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  • I'm almost 5 months in since onset, and (per ENT) in one more month my T is considered "chronic/permanent." Yay. =(
    There are plenty of people who's tinnitus has gone away after 6 months! Or at least had significant reduction.

    Chronic doesn't necessarily mean life long. It means its a condition that has lasted much longer than would be expected.

    ENTs think it's better for us to believe our tinnitus will never go ever. I guess preparing for the worst is better than huge disappointment.
    Just remember Sarah, that ENT does not get to decide this, you and your bioindividual self decide this. We are all different, there is no single timeline or trajectory.
    My dad's T noise decreased dramatically to basically nothing after 7-8 years. Someone I just spoke with, his T went away spontaneously in 9-12 months.
    I didn't think I had "spikes" but maybe I do, OR maybe I'm just oversensitive to the noise right now because it gets emotionally wearing.
    This is hard. I can do hard things. This is hard... I CAN DO HARD THINGS. This. Is. Hard... I. Can. Do. Hard. Things. One. Day. At. A. Time.
    Tinnitus is one of the dumbest ailments I've ever heard of. No pun intended.
    Ryan Scott
    Makes total sense to me for tinnitus to persist a month or so after an attack on the auditory system to make the body aware to protect itself. But what advantage is provided beyond the acute phase is the biggest mystery to me.
    For real. Why the f would the body want to spend resources to keep producing something so useless for our survival permanently. It makes less and less sense if you think about it from an evolution point of view.
    Eloy Resendez Jr
    Hi Sarah, You are absolutely correct. When I first got T, I would tell my wife, "how stupid is this!", really, but then something called floaters happened to me. Apparently things that go with getting older, anyway, they are just as stupid as tinnitus, hang in there.
    I know the answer can't be definitive, but what might be the chances of Shore's Device working for someone w/ MEDICATION INDUCED TINNITUS?
    My understanding is that if you can calm the hyperactivity in the DCN you can calm the T. I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure non somatic cases are thought to be due to hyperactivity in the DCN as well
    Also my original T I thought was non-somatic but I could get rid of it by putting my head upside down. Idk if what constitutes "somatic" has been rigorously defined. I would be hopeful! I also hadn't heard of what Lurius mentioned about a non-somatic version of the device, so that is great!
    And so it is... Stupid day to do my makeup. Let the tears roll!
    I'm currently trying my bone conduction headphones and a random Tinnitus noise playlist on Spotify lol. I've pretty much given up all the random noises and supplements and all that, but every once in awhile I try something when I'm desperate.
    @SamRosemary yeah, I try to be in silence. I don't want to be afraid to never not have any noise.
    Hi there. I'm new to Tinnutus. 38 year old dad of an awesome little 3 year old and kickass wife that I'm trying to spare. I've had symptoms now for a week. It's been the hardest thing ever. Just wanted to say hello.
    I have been sad about my condition, plus I have thyroid issues and bladder issues, plus kidney disease. Then I seen a man in a wheelchair the other day with no legs, chillin' on his phone outside on the corner with a smile on his face, and I suddenly felt grateful.
    I'm now to a point where if I am busy, I can tune it out. My home is pretty quite even with two kids so just watching TV or reading is still hard, but my tolerance is getting better...
    Plus there seems to be a lot of hope wrapped around the Susan Shore/Michigan Device so I'm hopeful for that but with a tad bit of healthy skepticism. Actually, I had another friend who had a acoustic trauma from shooting without ear plugs and his went away too but he was young. It is possible... It seems like the younger, the more likely but that's not definite. Be careful for a while.
    Cyclobenzaprine (muscle relaxer) got rid of the pressure & vibration in my R ear. Now I'm just left with the flashbang sound.
    That flashback is my whole existence. My every waking moment. I take loooong showers and make myself very busy to cope.
    @BrOKeN_1 I'm so sorry. This is so hard but I'm finally at least mentally stable, it just took a while. How long have you had T and how did you develope it?
    Aaand, the pressure/vibration/muffled R ear is back along with the flashbang (constant high frequency) sound. =[
    I appreciate you all and I am happy and grateful to have met you!
    @Ryan Scott Yes, I am doing well! =D

