Tryn2BHopeful Oct 30, 2023 So I got my referral to a better audiologist but they want to send me to neurology as well for imaging. Such horror stories on MRI's on here
So I got my referral to a better audiologist but they want to send me to neurology as well for imaging. Such horror stories on MRI's on here
Tryn2BHopeful Oct 25, 2023 An update to CBT. The therapist I went to was worthless. Accomplished nothing the OTO app couldn't of accomplished. Yet another fail.
An update to CBT. The therapist I went to was worthless. Accomplished nothing the OTO app couldn't of accomplished. Yet another fail.
Tryn2BHopeful Oct 25, 2023 Tried to reach out to some other places to help with T, but all require a referral. Now I have to fight with my PCP to get a referral.
Tried to reach out to some other places to help with T, but all require a referral. Now I have to fight with my PCP to get a referral.
Tryn2BHopeful Oct 25, 2023 Tried to talk to my wife about T, having a bad week. Met with disgust and disinterest. Why does it seem like the ones we love don't care?
Tried to talk to my wife about T, having a bad week. Met with disgust and disinterest. Why does it seem like the ones we love don't care?
Tryn2BHopeful Oct 24, 2023 Sorry for spamming... just one of those days. I hope everyone is doing well.
Tryn2BHopeful Oct 24, 2023 I dont know how I am going to survive this. I dont want to die, but if death came for me would I fight it? I dont know and that scares me.
I dont know how I am going to survive this. I dont want to die, but if death came for me would I fight it? I dont know and that scares me.
Tryn2BHopeful Oct 24, 2023 Still cant believe this is my life now. I feel like I live to survive the day, go to bed just to do it all over again. I miss being happy.
Still cant believe this is my life now. I feel like I live to survive the day, go to bed just to do it all over again. I miss being happy.
Tryn2BHopeful Oct 21, 2023 I don't know where I am headed but I am going to keep moving forward and hope I find the something better.
I don't know where I am headed but I am going to keep moving forward and hope I find the something better.
Tryn2BHopeful Oct 13, 2023 There is no fighting T. There is only accepting what's happening to you and dealing with it the best you can. That is somehow harder...
There is no fighting T. There is only accepting what's happening to you and dealing with it the best you can. That is somehow harder...
Tryn2BHopeful Oct 12, 2023 So I wonder... my T is a little screechy and I have been eating a bunch of Tic Tacs today... I noticed they have Magnesium Stearate in them!
So I wonder... my T is a little screechy and I have been eating a bunch of Tic Tacs today... I noticed they have Magnesium Stearate in them!
Tryn2BHopeful Oct 10, 2023 Therapy is going ok... I guess... but I get upset every time she refers to my T as just "annoying"... Bratty kids are annoying, T is evil.
Therapy is going ok... I guess... but I get upset every time she refers to my T as just "annoying"... Bratty kids are annoying, T is evil.
Tryn2BHopeful Oct 9, 2023 Keeping an air purifier running in the room seems to prevent the low HUM, but causes a mild reaction to my T... but its better than the hum!
Keeping an air purifier running in the room seems to prevent the low HUM, but causes a mild reaction to my T... but its better than the hum!
Tryn2BHopeful Oct 7, 2023 I hope you Canadians enjoyed your Turkey or whatever else you eat?! Maple syrup and beer?! =p
Tryn2BHopeful Oct 6, 2023 Am I the only one that hopes that I will crack my neck, blow my nose or just do something and one day wake up without T? I know its silly!
Am I the only one that hopes that I will crack my neck, blow my nose or just do something and one day wake up without T? I know its silly!
Tryn2BHopeful Oct 3, 2023 How does a drug meant to treat anxiety and depression cause so much of it?! Maybe this was always going to happen.
How does a drug meant to treat anxiety and depression cause so much of it?! Maybe this was always going to happen.
Tryn2BHopeful Oct 3, 2023 Got to switch off, and realize there is no solution. Time and acceptance seem to be what I got. But how?!
Got to switch off, and realize there is no solution. Time and acceptance seem to be what I got. But how?!
Tryn2BHopeful Oct 3, 2023 CBT therapy was interesting... not sure what we are accomplishing... Talking about my abusive step father from 30 years ago...bleh
CBT therapy was interesting... not sure what we are accomplishing... Talking about my abusive step father from 30 years ago...bleh
Tryn2BHopeful Sep 28, 2023 You would think at some point my brain would just give up and stop trying to make sense of whatever signal is coming its way... but NOOOOO!
You would think at some point my brain would just give up and stop trying to make sense of whatever signal is coming its way... but NOOOOO!
Tryn2BHopeful Sep 27, 2023 While I am typing my left ear keeps making a popping sound or something. WTF....
Tryn2BHopeful Sep 26, 2023 My son has given up on me, he thinks I am self absorbed... I guess he is right... I had such a good relationship with him until T.
My son has given up on me, he thinks I am self absorbed... I guess he is right... I had such a good relationship with him until T.