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Member, Male

Reactive severe T is so much easier to deal with than dysphagia. Never knew or could even imagine that, until I got both. Feb 27, 2024

DeanD was last seen:
Apr 26, 2024
    1. hopefuldede
      Hi buddy - I have an EMG on Friday - kind of worried about it sore? Did it affect your T? How you getting on with your travel plans. Hope you’re good
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      2. DeanD
        @hopefuldede - those trips sound great, be just the thing you need!
        Aug 9, 2023
        Strawberryblonde likes this.
      3. DeanD
        Aug 20, 2023
        hopefuldede likes this.
      4. hopefuldede
        Hey Dean - all clear! I was nervous as hell getting it done. Going through a shitty spike tonight though was out running today and one of my buddies screamed for no reason right beside me. Doing some self talk here telling myself it will pass shortly.
        Aug 21, 2023
        DeanD likes this.
    2. DeanD
      Is anyone else's t so loud that you can't actually hear the fridgefreezer whirring in an otherwise silent kitchen because of it?
      1. ZFire likes this.
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      3. DeanD
        Aug 7, 2023
        ZFire likes this.
      4. ZFire
        Same thing for me as well, @DeanD. The tinnitus overrides the fridge and freezer noise, making it extremely difficult to hear even in a quiet setting. I can still hear whirling sound of the freezer, but it intermingles with my tinnitus heavily.
        Aug 7, 2023
      5. Hardwell
        This is where it confuses me when we talk about loudness of one’s T. Some occasions the fridge masks my T, but most of the time I hear it over the fridge. Although I can still hear the fridge clearly
        Aug 10, 2023
        ZFire likes this.
    3. DeanD
      Tinnitus louder. Breathing difficult, swallowing a challenge, throat spasms. They execute as punishment, but not euthanise out of compassion
      1. Juliane and in_LA like this.
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      3. ErikaS
        @DeanD we have a few clinics over here in the USA that are called “Functional Neurology” .. I just spoke with one that sounds very good and they speak with International clients. I honestly feel like this is who you need to talk to next, when “all the scans/bloods look fine but you are not” ..
        Jun 29, 2023
      4. ErikaS
        Jun 29, 2023
      5. DeanD
        @ErikaS - thank you so much, it is very much appreciated. I am going to look in to them!
        Jul 3, 2023
        ErikaS likes this.
    4. DeanD
      Anyone else seen the latest Neuroscience news and how neurologists and scientists are seeing 'major' improvements of T with LLLT??
      1. SarahMLFlemmer and RunningMan like this.
      2. RunningMan
        I hadn't, but I have now.
        Jun 26, 2023
      3. ErikaS
        I just recently spoke with a functional neurologist and she shared she always uses some form of LLLT with tinnitus patients. Some here on the forum had nice results in the past, some had none, while others had worsenings.
        Jun 26, 2023
      4. DeanD
        I remember reading two very long threads on here re LLLT when mine first started, and was tempted to buy the device being recommended. I didn't in the end.
        First legitimate science news site I have seen highlighting this.
        Shame no one is capturing enough data to know who it works for and who it doesn't. It won't be as random as it seems I'm sure.
        Jun 26, 2023
        ErikaS likes this.
    5. ErikaS
    6. ErikaS
      Hey Dean, have they done any brain stem specific tests with you? I am sure they have. I know you didn't have a brainstem stroke, but as we know in the community, our auditory traumas have great affect on the brainstem. I just came across a study that used tDCS to improve swallowing function post brainstem stroke. Link is above. In any case, maybe something like this could help gain swallowing function back?
      1. DeanD likes this.
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      3. ErikaS
        Many neurologists here in USA run EEGs to detect things like seizure activity, so EEGs are part of standard neruo practice I would think. However, f you have already had an EEG done with the Brain clinic, I would ask for those results to at least provide to your neuro doc and then they could compare if they were to do a repeat EEG.Happy to hear you're at least getting those calories in. Are you able to swallow pills?
        Jun 23, 2023
        hopefuldede likes this.
      4. DeanD
        @ErikaS - my neurologist has a copy of my EEG but he just glanced over it and never really paid it much attention. But I have the original from Brai3n so a before and after may be a very good idea!
        Ive not tried pills. My SaLT said maybe thats something I can try with her on my next appointment.
