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  • Thinking of you all! How did everyone do today?
    I want to know! What do you do to help relieve your Tinnitus? I have found out that a long bath helps me.
    Getting ready to school my littles. This is hard but I trust God when He says, "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."
    Ryan Scott
    @Ryan Scott Yes, we homeschool. =) I developed T 11/20/22 and it's been really hard to focus since. I just want to sleep in to avoid hearing the T so we start school late & our normal schedule is just out of whack & really messing with both me & the kids. =/
    Anyone else have T plus chronic migraines? Accutane is the devil. =[
    i get tension headaches where it feels like my head is full of pressure. Another annoying thing to be dealing with.
    @Strawberryblonde I think I get that too from Accutane. I'm not taking it anymore, but it caused my T and migraines that haven't stopped yet. I am 4 months post-Accutane. =(
    I use olbas oil when I get a tension headache I feel it helps relieve it ever so slightly. I do that before either reach for a headache tablet :(
    What medication is best to take for sleep? I'm looking for something less ototoxic if there is such a thing. Natural stuff doesn't cut it.=(
    I am 3 hours away from Stanford Hospital. I called & asked ?s but I'm waiting for a call back. Any new news on Stanford or their research?
    I took sleep medication last night that usually works, but nope, no sleep for me. I tried again for a nap and still no sleep. =(
    So... What kind of treatments are being explored for tinnitus right now, medication and Shore's device, correct?
    Had a good day with T yesterday, I could barely hear it! I was also extremely busy all day and out and about, but still. =)
    This is the process of lowering the priority of T and getting back to your life. Now that you have experienced this process this is what you should build on.
    @GeorgeLG I am a stay at home homeschool Mom and my house is very quiet and it just makes it so hard to ignore. I love the sound of fans so I might need to run one in every room or just put waterfall sounds on all the TVs or something until I am okay with my T in Silent places.
    In the beginning I would look for activities that had just the right amount of background sounds to distract me. Then every time I had an exposure and spike I would go do something that ended in an accomplishment so every bad event became something positive and satisfying. Eventually I did not care about it anymore.
    Right now google "whats the number 1 disability in the UNITED STATES military"... The answer will blow your MIND. Now are you ready for another shocker that'll make you go mad, Go look up all the CELEBRITIES/MUSICIANS WITH THIS.. I wanted to punch a wall when i saw the names.
    They overnight with a single tweet or promo shoot could've made Tinnitus go VIRAL years ago and gave it the much attention it needs
    @SarahMLFlemmer sorry if its too much i kinda dont want to scare you cause your new
    @SarahMLFlemmer Also i want to say they do have some interesting discoveries and new things that are suppose to KNOCK ON WOOD be coming out. so hang on, try to be positive etc etc. and the reason im telling you all this is because i want u 2 see how the powers that be are almost intentionally failing us.
    @KoolKat I don't have time to respond at the moment but... #GodWins

    PS: I don't think there's much you could say that would scare me. No worries, man!
    Wishing you all a good night's sleep. Prayers up for a better tomorrow. Goodnight and God bless.
    I used to take different antidepressants over the years but don't anymore.
    You will wake up one day and you won't be scared or anxious or think about your T. It really is a long process and does take some damn hard mental strength to get through it, but you will get there. When? Only you will know that :) @SarahMLFlemmer
    @SarahMLFlemmer "Hi Sarah, I hope everything is going well for you. How is the Amitriptyline medication working out for you? im curious why you chose that one vs. 30 others out there. Thank you
    @Supersix Hey! I'm doing alright, I guess. Everyday is different. Amitriptyline 25mg works great for me for sleep. And IDK, it's just something my primary doc suggested. I tried other things like Hydroxyzine, Benadryl, and one other anti-depressant that I can't remember the name right now, but they didn't work, and the other AD tripped me out.
    Frantically looking for "a cure"...
    I have a family and I feel so bad. They can't comprehend what I am going through. They are supportive, but I hate the person I am today. :(
    I know things could be worse, much worse... But how is there absolutely no cure for this thing? It's very depressing.
    Are there any fellow believers in this forum currently?
    @SarahMLFlemmer Amen sis. I take my baby dose of Ativan a day which has SO gotten me through this, and I started with a good functional medicine doc who is detoxing/clearing out inflammation organ by organ which will ultimately help me heal. Currently looking into stem cell treatment but that is SOLELY given my specific case of how I got T…
    @SarahMLFlemmer i am so so sorry you deal with other health issues. I have Hoshimotos hypothyroid but it is well controlled with my med and from working with functional med doc. Have you worked with functional med doc ??
    Also, read @Marin 's thread about being alive and 75% better. Her story got me through and still does, she is amazing and what she shares that helped heal her, I feel, could benefit many with T.
    This is torture. How are we supposed to live like this?
    Yes @SarahMLFlemmer - through all these years many of us have taken too much for granted. In many ways I've never been more grateful than I am now - because this journey is, and have been, an eye opener. Those little things I thought less about before, means so much more now. I notice them. And they are anything but little. That cup of coffee, that hug, a bird singing, fishing, or whatever you may enjoy...
    @MindOverMatter this has def. been an eye opener for me too, for sure. Yeah, it doesn't look like a feasible cure (in my opinion) is coming anytime soon. No choice but to accept what is & trust God.
    When I am out & about my T feels like it's in my ear. When I am someplace quiet my T feels like it's in my whole head. Is that normal?
    Ryan Scott
    I think its pretty normal. In a quiet room my T only sounds like its coming from my left ear, but when I put my right ear on a pillow I still hear my T.
    Just kidding, my tinnitus is loud again and it hurts. I've never felt so defeated in my life. Oh LORD, I put my hope in you, healed or not.
    Did anyone's T lower in volume at all since onset? Mine is low today and I'm hoping that's a stride in the right direction & not a fluke.
    So, is the Lenire thing legit or should I just keep on scrollin'?
    It's not FDA approved in the USA yet. I could be very wrong but I think you'd have to go to a clinic site across the pond for eval. I think Dr. Shore's device will be of much more benefit if either were to work.
    I've heard people say that they can forget about their T for hours, days, then weeks and even MONTHS! Is and how is this even possible?!
    Our inspiration and source of strength can be from many sources. If your faith strengthens you and helps you with your burden then I am glad for that. Take from what you learn here and combine it with your belief system and find strength and purpose in your life. Some perspective and new coping skills can get you there.
    The new T sufferer sometimes sees this as life's worst possible affliction and yet the H sufferer often longs for just T. Being a cancer sufferer and in constant pain and going through a particular bad round of joint and leg pain recently I have hardly thought about my ear pain this last 2 weeks.
    This same shift in focus can work to benefit us when we learn to deprioritize T and start focusing on accomplishing good and positive things. "I did this and hardly thought about it today or for a few hours".
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