And I never said it was "just because mine got worse." I said "statistically" most people will get worse as they get older. This could play out over years. There are always exceptions, so not all hope is lost. There can even a temporary reduction for some relief before returning to a new higher level.
    1-10 with 10 being the highest. How loud would you rate your T?
    It's all subjective lol. My tinnitus fluctuates between 7-9. For me, 8-9 levels are mostly unmaskable and with far stronger reactivity. Not even being next to a roaring waterfall can mask my T lol and yet @Mo8409 says her tinnitus can reach up to 8 when she's at home lol. Is our tinnitus the same in terms of loudness?
    Approx. about 7 atm and unmaskable as I am unable to, as mine's a bit different than most "hearing" folks here on TT. There's different types of T. and I do not believe it's the same in term of loudness. Imagine if we were all put together for couple months in a study, or a reality show like "Big Brother" to truly compare, relate, measure somewhat? Be verrrry interesting.
    The only way to rate it is MML or decibels. Mine sits between 40-50 decibels bilaterally but can top 70db with persistent noise exposure. Masking just aggravates it.
    Let the tears fall. I'll just cry myself to sleep tonight and wake up to the same nightmare over and over, no big deal.
    I told my husband it feels like ground hogs day. The day just repeats itself. Just trying to survive over and over again. It has to get better. I ask the people who have it for life and they are genuinely happy. So I hold onto this.
    @Mo8409 I've asked people the same and have gotten the same answer. <3
    1st time hearing "shhh" static in my L ear. That was trippy! I think it had something to do with my husband's loud AC in his truck. Cheers!
    Is yours in 1 ear mainly, I forgot? I remember you saying it was in your head. I get those weird moments too. My ears seem to mimic sounds from time to time. Last night it made a really low noise from the fish tank!
    @Mo8409 mainly in my left, but it is definitely bilateral by now.
    Isotretinoin wiki page does not mention tinnitus. Maybe edit/update it to warn others?
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