        My goal for this week is to eat chicken nuggets and a sausage roll.
        Im being told to stay away from bread though
        Jun 23, 2023
      5. DeanD
        @ErikaS - when I put earplugs in I get a tickle and pull in to my throat which causes more uncomfortableness (I feel its a nerve reaction), but doesn't help when you have reactive tinnitus and need to go out.
        Over the ear headphones do the same thing, surprisingly.
        I also find it much more difficult to swallow with ear plugs in
        Jun 23, 2023
    7. DeanD
      I tried to perserve through the t and h, kept going with the swallowing issues but I can not taking breathing difficulties on top of it
      1. gameover likes this.
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      3. ErikaS
        @DeanD I completed the brain mapping on Friday, meeting with him tomorrow to discuss findings and a protocol moving forward. I am staying neutral and will have many questions. I just can’t get too hopeful about much these days in fear of something not benefitting my situation.
        Any new tests you completed yet?
        Jun 12, 2023
      4. DeanD
        @ErikaS - it does at least sound promising, and a step towards actually trying to do something about it.
        I read with interest as little exists in the UK for something similar. We have Brai3n in Belgium but they weren't brimming with optimism.
        Today I had another (and hopefully last) upper endooscopy which came back clear.
        Barium swallow (again) this Wednesday.
        Jun 13, 2023
      5. ErikaS
        @DeanD good luck with the barium swallow, let me know how that goes. I know they have done all the nerve tests they can but man something just points to a dysfunction somewhere like vagus nerve and autonomic system dysfunction. Does neurology find any reason to do an EEG?
        Jun 14, 2023
    8. DeanD
      Loud ear crackle I have been compaining about can be heard by others! Put my ear to someones today and they heard it too Mechanical surely!?
      1. Sammy0225 and Ryan Scott like this.
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      3. ErikaS
        DAO supplement helps the body break down and metabolize histamine. And I am so sorry I didn't answer before now, sometimes I miss in my notifications a mention or it doesn't show up. @DeanD
        May 25, 2023
      4. DeanD
        @ErikaS - I have had so many tests going from endoscopy, to EMG, painful physio etc... but the one I just can't do is the nasal camera. Tried 4 times now. Physio yesterday said very tight throat spasms seem to be coming from towards my ears - just can't find any case studies linking the two.
        May 25, 2023
      5. DeanD
        @ErikaS - oh no don't apologise for the delay, Im very grateful and appreciate all the help and support you have been giving me.
        How are you doing?
        May 25, 2023
    9. hopefuldede
      1. DeanD, Sammy0225, ErikaS and 2 others like this.
      2. ErikaS
        Wondering this too, @DeanD , thinking of you often.
        May 18, 2023
        DeanD likes this.
      3. DeanD
        Hi @hopefuldede and @ErikaS - things haven't improved that much unfortunately.
        All neurological tests came back clear, CT Scan clear. SaLT diagnosed me with laryngospasm, but breathing still an issue. Able to eat scrambled eggs and hoops.
        Going for throat physio this week.
        T and H still an afterthought, and I am doing a lot more without giving them much thought.
        How are you both?
        May 21, 2023
        hopefuldede likes this.
    10. Sammy0225
      How you been brother
      1. Strawberryblonde likes this.
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      3. Strawberryblonde
        Sending so much good thoughts and positivity your way @DeanD no one deserves to go through what you are going through. I really hope you get an answer and soon.
        May 7, 2023
        DeanD and tpj like this.
      4. Sammy0225
        I’m so sorry to hear that @DeanD I’m baffled at what would be causing the spasms! I really want you to be free from all this crap. As for me I’m hanging in there man having loud days mixed with quiet days, just taking it day by day.
        May 7, 2023
        DeanD, tpj and Strawberryblonde like this.
      5. DeanD
        Hey @Sammy0225 - no one seems to be able to work out the root cause, so although almost all medical staff have given up I have a SaLT who is perservering and trying to help me alleviate the symptoms with throat exercises, pushing me with certain soft food and sending me for physio.
        Crazy times!
        May 21, 2023
    11. DeanD
      Choked on pureed food for first time, and choked swallowing water. Swallowing feels so weak. Dysphagia 10x worse than t and h.
