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  • Done with tinnitus as of right now…it's no longer going to be a problem for me. All the best everyone!
    Thanks @Joe Cuber I realized that I might have sent the wrong message so just wanted to clarify. I'm done with being a tinnitus sufferer. Not going to let it impact my life from now on.
    Man that's awesome, I love your mindset and attitude
    @Joe Cuber to be honest, My friends got tired of hearing me complaining so I stopped vocalizing my T issues and kept it inside then I got tired of listening to my internal complaints so I just decided to be done with the whole thing. Not sure if it is so simple but I'm going to give it a try.
    My tinnitus is so loud right now, absolutely deafening…
    My pulsatile tinnitus is loud today. No idea why. My heart rate isn't up or anything. :-/
    @AnthonyMcDonald I can find things that mask it for a little while but my brain seems to try and elevate the T signal above everything, so I can't get more than a minute off relief before my brain outsmarts the masking sound.
    Tinnitus…the free gift that you just can't return.
    @Steph1710 Yea I thought tinnitus was just hearing ringing when in silence. I never learned, even from reading about it, that it was more than that. So I thought I just had to watch out for hearing loss, since I already had ringing in silence.
    @kingsfan I don't mind the ringing in silence too much either. It's the ringing over everything else that makes me feel queasy.
    @kingsfan what do you find most distressing about your T?
    2 nights ago I slept for 8 hours + without waking up. This hadn't happened in over a year. Yesterday T was practically nonexistent all day.
    Sleep vs no sleep really changes mine! One of my few things I know makes a difference
    Me too! If I've had a bad night's sleep, my T is noticeably worse for it.
    This is good. Congratulations.
    Give anyone a year straight of 24/7 water boarding and they will eventually habituate to it…this logic doesn't work for tinnitus either!
    I have a doctor in the family who says that she sees a new patient every day for onset of tinnitus. Tinnitus is a noisy silent epidemic!
    I hope she doesn't give them a TRT pamphlet and tell them to continue destroying their ears...
    No…she's seen the hell I've gone through so she's very sympathetic and caring.
    Ears are quiet right now but my whole body feels like it is ringing…is body tinnitus a real thing?
    Really hate to be "that guy" but have you considered this to be maybe psychological?
    Might be…but it is also physiological too. My whole body is vibrating at the frequency of my tinnitus.
    Ears were super quiet today…I don't get it. Why would they be quieter after I exposed them to loud music the night before? Makes no sense.
    @AnthonyMcDonald got talked into subbing (last minute) for a musician who didn't show up to a gig. Normally I would have said hell no but, I'm tired of not doing the things that I love out of fear of my T getting worse. I'm going to live my life and learn to live with the consequences of screaming tinnitus because it's never going to get better anyway and I'm tired of hiding from it.
    @Stacken77 ears are screaming again today, so I guess they finally realized that I insulted them the other night!
    Sorry to hear that @Barry098. Yeah, it usually catches up on the end. Hang in there brother!
    Did a gig tonight…my ears are screaming now but I felt like I was actually alive for a change. Felt amazing!
    "Learn to live with it" - actually the only honest answer…
    When the Doctor acts as though you're wasting their time however it adds insult to injury as direct a relationship that idiom has to the situation aside. I'd much rather Doctors treat T like its a symptom of a condition and refer patients to communities like this to connect them to resources and information.
    @ThomasF It's really insulting when they are the ones that made it worse and they blow it off.
    I am trying to "learn to live with it again," right now I'm more in the "learning to exist with it" phase though. I just wish I had something to goto other than a pair of white knuckles…
    Having a real rough day...Tinnitus is unbearable right now
    @aura Really, just came back out of the blue one day? That is a really creepy...So, even if we beat this curse, it is still just hiding in the shadows waiting to pounce one day...
    We need a permanent solution for this problem! This is incredible that we are all suffering like this and have no coping mechanisms other than, "masking" which doesn't work for me and Xanax which helps a little but can't be used everyday. Wow, shame on the medical establishment for not putting all of their effort into finding a cure for the most awful torturous disease which has ever been unleashed on humanity...
    Tinnitus is a great remedy for people who feel like life is moving too fast...
    Matt G
    Sort of similar, but I had this same thought when Covid started in the US. As weird as this sounds, I welcomed Covid as my life was slowly becoming unlivable with how often I was on the run (so I thought).

    I wish I could go back and slap myself in the face for thinking that. Being on the run is what keeps someone like myself alive. Now I barely enjoy my weekends because of severely reactive T.
    There were a few moments when I felt like I was hearing silence today. What a strange sensation that was!
    Me too! I woke up this morning with T so silent I thought it disappeared lol.
    This morning I woke up without the normal electrocution…almost peaceful.
    What kind of electrocution do u usually have? My T is electrical and hurts often. @Barry098
    My whole body feels like it's ringing most mornings @Jerad…it feels like electricity running through my body
    Diphenhydramine seems to help with both sleep and stopping the body jitters…wonder how long it is safe to take this stuff…
    I used to laugh at the idea of John Cage's composition "4:33" now I think it's the greatest piece of music ever written
    Monkee Man
    I really dig John Lennon's "Nutopian International Anthem" myself.
    Finally got a chance to check it out @Monkee Man …really great track! Short and sweet!
    I don't care at all about my ears anymore. I just can't handle the feeling of electricity running through my whole body 24/7. It's brutal.
    T is really screaming today…feels like my whole body is ringing…I don't get it. Why does it cause this physiological reaction?
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