    But now my right ear feels clogged and like a airplane engine??? =/

    How are you?!
    Ryan Scott
    @SarahMLFlemmer Pretty much the same as everyday just dealing with tinnitus lol. Good to hear you are doing okay.
    @Ryan Scott I developed tinnitus 11/20/22 and then had a 3 month mental breakdown and even some days having suicidal thoughts. My mental health was VERY BAD. Just about this last month I have been coping A LOT better. I still have days where I cry and get overwhelmed but I think I've finally made it to "stage 2 habituation."
    R ear may be pressure, not fluid? Muffled- prob. a small dip in HL (if any)? It's making the R side of my face shaky & my jaw clench harder.
    @ZFire well, that didn't last long. My tinnitus is quieter than onset and a different tone but this pressure is weird! I can't pop my R ear when I plug my nose and blow through my cheeks, only my L ear.
    @SarahMLFlemmer , you might want to give bioflavonoids a try as well. Some people here have reported relief from taking them.

    But ultimately what @makeyourownluck (hi) has said. She's an expert on this.
    @ZFire Excess B12 gives me high anxiety... boo! But, I was able to rid of it with taking Cyclobenzaprine.
    HELP! My R ear feels clogged, it's now ringing loud & feels full. I am nervous I may be experiencing hearing loss. What should I do?
    Whenever I have a loud exposure my tinnitus gets louder, my ear pain increases and sometimes the ear feels full or dull like mild hearing loss. Then I go back to baseline. Used to take days, now it takes hours.
    Ultimately you need to listen to your body and if you think its a code red situation then by all means go seek medical advice. If you have a major exposure (gun discharge, loud close fireworks, etc) and then experience hearing loss then definitely go see a doctor quickly because early intervention matters.
    @GeorgeLG I don't know if it's a "code red" or if it's "normal" with tinnitus. ={ I don't think I was exposed to anything too loud, maybe a vacuum or blow dryer. If it is hearing loss, it's mild. And my right side of my head feels strange, kinda shaky inside, maybe pressure? It's hard to explain. I probably should make an emergency ENT appointment just to be safe rather than sorry, huh?
    Tinnitus is stupid.
    The first time I got it was in spring of 2016, but it was quickly resolved after a chiropractor did some "moves". The 2nd time, which is what I'm still suffering from, was in August 2018, when I did a valsalva maneuver after having had a common cough for about a week. I believe the maneuver was the trigger, but what is maintaining it is probably a nasty concoction of anxiety PTSD, loneliness, some hearing loss etc.
    I keep myself busy weekdays; homeschooling, deep cleaning & going to my studies, but weekends & nights while I'm trying to rest are hard.
    Ryan Scott
    What are you studying?
    @Ryan Scott Currently in the book of Hebrews on Monday nights and I am involved in a "Biblical Mental Health" class Wednesday nights at our church. I'm also going through the book of John. =)
    You are allowed to test drive hearing aids. They usually give you a two-week free trial. Just ask in advance when you go in.
    @SamRosemary I'm trying to "habituate" without anything, but I'm sure when I get desperate enough, I'll start calling around. I should probably start looking around now though at least so I'll know where to go.

    I wonder if me trying to "do it all by myself" is just me being stubborn...
    It's not being defeatist having a try of hearing aids nor is it being stubborn not too :) if it helps it helps and if it's helps you habituate faster then it's all good :) @SarahMLFlemmer
    @SarahMLFlemmer. Don't try to do it yourself. See if it helps you. It's worth trying.
    I tried one hearing aid for my left ear because that's where most of the ringing was coming from. It did very little. Once I tried a pair, my hearing was perfect, and the ringing almost entirely went away.
    @sakrt Wouldn't just listening to T everyday help with habituation over trying to cover up the sound with hearing aids? What kind of doc do I see to test drive them?
    Not me @SarahMLFlemmer which is torture, hearing it 24/7, w/ combo of H & noxacusis from CI. It doesn't need to be hearing-aids, but any soft "safe" sounds helps distract to a certain degree. From my exp. ENT Drs. don't discuss devices, which is weird, but defer you over to audiology. If you're lucky, like @Michael Leigh had, is to find a patient experienced T/H audiologist. I have not come across one yet myself.
    @sakrt okay, so look for an "good" audiologist that knows a thing or two about tinnitus.
    It may still help. You will know within 10 minutes of trying them on if it will help. When you walk outside, the hearing aids will pick up all of the sounds that you were missing.
    I feel like I hear more than most people now. =P I probably should try them though.
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