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  • Invited to a nice gathering in a building with unknown acoustics. Need to cancel of course. Risk too huge. Sad.
    Can you tell us more about your first dealings with Tinnitus? How did you get well from it? You indicated that from 2011 so (8 years) of chronic tinnitus you recovered? Is it worse now? not the same? wishing you well
    Hi Juliane... I also have severe T that gets worse with triggers.. I am also feeling extremely desperate and have suicidal thoughts often..
    Sorry to hear @HearingKoala. This community offers a lot of understanding and support when the world and family members do not. All the best!
    Thinking of all my friends in here. Sorry I don't have energy to look through all comments atm. You are all in my thoughts
    @Juliane - never feel the need to respond. Im sorry. I can be a bother. Same questions all the time. We are running out of words I know. I understand. I more then understand. We love you. This is hard.
    @4Grace I never replied to your kind message. Appreciate your always kind and loving words. I sense that you are a very good and kind soul ❤️
    How are things going? It's scary to think that it has been a long time. I don't think I am any better. Just louder and louder.
    Her house was a storehouse of cocaine. Loneliness. Isolation. She kept her dignity though. @Grace I like your name.
    My friend did a lot of mental health work with me in an imaginary place called healing temple. Dr Jack Kornfield style. The mind is very powerful.
    My friend's pain was intervertebral disc. Crushing unimaginable, what we have is serious, but actual pain pain, reach for cocaine.
    My tinnitus is getting worse all the time. Something is seriously wrong
    So I'm on like 6+ meds, and so what if I have music and restful rain soundtrack all night. So I can't get to sleep, all the time. It hasn't killed me yet.
    The meds are not the best thing to be on, they have side effects, but I'll wait it out. My life is shitty. ok. but so what. what else is new.
    @Juliane - I am so sorry to hear this. Honest to God. When you are carful and still worsen. We love you and wish you better days. I feel that if all my pain goes away I might have a chance at a smile. I wish you well.
    Mild T is not an issue. Sorry if this offends someone. But with mild T there is still so much to enjoy
    Yeah, I used to have mild T, for quite a few years. Never thought about it much unless it was quiet or was trying to sleep. I didn't like it, but I would love to have that now compared to severe tinnitus that I hear all the time throughout the whole day.
    I could not agree more.
    Part of my problem is that even at my worst like now I am still a perfectionist. I still take on too much of everything
    Same but look at you, you're still going strong even in the thick of the storm.
    All so predictable. The constant torture and complete lack of joy and sleep will weaken my health until I develop something fatal and die
    I have so much stress related pain it's insane. Destroying my health daily. I have had a painful soar throat for weeks. It's adding to the stress. I love you guys.
    I am not going to make it. Too much horrible suffering. Hate how life has turned out
    @4Grace, @Juliane is not 24, she is a Gen X, like me. Btw, somehow, among many people here, I relate to her and her suffering the most. I wish we come out on the other side of this, I really hope, but the relentless torture kills hope. I am getting some relief lately from time to time, yet I still don't believe in a lasting improvement, just delaying the inevitable.
    @4Grace I wish I was 24! LOL. A bit older :-) Still hope healing is possible for us in our 40es and 50es
    Had three cups of coffee today. Bad idea.
    Girl you're brave! I'll have anxiety and zero tolerance for T if I did that. I sip on a soda now or have tea on my good days.
    @Juliane and @BellaMia I drink a cup of coffee here and there decaf, If I have tea here and there it's decaf, and I drink diet and caffeine free drink. I'm
    So scared the caffeine will make my T worse. I drink
    Water all the time and milk.
    I am seriously considering quitting my job and giving up. People with T should not be working (my personal opinion). No capacity
    I would prefer to not work as well. I can barely get up and work, but no income if not.
    I work with a hand full of people who have bad T (High Freq that can be heard no matter what/no masking) and it doesn't bother them too much lol I'm at that point on my bad days. It feels like whatever.
    I wouldn't of said this a year ago, I used to think the same thing, I couldn't function.
    If there is an after life and if good forces reign, I promise my first question will be if we can all please be cured
    Like I said, some of them are really skilled at what they do, and will luck out with accurate guesses from time to time and that's where the confirmation biases starts to set in and then the person starts to give up critical info. If they happen to guess wrong, they swiftly pivot and redirect your attention to another high probability guess.
    Some folks who go see them are grappling with personal tragedies. That's one of the main things they keep in mind when they meet people. There's other things too, but the former is most common.
    "They have. I've seen mediums help with cases". I'm sure they have. If it helps people feel better and provide closure, that's a different thing. Good for them. But saying mediums are evidence of an afterlife is not the way. I take exception to that.

    Anyways, please feel free to disregard what I say if you wish. Have a good day too, @BellaMia
    I hope the people who did this to me got some enjoyment out of ruining my life. Then at least someone did. Well done, you must be so proud
    Very true. They narcissistic so it will never affect them.
    L along the way
    I hope they don't have any enjoyment about it at all, and i hope you may find ease & joy again, delicate lady
    Yeah I get mad at my doctor. Their ignorance to what I was prescribed. Ignorance in how it was handled afterwards and continued ignorance is maddening.
    I am never going to normalize tinnitus. F... that! Nothing normal about hearing a stupid sound 24/7. I can't. Won't.
    L along the way
    I resonate. A friend told me the only choice is to accept this. We had a deep talk about psychology, biology and philosophy regarding this. Somehow, since it is physical, and the brain has also to do with biology, and philosophy.. i find the answer to 'just accept'.. i mean.. i tried, but i cannot just turn on an accept switch or something.
    L along the way
    It just doesn't seem to work like that. I guess.. it's good to hear different perspectives, but ultimately follow the thing that works best for you. I have not found a solution for myself, or peace with it yet, for me.. i only go day by day, having hope things may get better, and living a healthy lifestyle
    I want a deep peaceful sleep. I want a magic wardrobe that leads to another world. I will meet you there.
    I wish I could sleep at least 7 hours straight or at least wake up so briefly that I don't even remember it. I can never go more than a few hours, at most, before waking up, and usually get more like 5 hours of broken sleep, even with overnight zolpidem.
    I could not sleep for 7 months. Now can't wait to get to bed. Just to shut down for the day.
    @Chess Do you usually sleep well?
    13-month update (almost): T has only gotten worse so far. The outlook is incredibly bleak. No hope left.
    I am so sorry to hear this. I had hope that you would get better. I thought you were doing a little better. :(
    Dear God, if my T lowers significantly and permanently in volume, I will become a better person.
    Marina Moon
    You're already good and have so much heart and compassion. T or any medical condition is not punishment for being bad (though i totally feel what you're saying, i too have been pleading bargains with God)
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