      1. Strawberryblonde likes this.
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      3. DeanD
        @ErikaS - many thanks, and English is the only language I know lol, so all good
        May 1, 2023
      4. DeanD
        May 6, 2023
      5. Hardwell
        Sorry @DeanD I’ve only just seen this, No I wouldn’t entertain the idea. It’s ordinarily 10 sessions+ And just as loud if not louder then an MRI
        May 12, 2023
    12. DeanD
      Need to go London tomorrow for tests. Either taxi for 2hrs each way or train and underground for 1hr each way. What would you do?
      1. Sammy0225 and Strawberryblonde like this.
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      3. DeanD
        @ErikaS - unfortunately although I am pushing things along, everything is running very slow. My neurologist referred me for an EMG three weeks ago to rule out MG but still another week until he is back from vacation.
        I did ask in the meantime is there anything I can do or take and was told 'no'.
        The CT scan is actually a cancer check as it was a way my GP could get me seen quickly (but not neurological related).
        Apr 28, 2023
      4. DeanD
        @ErikaS - every next test is taking 2-3 weeks (and all private as NHS is 40 week wait) and all the while the symptoms are getting worse.
        My GP out of desperation ordered the CT scan to check for a tumour, and a full suite of blood tests - which have all come back ok) .
        My GP can't prescribe anything without neurologist - and right now he's recommending diazepam (even though he suspected MG!)
        Apr 28, 2023
      5. ErikaS
        I give you so much credit for marching on with tests. This is all very scary, @DeanD , and I just hate that you and others have to be so strong when you are faced with such debilitation. I don’t know if you’re a faithful person, but I will specifically pray that an answer is found for you very soon.
        Apr 29, 2023
        DeanD likes this.
    13. DeanD
      Prescribed Prednisolone in case myasthenia gravis is diagnosed (my guess is vagus nerve dysfunction). Dont know how it will react with t!?
      1. Strawberryblonde likes this.
    14. DeanD
      Severe H and T are brutal. Dysphagia and breathing issues soul destroying. Together, leave you absolutely suicidle.
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      2. ErikaS
        I have had quite a rough mental week, but I don't want to complain given your situation. Meeting with my psychiatrist tomorrow and will out a med plan in motion, depression is winning and I am unable to pull myself out.
        Apr 16, 2023
        Strawberryblonde likes this.
      3. DeanD
        @Strawberryblonde - it sure does help taking a break from here at times!! Keep pushing forward!
        And thanks :)
        Apr 16, 2023
        Strawberryblonde likes this.
      4. DeanD
        @ErikaS - no problem, just thought I'd ask in case.

        Im sorry you're feeling this way. Im so glad though you managed to get away on vacation though, it's such a huge step!
        I saw your post and have my fingers crossed for you with your psychiatrist and the meds - I was there trying to pull myself out not long ago and know how tough it is.
        I know you will get there!!
        Apr 16, 2023
        ErikaS and Strawberryblonde like this.
    15. DeanD
      Car alarm randomly went off whilst sitting in the car just now. 5 secs, and spike. Can't eat or drink, breathing a problem. Why live anymore
      1. Sammy0225 likes this.
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      3. DeanD
        @ErikaS - its tough, I'm not going to lie. I find it so strange that with thousands of case studies and posts on here I can't find a link between t and h and this.
        Perhaps stress or meds, but again nothing noone on here hasn't had or tried.
        Happened too soon after onset of h and t, as well as stress and meds, to not be connected.
        Apr 11, 2023
      4. ErikaS
        @DeanD like I said to you some time back, I feel like something triggered an autoimmune response or neurological inflammatory response. All I can do is pray that they figure it out soon for you AND have something to offer you for relief
        Apr 12, 2023
      5. DeanD
        Apr 12, 2023
    16. jake_g_t
      Has your spike from your ear plug molding improved at all? Im beginning to suspect this is what caused mine along with COVID. Hope you’re well.
      1. DeanD
        @jake_g_t I felt that it took around 2 weeks, maybe just over, but did seem to go down (not sure whether to baseline). The increase in ear crackle though did not diminish
        Apr 7, 2023
    17. DeanD
      Getting terrible throat spasms, sores, tightness and swallowing issues. All started 1.5 months ago. Any link to ear nerve damage?
      1. sakrt, Sammy0225 and Strawberryblonde like this.
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      3. sakrt
        @DeanD Have you done an upper GI endoscopy? Did you get results from barium swallow? First thing that came to mind was esophageal stricture; dysphagia, however the throat spasms is a separate issue (I think).
        Apr 4, 2023
      4. DeanD
        @sakrt - yes I had the upper GI endoscopy 5 weeks ago along with biopsy and showed nothing. The barium swallow results showed nothing either.
        Apr 4, 2023
        sakrt likes this.
      5. DeanD
        @ErikaS - hope you're enjoying your vacation!!!
        Just one other piece of information for when you are back, I seem to have lost my gag reflex, and worried this is pointing towards vagus nerve dysfunction
        Apr 8, 2023
        sakrt likes this.
    18. DeanD
      In a bar. Music playing. 70db recorded. Wearing custom ear plugs between 30db and 40db (high freq) hoping not too much! Thoughts?
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      2. Ryan Scott
        Ryan Scott
        @DeanD Are these the custom plugs that gave you the spike? What kind are they?
        Apr 3, 2023
      3. DeanD
        @Ryan Scott - yes the very same. Unfortunately I cant remember the brand. I visited a local audiologist who recommended them, but they turned up in a plastic bag with no branding. All I know is that they protect up to 39db high freq and up to 30db low freq. If I find out I'll Let you know.
        Apr 3, 2023
        Strawberryblonde and Ryan Scott like this.
      4. DeanD
        @Ryan Scott - I will add that as much as I spiked, it gave me the confidence to get out more. I wore huge red Peltors anywhere outside whereas now I have used the discreet ear plugs to drive, grocery store - and even away for the weekend with friends and to bars this weekend for the first time in 6 months (never thought Id do again!)
        Apr 3, 2023
    19. DeanD
      Is being double plugged when driving being protective for sound reactive t or making things worse due to occulsion?
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      2. DeanD
        Well @UKBloke I have been using both silicone and custom molded ear plugs (up to 39db and high freq block) as well as Peltor ear protection.
        I spike easily, and inside the car is 70db.
        It seemed practical but wondering now if counter intuitive
        Mar 27, 2023
        Strawberryblonde likes this.
      3. Strawberryblonde
        I use my 20db hearprotek plugs sometimes when out in the car. Dulls the sound of the road noise without the occlusion. Also like @UKBloke said they let the ear breath.
        Mar 27, 2023
        DeanD likes this.
      4. Sammy0225
        From my own personal experience using pro in the car spikes the shit out of my Tinnitus. The occu effect gets me every time
        Mar 28, 2023
        DeanD and Strawberryblonde like this.
    20. DeanD
      Anyone know of any good quality speakers to use for work calls rather than the poor laptop speakers? I have high freq sound reactive t
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      2. DeanD
        Mar 26, 2023
      3. DeanD
        @Sammy0225 - I can use my personal cell phone but all my work calls are done through Microsoft Teams - I couldn't see an immediate speech to text option (like YT has) but there must be an option so I can keep sound low but be aided with captions. I'll get researching!
        Mar 26, 2023
        Sammy0225 likes this.
      4. Jupiterman
        @Sammy0225 that CC captions for cell phone seems like a good idea. Do you have the name of the App?
        Mar 26, 2023
    21. ErikaS
      Any improvement yet, @DeanD ??
      1. Jsm_Joestar and Strawberryblonde like this.
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      3. DeanD
        Looks like I may have been a little optimistic with the softening of t, after a short quiet call with gf it went from hissing back to tonal after sleep and ear crackling now even louder (if that was even possible).
        Throat tightening back to being really bad, plus woke after 1 hour sleep gasping for breath jumping out of bed, which is the first time in 2 weeks.
        Just had enough now. Sorry for the rant!
        Mar 18, 2023
        Strawberryblonde likes this.
      4. ErikaS
        I feel like this is definitely a domino affect of aggravated nerves that send other agggrivated/fight or flight signals to nerves and muscles around the neck and face. So so wrong, and what is SO beyond frustrating with anything brain related, progress isn’t always linear. I really hope you can get some sleep and it reset for you !
        Mar 18, 2023
        Strawberryblonde likes this.
      5. DeanD
        @ErikaS - yes that has been my suspicion but trying to get diagnosed for that is near to impossible, especially as I had a camera down my throat two weeks ago and nothing was found.
        I think before when this happened it was acid reflux, this time though I do believe a nerve issue, as the feelings are different.
        Am not going to taken seriously now - and I thought I was suffering when it was just severe t and h!
        Mar 18, 2023
        Strawberryblonde likes this.
    22. DeanD
      I still have no idea if I have hyperacusis? Internal sounds are very loud, but external noises are not. Tinnitus spikes to 25db in earplugs!
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      2. Sammy0225
        By higher spectrum of noises I mean, telephone calls, Street noise, creaking door, computer keyboard inputs, fans. The list goes on but I feel if you can make progress with higher frequency noises your spikes should follow suit. Sorry about the custom molds I definitely think you can still make decent progress.
        Mar 16, 2023
        DeanD and Strawberryblonde like this.
      3. Sammy0225
        From reading your last few post I think the molding of the ears plugs irritated the TTTS which in return messed with reactivity and Tinnitus. This new increase in Volume sounds like a spike from inflammation from the custom fitting. Give it a week or two it should calm bk down @DeanD
        Mar 16, 2023
        DeanD, ErikaS and Strawberryblonde like this.
      4. DeanD
        Yeah I agree with all you've said @Sammy0225, and makes sense. I'm around more noises, although still with ear plugs half in (which strangely seems to help), and have started back to work online a few hours a day, so hopefully if there is desentization of higher frequencies it can come through that
        Mar 17, 2023
    23. DeanD
      Tinnitus jumped in volume overnight after sleep. Twice as loud as yesterday, such a noticeable increase. Can't hear things I could before.
      1. Strawberryblonde likes this.
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      3. Strawberryblonde
        Ear nerves are probably sensitive from the fitting and will take more than average to get back to a normal state. @DeanD hope the prednisolone does its thing of you manage to get it :)
        Mar 14, 2023
      4. Marshall
        Prednisone is like playing Russian roulette with tinnitus. I lost when I took it. Don’t be to quick to make a decision
        Mar 14, 2023
      5. DeanD
        @Marshall - Im sorry you got worse on it, and I appreciate the heads up
        Mar 15, 2023
    24. DeanD
      After 5 months I was meant to return to work today. Was feeling better. T now worse than ever after custom ear plug mould fitting a week ago
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      2. ErikaS
        @DeanD this could be an awful spike that will take a couple weeks to calm down. As it seems so nerve related and easily inflamed, maybe consider something like Gabapentin that others have had some success with. I myself considered it and always know it’s an option to bring up. I know you’ve been steering clear of meds, but just trying to think of something that could help you as you’re in your current state.
        Mar 13, 2023
        DeanD and Strawberryblonde like this.
      3. DeanD
        @ErikaS - thanks for reaching out. Yes, its soul destroying. I really should have just been focusing on getting back to work to provide for my family instead of sodding about with ear plugs. I just wanted 25% of my life back.
        I am trying to cling to that hope, but this spike is a little different to all others.
        Mar 13, 2023
        Strawberryblonde likes this.
      4. DeanD
        My previous spikes all had an element of ups and downs. This one doesn't and has been constant.
        Also the ear crackling increased at the same time and now so loud when swallowing it can hurt. Ear crackle increases have happened twice before (Dec and Jan) both times it increased the pitch of tinnitus, but they have never come back down.
        Now the pitch is shrieking and piercing, I don't really have much confidence.
        Mar 13, 2023
        Strawberryblonde likes this.
    25. DeanD
      I was in a good place and destroyed my life once again getting custom ear plug moulds. Tinnitus screaming much worse than before. Not coping
      1. sakrt likes this.
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      3. Marshall
        You’ll get used to it. You’ll figure out a way to take them out without suction. I promise. Also how did the molding mess you up? Did they yank it out?
        Mar 14, 2023
      4. DeanD
        @Marshall - well I havent actually been able to try the plugs as they are still being manufactured. I dont think I can get used to this one. 5th worsening in 5 months and this one is piercing.
        No the procedure was relatively quiet, no suction when removing the moulds but it was uncomfortable when the putty was squeezed in to the ear canal
        Mar 15, 2023
      5. DeanD
        It was later than day I noticed tinnitus had ramped up, and the ear crackling much more severe.
        Mar 15, 2023
    26. DeanD
      Can you really get a major spike from a custom ear plug mould fitting when there was hardly any sound involved??
      1. Strawberryblonde likes this.
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      3. Strawberryblonde
        i use muffs to hoover the mess up at work so i know the feeling of being looked at lol. What works for one on here has the opposite effect on another. Hopefully this setback goes as quick as it came @DeanD
        Mar 9, 2023
      4. Ngo13
        I got a spike from my custom earplugs fitting but it went down back to baseline after a week or two.
        Mar 10, 2023
        Strawberryblonde and DeanD like this.
      5. DeanD
        @Ngo13 - it's tough living and learning with this. Had I known a spike was even possible I wouldn't have gone ahead. I thought it was safe and my reactivity had gotten better. There was no noise, and I've only ever increased with loud noise.
        Worst part is it has made my ear crackle sound so loud it hurts my ears.
        Mar 10, 2023
        Ngo13 and Strawberryblonde like this.
    27. Strawberryblonde
      How have you been managing and coping @DeanD ? :)
      1. Damocles likes this.
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      3. Strawberryblonde
        Im doing ok just got a bit of ear canal pain from an ear plug pushed in too far i think. Could also be neuralgia too as its on one side of my head and extremely painful when it flares up.
        Mar 9, 2023
      4. DeanD
        @Strawberryblonde - aww Im really sorry to hear that, I hope that settles down for you too!
        Mar 9, 2023
        Strawberryblonde likes this.
      5. Strawberryblonde
        Mar 9, 2023
    28. ErikaS
      Thinking of you often @DeanD .. what’s coming up for you in terms of doc appointments? Sending you strength and endurance.
      1. Sammy0225 likes this.
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      3. ErikaS
        Oh wow @DeanD !! first off I am SO happy physical symptoms have subsided. Thank God! And you were going back to work?? What an improvement.. I am so so sorry to hear about the darn spike! When is the last time you had a spike ? Did it decrease at all from a previous spike before this one?
        Mar 9, 2023
        Sammy0225 likes this.
      4. DeanD
        @ErikaS - yes lol, Im not really sure what happened. I split with my gf and moved back in with parents. It's noisier, and I have to wear plugs most of the day, but maybe being exposed to more noise helped. T was still there, loud but softer, certainly more liveable.
        I guess the last spike was a few weeks ago.
        I can only imagine my other spikes decreased a little, its sometimes difficult to tell.
        Mar 9, 2023
        Sammy0225 likes this.
      5. Sammy0225
        @DeanD the same thing happened to me I was kinda forced into a noisy environment and the spikes started subsiding. You can get back to this again.
        Mar 16, 2023
    29. DeanD
      Took Melatonin 3 hours ago. It seems to have created a spike. The insomnia is brutal. T Volume is literally off the charts. Totally lost.
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      2. ErnieMassri
        DeanD has your tinnitus spike subsided? I'm taking Melatonin and it does seem to calm my tinnitus. Besides Melatonin, are you taking any medication like benzos, antihistamines, etc?
        Feb 11, 2023
      3. DeanD
        @ErnieMassri - not really I don't think. I only took the one tablet. That, or something else, gave me acid reflux which burnt my mouth, throat and voicebox and ended up in hospital. Pretty brutal :(. Nope, I'm not taking any medications at the moment. Trying to stay med free
        Feb 14, 2023
        ErnieMassri and Sammy0225 like this.
      4. Samy
        For me melatonin helps tremendously. It does nothing for my tinnitus, but I can’t sleep without it. I hope you are ok now!
        Feb 14, 2023
        ErnieMassri likes this.
    30. DeanD
      Tinnitus 10x louder in a week. H gone crazy. Louder and piercing like a smoke alarm. Sleep impossible even with meds. No fight left.
      1. NYCGuy, JPGL, Sammy0225 and 1 other person like this.
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      3. Strawberryblonde
        So sorry to hear of your suffering. Definitely get some melatonin it seems to benefit some on here and is more natural than prescription meds.
        Feb 8, 2023
        tpj likes this.
      4. Jupiterman
        What do you think caused it to increase ten times in one week?
        Feb 8, 2023
        JPGL likes this.
      5. DeanD
        @Jupiterman - either the Zopiclone, or the last acoustic accident 3 weeks ago still playing a part or has lowered tolerance to really low db levels
        Feb 8, 2023
        Sammy0225 and JPGL like this.
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  • About

    Tinnitus Since:
    Mild since 1982 - then Severe Oct 2022
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    Microsuction (Oct 2022)